Page:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 27 - CHI-ELD.pdf/98

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in February. Death of Ismail Pasha, March 2 (born, 1830). Death of Professor Blackie, March 2 (born, 1809). Niu-chwang captured by Japanese, March 4. Sir R. Low s advance to relieve Chitral begun, April 1. Mr Gully appointed Speaker to succeed Lord Peel April 10. Treaty of Shimonoseki signed, April 15. Chitral relieved by Colonel Kelly, April 20. Death ol Lord Selborne, May 4 (born, 1812). French expedition under General Duchesne arrives at Madagascar, May 6. Kiel Canal opened, June 21. Resignation of the Rosebery Ministry June 22 Lord Salisbury appointed Prime Minister, June 2o Death of T H Hnxlev June 29 (born, 1825). Parliament dissolved, July 12. Murderousassault on M. Stambuloff, July 15; he died July 19 Cborn 1852). Death of Professor von Cneist, July 21 (born, 1816)* Anglo-Russian Pamirs Commission completes its work, September 18. Death of M. Pasteur, September 28 (born, 1822) Antananarivo captured by the French, September 30. Loid Wolseley became Commander - in - Chief, November 1. Clyde shipping strike, November 6. Sir F. Scott, commanding Ashanti expedition against King Prempeh, leaves England, November 22. Death of Barthelemy St Hilaire, November 2o (born, 1800). Death of A. Dumas, fils, November 27 (born, 1824). Jabez Balfour sentenced for Liberator frauds, November 28. Defeat of Italians in Abyssinia, December 7. President Clevelands Venezuela message to Congress, December 17. Dr Jameson with Chartered Company’s troops invades the Transvaal, December 29. 1896. Mr Alfred Austin made Poet Laureate, January 1. Dr. Jameson’s force defeated by the Boers near Krugersdorp, January 1. Surrender of Dr Jameson, January 2. Kaiser’s telegram to Kruger published, January 3. Resignation of Mr Rhodes as Premier of Cape Colony, January 6. Dr Jameson and officers surrendered by Boers to British authorities, January 7. British flying squadron commissioned, January 7. Death of Paul Verlaine° January 8 (aged 51). Arrest of Johannesburg reformers, January 9, 10. Anglo-French difficulty regarding Siam settled, January 15. Kumassi occupied by British, January 18. Death of Prince Henry of Battenberg, January 20 (born 1858). _ Clyde shipping strike settled, January 21. Death of Lord Leighton, January 24 (born, 1830). General Weyler^leaves Spain to command against rebels in Cuba, January 25. Sir J. E. Millais elected President of the Royal Academy, February 20. Mr Steyn made President of the Orange Free State, February 21. Italians defeated by Abyssinians at Adovva, March 1. General Kitchener leaves Cairo to command Dongola expedition, March 22. Rising of the Matabele, March 25. Li Hung-chang left China to visit Europe, March 28. Johannesburg reformers sentenced, Aprd 28 ; death sentences commuted same day. Major Lothaire acquitted in connexion with the hanging of Mr Stokes, April 28. Shah of Persia assassinated, May 1. Dervishes defeated near Akasheh, Sudan, May 1. Hungarian millenary exhibition, May 2. Matabele defeated at Gwelo, May 9. Tsar’s coronation, May 26. Dervishes defeated at Ferkeh, June 7. Death of Jules Simon, June 8 (born, 1814). Dr Jameson and officers committed for trial, June’15. Japanese towns destroyed by sea wave, June 15. Madagascar declared a French colony, June 20. Death of Mrs Beecher Stowe, July 1 (born, 1812). Dr Jameson and officers convicted under Foreign Enlistment Act, July 28. Li Hung-chang arrived in England, August 2. Defeat of the Matabele, August 5. Death of Sir J. E. Millais, August 13 (born, 1829). Conference by Mr Rhodes with Matabele chiefs, August 20 ; followed by submission of natives. Zanzibar bombarded by British, August 27. Massacre of Armenians in Constantinople, August 25-27. Death of Prince Lobanof, August 30 (born, 1824). Return of Dr Nansen to Christiania, September 9. Dongola occupied by Egyptian troops, September 23. Death of William Morris, October 3 (born, 1834). Tsar’s arrival in Paris, October 6. Death of Archbishop Benson, October 11 (born, 1829). Bishop Temple made Archbishop of Canterbury, October 26. Treaty of peace between Italy and Abyssinia, October 26. Mr M‘Kinley elected President of the United States, November 3. Anglo-American aoreement about Venezuela announced, November 9. RussoChinese treaty re Manchurian railway published, December 8. 1897. Unarmed British party attacked and massacred near Benin, January 2. Niger Company’s expedition against Nup4 and Horin starts, January 6. Olney-Pauncefote arbitration treaty signed, January 11. Death of Sir I. Pitman, January 22 (aged 84). Submission of Nupe, February 5. Greek force under Colonel Vassos landed in Crete, February 14. South Africa Committee’s sittings begun, February 16. Submission of Ilorin, February 18. Benin city captured by British, February 18. International force sent to Crete by the Powers, March 18. Death of Johannes Brahms, April 3 (aged 63). War declared by Turkey against Greece, April 17 Maluna Pass captured by the Turks, April 18. Canadian Differential Tariff Bill introduced, April 23. _ Greek retreat from Larissa April 25. Disastrous fire at a charity bazaar m Pans, causing great loss of life, including the Duchesse d Alen^on, May 4. Olney° Pauncefote arbitration treaty rejected by United States


