Page:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf/9

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Captain-General, Governor and Commander in Chief, in and over his Majeſty's Province of North-Carolina, and Vice-Admiral of the ſame.

May it pleaſe Your Excellency,

COL. Moſeley, the other Commiſſioner concerned with me, in the Collecting, Compiling, Reviſing, and Printing the LAWS in Force in this Province, being dead, I alone bed Leave to Dedicate Them to Your Excellency, as their Patron and Protector; under whoſe wiſe and prudent Adminiſtration, the greateſt Part of the beſt of them have been formed.

FROM the known Benevolence of your Diſpoſition, I am ſatisfied, it muſt give You great Pleaſure, Sir, That this WORK, ſo repeatedly recommended to the General Aſſembly of this Province, and ſo long and earneſtly deſir’d by You; hath been carried on by Your favourable influence, and finiſhed during Your Government.

ALTHO’ the Subſtance of each Law, and Clauſe of every Law, in Force, is ſtrictly preſerved; yet, I am ſenſible, they fall greatly ſhort of that Correctness of Stile and Diction, which may be expected in a Work of this Nature; and, in thoſe Points, will not ſtand an Examination, eſpecially of ſo diſcerning a Judge as Your Excellency; But as You are well acquainted with the many Difficulties which attended us, in the performing of this Service for the Publick, I hope our defects will by You be favourably conſidered.

I am Your Excellecy’s Moſt Dutiful and Obedient Humble Servant,