Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/239

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application of laws 58

capital stock 58-9

financial statements 59

exemption from taxes 60

application of foreign association 60



power to erect buildings and issue bonds 61

limit 62

election 62

contracts 62

auditors 62-3

form of bonds 63

tax levy 63

payment 63

registry 64

bonds negotiable 64

funding bonds 64

power of counties extended 64

power to bond for seed wheat 65-9

petition to county board 65

issue bonds 65

sale bonds 66

proceeds bonds 66

treasurer’s bond 66

tax levy 66

registry 66

purchase seed wheat 66-7

lien on crop 67

application seed lien law 67

residue of fund 67

general fund 67

notice by commissioners 67-8

appropriation of fund 68

affidavit 68

application for seed 68

limit of time 68-9

condition of issuance of bonds 69

when payable 69

notice in weekly papers 69

misdemeanor 69

amendment of seed wheat bond act 70

time when due 70

funding bonds—time changed 70-1

outstanding orders 71-2

power of commissioners 71

form of bonds 71

exchange or sale 71-2

tax 72

payment 72

registry 72

negotiable 72

boundaries of Butte county 73

boundaries of Harding county 73

quarterly statement 74

contract for fuel, etc. 75

taxes placed in one column 75

transfer of funds 76

salary of county auditor 76-7

re-location of county seats 77-9

counties which may 77