Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/117

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a court house or jailor both, under the restrictions and according to the provisions of this act.

§ 2. Limit.] No county shall issue its bonds under the provisions of this act, in excess of four per cent of its valuation according to the last assessment thereof, and including all the outstanding indebtedness of such county at the time of issuing such bonds.

§ 3. Election.] Whenever, in the judgment of a majority of the beard of county commissioners in any county which comes under the provisions of this act, such county has insufficieut er inadequate buildings for its use for court house or jail, or both, such board may order an eleetion for the purpose of determining by a vote of the electors of such ceunty the question of issuing its bonds for the purpose of the erection of a court house or jail, or both, as by this aet provided, including the purchase of a site for such court house, jail, or both, at such county seat, if none is provided. Such election shall be held in the manner and upon the notice pre- scribed by law for other elections, but the published aud pested netices of auch election shall state ity object, the amount of bonds to be issued, the denominations of such bonds, the length of time for whieh they shall run, and the rate of interest which they shall bear, and the ballots shall have printed or written or partly printed and partly written thereon **Fer issue of bonds,” or “Against issue of bonds," and if a majority of the ballots so cast shall be for the issue of bonds, then the county commissioners shall issue and dispose of said bonds, as previded by this act, and erect a court house or jail, or both, for the use of such county according to the provisions of this act.

§ 4. Contracts.] The board of county cemmissioners of any ceunty erecting county buildings under the provisions of this act shall have power to purchase ground for site if necessary, let contracts for the building and completion ef such court house or jail, or both, and the buildings connected therewith, and shall have the entire supervision of its construction: Provided, that all contracts connected with the erection of said buildings shall be let to the lowest and best bidder, after notices of the letting of such contracts shall have been published in at least one ef the leading newspapers of such county, and in case there are no newspapers in such county, then in one of the leading newspapers in some adjoining county, for at least ence a week for four censecutive weeks, before the letting of said contracts, and the board shall have power to reject any or all bids.

§ 5. Auditors.] The ceunty clerk or auditor, county treasurer and some qualified elector and freehelder of such county appointed by the board of county commisaioners outside of their own number, shall aet as a board of auditors to audit aecounts of such board of county commissioners in connection with the erection of county buildings, pursuant to the provisions of this act, and said board of auditors shall receive for their services the sum of $3.00 each for every