Page:1644 Anabaptist Confession of Faith.djvu/18

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That being thus joyned, every Church has a power given them from Chrift for their better well-being, to choofe to themſelves meet perfons into the office of b Paftors, Teachers, Elders, Deacons, being qualified according to the Word, as thofe which Chrift has appointed in his Teftament, for the feeding, governing, ferving, and building up of his Church, and that none other have power to impofe them, either thefe or any other.

a A&s 1. 2. & 6.3. with 15.22.25 1 Cor. 16. 3. b Rom. 12.7,8 & 16.I. 1 Cor.12.8.28 Tim.3.chap. Heb. 13.7. I Pet.5.1,3,3


That the Minifters aforefaid, lawfully called by the Church, where they are to adminifter, ought to continue in their calling, according to Gods Ordinance, and carefully to feed the flock of Chrift committed to them, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready minde.

Heb. 5.4. A&s 4.23. I Tim. 4.14. Joh. 10, 3, 4. A&s 30. 28. Rom.13.7,8. Heb.13.7.17.


That the due maintenance of the Officers aforefaid, fhould be the free and voluntary communication of the Church, that according to Chrifts Ordinance, they that preach the Gofpel, fhould live on the Gofpel, and not by constraint to be compelled from the people by a forced Law.

Cor.9.7.14. Gal.6.6. 1 Thef. 5.13. Tim. 5.17, 18. Phil.4.15,16.


That Baptifme is an Ordinance of the new Teftament, given by Chrift,to be difpenfed onely upon perfons pro Mat.18.18,19 Mark, 16, 16.