Page:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf/356

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A TABLE of the Titles of the ACTS.
Chap. 64. An Act, impowring Johanna Peterſon, Widow of Thomas Peterſon,late of Albemarle County, Eſq; to make Sale of certain Lands, late belonging to the ſaid Thomas Peterſon; and to make other Proviſion for Anna, the Daughter of the ſaid Thomas Peterfon, to whom the Said Lands do deſcend, 40
Chap. 65 An Act, confirming the Titles, of sundry Perſons who have, or hereafter may purchaſe Lands of Col. Thomas Cary, in Bath County, 41
ACT paſſed 1720.
Chap. 6 An Act, to confirm a Decree made in the Court of Chancery of this Province, upon a Bill of Complaint exhibited by William Duckenfield, Eſq; 44
ACTS paſſed 1722.
Chap. 1 An Act, for a Road from Core-Point, on Pamptico, to Newhern, 47
Chap. 3 An additional Act; to an Act, intituled, An Act appointing Toll-Books, 48
Chap. 5 An Act, appointing that Part of Albemarle County lying on the Weſt Side of Chowan River, to be a Precinct, by the Name of Bertie Precinct, 49
Chap. 7 An Act, appointing that Part of the Southwell Pariſh of Chowan that lies on the South Shore, and Alligator, to be a distinct Pariſh, by the Name of the South Pariſh of Chowan; and for appointing Veſtrymen for the ſaid Pariſh, 50
Chap. 8 An Act, for ſettling the Precinct Courts, and Court-houſes, 51
ACTS paſſſed 1723.
Chap. 4 An Act, for ſettling the Titles and Bounds of Lands, 54
Chap. 5 An Act, for an additional Tax on all free Negroes, Mulattoes, Muftees, and ſuch Perſons, Male and Female, as now are, or hereafter ſhall be, intermarried with any ſuch Perſons, reſident in this Government, 56
Chap. 10 An additional Act to an Act, intituled, An Act, concerning proving Wills, end granting Letters of Adminiſtration; and to prevent Frauds in the Management Inteſtate Eſtates, 58
Chap. 11 An Act, to reſtrain the keeping too great a Number of Horſes and Mares, and for amending the Breed, 59
Chap. 13 An Act, for the better ſettling the Town o Newhern, in the Precinct of Craven,61
Chap. 15 An Act, for incorporating the Sea Port of Beaufort, in Craven Precind, into a Townſhip, by the Name of Beaufort, 62
Chap. 7 An Act, to appoint the Northweſt Part of Bertie Precinct a dictinct Pariſh, by the Name of the Northweſt Pariſh of Bertie Precinct, and for appointing Veſtrymen for the ſaid Pariſh, and to appoint Commiſſioners in every Pariſh in this Government, to call the Churchwardens and Veſtry to Account, for the Pariſh Money by them received, 68
Chap. 2 An Act, for the more quiet ſettling the Bounds of the Meherrin Indians Lands, 71
Chap. 3 An Act, to make Hyde Precinct ſeparate from Beaufort Precinct, with Power of erecting a Court-houſe, and holding Courts, 72
Chap. 4 An Act, to appoint that Part of Albemarle County, lying on the South Side of Albemarle Sound, and Morattuck River, as, high as the Rain-bow Banks, to be a Precinct, by the Name of Tyrel Precinct, 73
Chap. 5 An additional Act to an Act, for appointing Toll-Books, and for preventing People from driving Horses, Cattle, or Hogs, to other Persons Lands, 74
Chap. 6 An Act, for the more effectual and speedy putting in Execution the Act for settling the Titles and Bounds of Peoples Lands, 76
Chap. 7 An Act, to confirm Bath-Town Common, 76