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still remain. The only tomb here was a sarcophagus, of harbour directly connected by railway with the centres which the broken front bears the letters which show it of sulphur production. Architecturally it is the most modern and regularly built Sicilian town, since it has to have been the epitaph of one of the Acilian family :— several times been rebuilt in consequence of earthquakes. ACILIO GLABRIONI FILIO In 1885 the university was raised from second to firstIn the vicinity are fragments of the epitaphs of class status, and faculties of philosophy and letters, and Manius Acilius and Priscilla, of Quintus Acilius and natural science and mathematics were added to those of Caia Acilia in Greek, another Greek inscription “Acilius jurisprudence and medicine and surgery, which it already Itufinus mayest thou live in God.” After careful possessed. The Comorzio Universitario, founded by the examination of the nine Acilii, who were consuls, local and provincial authorities for the improvement De Rossi concludes that this was the resting-place of of the university, established, with the aid of private that Acilius Glabrio, consul with Trajan, a.d. 91, munificence, a geographical museum, and has obtained who in the year of his consulate was compelled by for the university the so-called “ Rocks of the Cyclops ” Domitian to fight with beasts in the arena, and then for geological studies, and has also begun an archaeobanished, and put to death in 95. The question of logical museum. These efforts have been so successhis Christianity seems settled by the discovery of the ful that in 1899 the university counted 42 official and sepulchre of these Christian Acilii. From this crypt a 40 free professors (liberi docenti), while there were staircase led up to the basilica in which Pope Sylvester was 968 students, as compared with 535 in 1890. In buried, and the whole plan of which was laid bare by 1898, 6406 vessels of 2,466,787 tons entered and De Rossi. The tomb of St Sylvester could be identified, cleared, loading and unloading 433,150 tons of goods. and that of Pope Siricius “ at his feet,” as the pilgrim Little change in the volume of the trade has taken place of recent years. The vicinity of Etna, and the beauty of noted (Bullett., 1890, pp. 106-119). Just before De Rossi’s death. Mgr. Wilpert discovered the city and its surroundings, attract large numbers of in the Capella Greca a painting of the “ Fractio foreign visitors every year. Catania is also within easy Fanis” or Eucharistic Feast, which he cleansed from reach of Syracuse and its Greek remains, and also of the the dust with which it had been covered. The picture extremely interesting archaeological site of Taormina. of the Blessed Virgin and Child, which De Rossi Population, of town (1881) 100,417, (1901) 149,694; of (g. mo.) ascribed to the 2nd, if not to the 1st century, province (1881) 563,457, (1901) 711,923. has received an unexpected proof of its antiquity. In Ctflta.nza.rOi a town and episcopal see of Calabria, 1890 the floor of the gallery in which it stands was Italy, capital of the province of Catanzaro, 5 miles from excavated, and another floor was found to be 6 feet the Ionian Sea, and 110 miles by rail N.E. from Reggio. below its supposed level. The loculi in this lower University classes are held in law, medicine, and pharportion were intact, with inscriptions of the 2nd macy. There is a coasting trade in wine, olive oil, and century still in their places, proving that the niche in cereals, the port being cleared by 105 vessels of 58,530 which that picture was painted must have been con- tons in 1897. Population (1881), 24,094; (1901), 31,887. siderably older than the lowering of the floor. A flight Catholic Apostolic Church, The.—This of iron steps enables the visitor now to examine this community (the title “ Irvingites ” is repudiated) has not venerable specimen of early Christian art. Since the death of De Rossi, one of his pupils, M. Stevenson, changed recently in general constitution or doctrine. since dead, discovered in 1896 a small subterranean basilica in the The community does not publish statistics. Its growth Catacomb of St Peter and Marcellinus on the Via Labicana, with during late years is said to have been more marked pious acclamations on the plaster similar to those in the in Germany and elsewhere than in Great Britain. Papal crypt in St Callixtus. Near the well-known subterranean chapel in the Ccemeterium Ostrianum was discovered by Mgr. The sketch of the constitution given in the ninth Crosterosa, in 1877, another chapel, in which Signor Armellini edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, prescribing the found traces of St Emerentiana, foster-sister of St Agnes. Near 12 “prophets,” 12 “evangelists,” 12 “pastors,” and the this a whole region of galleries has been brought to light, with 24 priests for each church, is an ideal outline which has loculi intact. Glass has been placed before them, so that their never been fulfilled. There has never been a “ central contents can be examined on the spot. Authorities.—De Rossi, Roma Solterranea, Tom. iii. ; JBul- episcopacy ” of 48. The “ Apostles ” alone have always lettino di Archeologia Cristiana, 1877 - 92; Bullettino Nuova, held the supreme authority, though for some years there 1895-1900. Rome.—Lanciani. Pagan and Christian Rome. Mac- have been “ coadjutors ” appointed to assist the one millan and Co., London.—Marucchi. Les Catacombes Romaines, surviving “ Apostle,” and to exercise the functions of the Desclees et Cie., Rome, Paris.—Mgr. Wilpert. Fractio Fanis. “ Apostolate.” The last “Apostle” died on 3rd February Rome.—De Rossi’s fourth volume contains a full account of the Cemetery of St Domitilla. The works of Lanciani and Marucchi 1901. No readjustment of the constitution had been should be studied by those unable to consult De Rossi’s great made up to the autumn of that year. work. (►Bw. R. B.) Catskill, a village of New York, U.S.A., capital Cat am area, a province in the west of the Argen- of Greene county, situated in 42° 13' N. lat. and 73 52 tine Republic. It is bounded on the N. by Salta and W. long., on the western bank of Hudson river, in the Tucuman, on the W. by Chile, on the E. by Santiago del eastern part of the state. It is entered by the West Estero and Cordoba, on the S. by La Rioja. The official Shore railway. The site is hilly and the street plan area at the census of 1895 was 47,531 square miles. The irregular. Several steamboat lines connect Catskill with population in 1869 was 79,962; in 1895 it was 90,161. New York, Albany, and other river points. Population The province is divided into fifteen departments. In 1895 (1880), 4320; (1890), 4920; (1900), 5484 (657 foreignthere were 6834 farms, and 39,051 acres planted in cereals. born, and 304 negroes). The capital, Catamarca, had a population in 1895 of 7397. CattarO, the chief town of the government district Catania, a city of Italy, in the province of Catania, of the same name in Dalmatia, Austria. In 1890 the on the eastern coast of Sicily, near the foot of Mount population of the town was 3329, and of the commune Etna. Both population and trade underwent a remark- 5435, mainly Slav, with a considerable German minority. able increase between 1865 and 1880, during which It has a garrison of 1035 men. There is a steamboat service period Catania was the only large Sicilian city with a to Trieste, and a road to Cettigne. Cattaro was the