Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/64

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shall be entitled to one and one-half votes; in counties having three agricultural societies, each society may appoint one delegate, and if either society shall neglect or refuse to appoint such delegate, the delegate or delegates appointed shall be entitled to cast the full vote of the county; and in counties where no agricultural society exists the delegates may be appointed by the board of supervisors or county board as the case may be, each county to be entitled to three votes and no more, and each union or district agricultural society shall be accredited to that county in which its fair grounds or the greater part thereof shall be located. Delegates so chosen, shall meet and cast their votes for their respective members on the fair grounds on the Wednesday of the week of the annual fairs. In case of a tie election it shall be decided by chance. The members of said district boards shall enter upon the duties of their office on the second Tuesday of January succeeding their election, and hold office for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. The district boards may fill any vacancy arising from any cause by appointment, from the district in which the vacancy may occur. All that portion of the Territory of Dakota lying south of the Seventh standard parallel shall be styled and known as district number one, and all that portion of the Territory of Dakota lying north of said parallel shall be styled and known as district number two.

§ 5. Powers of district boards.] The district boards of agriculture in their respective names may contract and be contracted with; may hold meetings for the necessary transaction of business; may purchase, hold or sell property; may sue or be sued in all courts of justice; may hold district fairs, farmers’ institutes, and fat stock shows, at such times and places, as the board may determine, but this Territory shall never be liable for any debt or contract of said board.

§ 6. Boards have control.] The district boards of agriculture shall have the sole control of the affairs of the Department of Agriculture of all district fairs, farmers’ institutes, and fat stock shows, and may make such by-laws and rules and regulations in relation to the Department of Agriculture and the management of the business of such department, and district fairs, farmers’ institutes, and fat stock shows, and offering of premiums, as a majority of said board shall from time to time determine, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the Territory or of the United States.

§ 7. Monies appropriated.] There shall be and is hereby annually appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ten thousand dollars, which said sum shall be paid in equal moieties to the district boards of agriculture, and which shall be used only in the payment of premiums and expenses contingent upon the holding of annual fairs, Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize the expenditure of any of said moneys for the purchase of real estate, or the erection of any building or buildings.

1889— 2