Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/6

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to time, as they deem just and proper, but the members of either house, as authorized by law, shall not be increased.

Sec. 1851. The legislative power of every territory shall extend to all rightful subjects of legislation not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States. But no law shall be passed interfering with the primary disposal of the soil: no tax shall be imposed upon the property of the United States, nor shall the lands or other property of non-residents be taxed higher than the lands or other property of residents.

Sec. 1925. In addition to the restrictions upon the legislative power of the territories, contained in the preceding chapter, section eighteen hundred and fifty-one, the legislative assemblies of Colorado, Dakota and Wyoming shall not pass any law impairing the right of private property, nor make any discrimination in taxing different kinds of property; but all property subject to taxation shall be taxed in proportion to its value.

Be it enacted, etc. That section eighteen hundred and fifty-two be, and the same hereby is, so amended as to read as follows:

Sec. 1852. The sessions of the legislative assemblies of the several territories of the United States shall be limited to sixty days' duration.” (Approved December 28, 1880.)

Hereafter no extraordinary session of the legislature of any territory, wherever the same is now authorized by law, shall be called until the reasons for the same have been presented to the president of the United States, and his approval thereof has been duly given. (Part of Act Approved June 22, 1874.)

That from and after the adjournment of the next session of the several territorial legislatures, the council of each of the territories of the United States, shall not exceed twelve members, and the house of representatives of each, shall not exceed twenty-four members, and the members of each branch of the said several legislatures, shall receive à compensation of four dollars per day each during the sessions provided by law, and shall receive such mileage as the law provides; and the president of the council and the speaker of the house of representatives shall each receive six dollars per day for the same time.

And the several legislatures at their next sessions are directed to divide their respective territories into as many council and гергеsentative districts as they desire, which districts shall be as nearly equal as practicable, taking into consideration population (except Indians not taxed;) Provided, the number of council districts shall not exceed twenty-four in any one of said territories, and all parts of sections eighteen hundred and forty-seven, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and nineteen hundred