Senate, May 5. Greek retreat from Phersala, May 6. Death of the Due d’Aumale, May 7 (born, 1822). Arrival of Sir A. Milner in South Africa as High Commissioner, May 7. Intervention of the Powers between Turkey and Greece, May 11. Disaster to a British force in the Tochi Valley, Indian frontier, June 10. Severe earthquakes in Assam and other parts of India, June 12. Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, June 22. British plague officials murdered near Bombay, June 22. Death of Mrs Oliphant, June 25 (born, 1828). Naval review at Spithead, June 26. -Death of Henri Meilhac, July 7 (aged 66). Herr Andree’s balloon expedition started for the North Pole, July 10. South Africa Committee’s report issued, July 13. Death of Jean Ingelow, July 20 (aged 71). Excitement over Klondike gold discoveries, July 23. Rising in the Swat Valley, July 26. ^Capture of Abu Hamed, Sudan, August 7. Assassination of Senor Canovas del Castillo, Spanish Premier, August 8. General cessation ot Swat Valley hostilities, August 21. Rising of Afridis, August 23. Arrival of President Faure at Kronstadt to visit the Tsar, August 23. Farewell luncheon on board the Pothuau at Kronstadt, August 26. Berber occupied by Egyptian troops, September 13. Severe fighting with the Mamunds, September 17. Preliminary treaty of peace between Turkey and Greece signed, September 18. General Weyler recalled from Cuba, October 8. Advance against Afridis begun by Sir W. Lockhart, October 19. Dargai heights stormed, October 20. Herr von Bulow appointed German Foreign Minister, October 22. Death of the Duchess ol Teck, October 27 (born, 1833). Dreyfus bordereau published by the Matin, November 10. Kiao-chow Bay occupied by Germans, November 14. Great fire in Cripplegate, November 19. Final treaty of peace between Turkey and Greece signed, December 4. Depaituie of Prince Henry of Prussia for China, December 16. Death ot Alphonse Daudet, December 16 (born, 1840). British retirement from Tirah highlands to winter quarters, about December 20. Famine and plague very severe in India during the year. 1898. Major Esterhazy acquitted of treason by court-martial, January 11. M. Zola’s letter, “ J’accuse,” published in the Aurore, January 13. Death of “Lewis Carroll,” January 14 (aged 65). Death of Mr C. P. Villiers, January 16 (born, 1802). Uganda rebels defeated, January 29. The United States warship Maine blown up in Havana harbour, February 15. M. Zola convicted for libel, February 23. Death of Sir Henry Bessemer, March 15 (born, 1813). Port Arthur and Ta-lien-wan ceded to Russia, March 23. Great coal strike in South Wales, April 1. Submission of Khaibar tribesmen, April 1 ; the frontier pacified. Wei-hai-wei ceded to Great Britain, April 2. Dervishes defeated on the Atbara, April 8. War between the United States and Spam, April 21. Spanish fleet at Manila destroyed by Commodore Dewey, May 1. Serious riots in Milan, May 7. Death of W. E. Gladstone, May 19 (born, 1809). Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera arrived at Santiago de Cuba, May 19. The Merrimac sunk jy Lieutenant Hobson at the entrance to Santiago harbour, Ume 3. Bankruptcy of Mr E. T. Hooley, June 8 Agreement with France re West Africa signed, June 14. Resignation or Meline, French Premier, June 15, succeeded by M. Bnsson. Death of Sir E. Burne-Jones, June 17 (born, 1833). Cervera s squadron destroyed by Admiral Sampson near Santiago, July 3. Major Marchand reached Fashoda, July 10. Santiago occupie by Americans, July 17. Death of Prince Bismarck, July 30 (born, 1815). Canadian preferential tariff in favour ot Great Britain came into operation, August 1. Sudanese troops decisively defeated in Uganda by Major Martyr, August 4 ; they had been in mutiny since October 1897. Spanish - American peace preliminaries settled, August 12. Manila surrendered to Americans August 13. United States and Canadian Conference at Quebec opened August 23. Tsar’s disarmament proposals issued, August 24. Suicide of Colonel Henry while under arrest for forging evidence in the Dreyfus case, August 30. Complete defeat of the Khalifa at Omdurman, September 2. Assassination of the Empress ot Austria at Geneva, September 10. Terrible hurricane in the West Indies, September 11. Death of Sir George Grey, September 19 (born 1812). Meeting between the Sirdar and Major Marchand at Fashoda, September 21. Coup d’etat in China, DowagerEmpress becoming regent, September 22. Dreyfus case remitted to the Court of Cassation, September 26. Death of Puvis de Chavannes, October 25 (aged 72). Resignation of M. Bnsson, October 25 ; succeeded by M. Ch. Dupuy. Arrival of the Kaiser at Haifa on his tour in the Holy Land, October 27. French Government decided to evacuate Fashoda, November 4. Prince George of Greece nominated High Commissioner of Crete, November 26. Spanish-American treaty of peace signed December 16. Death of William Black, December 10 (born, 1841). Withdrawal of Major Marchand from Fashoda, December 11. Retirement from the Liberal leadership by Sir W. Harcourt announced, December 13. Imperial penny postage came into force, December 25. Plague was again prevalent in India this year, especially m Bombay. 1899 Native disturbances in Samoa, January 1. Anglo-Egyptian agreement regarding the Sudan, January 19. Fighting at