Page:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf/362

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A TABLE of the Titles of the ACTS.


Chap. 2 An Act, for Erecting the Upper Part of Bladen County into a County and Parish, by the Name of Anson County, and St. Georges's Parish; and for appointing a Place for building a Court-house, Prison, and Stocks, in the said County, 319.

Chap. 3 An additional Act to an Act, for obtaining an exact List of Taxables; and for the effectual Collecting as well all Arrears of Taxes, as all other Taxes, for the future due and payable, 320

Chap. 4 An Act to enable the justices of the several Counties to provide certain Law Books, for the Use of their County Courts, 321

Chap. 5 An Act, to encourage Michael Higgins to build a Bridge over Trent River, near Wickliff's Ferry, in Craven County, 322

Chap. 6 An Act, for appointing and laying out a Town on the Plantation of Mr. Samuel Jordan, on the North Side of Roanoake River, in Northampton County; and for Establishing Two Fairs to be held Annually therein, 323

Chap. 7 An additional Act to an Act, intituled, An Act, to fix a Place for the Seat of Government, and for keeping Public Offices; for appointing Circuit Courts, and defraying the Expence thereof; and also, for Establishing the Courts of Justice, and regulating the Proceedings therein, 324

ACTS passed 1750.

Chap. 1 An Act, to appoint a Public Treasurer, in the Room of Eleazer Allen, Esq; deceased, 327

Chap. 2 An Act, to repeal Part of a Clause in Act, intituled, An Act, for forming a Rent-Roll of all the Lands holden in this Province, for quieting the Inhabitants in their Posesions, and for directing the Payment of Quit-Rents, 329

Chap. 3 An Act, for increasing the Allowance given to the Attorney-General, for his Trouble and Expences in riding the Circuits, 330