Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/109

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time and shall be the sole judge of the elections and qualifications of its members. The President and all officers of said convention shall take and subscribe an oath to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of their respective offices.

§ 4. Constitution—election.] Said convention, after its organization shall proceed to form and draft a constitution, republican in form, for that part of Dakota north of the seventh standard parallel, in which shall be defined the boundaries of the proposed state. It shall be the further duty of said convention to provide for an election by the people of the proposed state, at which election the said constitution shall be submitted to the people for ratification; and at which election the state officers, member of congress, members of the legislature, and all other elective officers provided for in said constitution shall be elected; and the said convention shall have power to provide all necessary means for holding said election, and for assembling said legislature when elected, and for carrying into effect all the purposes of said constitution; provided, that the expenses of all special elections under the provisions of this act of any ordinance of said convention shall be paid by each county in said Territory respectively.

§ 5. Compensation.] The delegates to the said constitutional convention shall each receive a per diem of five dollars ($5.00) for each day's attendance upon said convention, and five cents a mile for each mile. necessarily traveled in going to and returning from said convention; said per diem and mileage to be paid by the Territorial Treasurer upon the warrant of the Territorial Auditor.

§ 6. Auditing accounts.] The Territorial Auditor is hereby authorized to audit and allow the accounta of the several delegates to said convention, upon certificate of the presiding officer of said convention, countersigned by the secretary thereof.

§ 7. Officers of convention.] The convention shall have power to elect all officers necessary to the convenience of said convention in the proper discharge of business, and may elect stenographers, messengers, clerks and janitor, each of. whom shall receive such compensation as the convention shall determine, to be audited and paid in the same manner as the accounts of the members of the convention are audited and paid. Provided, that said convention before its adjournment shall ascertain the entire expense of holding the same, including the per diem and mileage of its members, compensation of its officers, and all necessary expenses, and shall certify the same under the hand of the presiding officer of said convention, and attested by the secretary thereof, to the Secretary of the Territory, and which shall be filed by the said Secretary of the Territory in his office, and be kept asa record thereof, and it is hereby made the duty of the several boards of county commissioners of the counties north of the Seventh Standard Parallel to cause to be levied and collected a special tax sufficient to pay all of said expenses, which tax shall be apportioned among the $aid counties by the Territorial