Page:1920 - Engelsch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek DP.pdf/794

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  • P, [pî]: He is on his P's and Q's = op zijn "qui vive"; Mind your P's and Q's, for she is very black (= knorrig) this morning = pas op uw tellen; P. staat verkort voor page, participle, past, pole en port; Pa = Pennsylvania; Paint(ing); Pa(st) Part(iciple); Par(agraph); Parl(iament); Particip(ial); Pass(ive); Pat(rick); Pathol(ogical); P(atres) C(onscripti) = de beschreven vaderen; P(olice) C(onstable); P(rivy) C(ouncil); P(ai)d; Penn(sylvania); Pers(onal); Percent.(um) = percent; Perf(ect); Pet(er); Pharm(acy); Ph(ilosophiae) B(accalaureus); Ph(ilosophiae) D(octor); Phil(osophy); Phil. Trans. = Transactions of the Philosophical Society = Handelingen van het Wijsgeerig Genootschap; Philol(ogy); Philos(ophy); Photog(raphy); Phren(ology); Phys(ics); Physiol(ogy); Pinx(it) = hij (zij) heeft het geschilderd; P(oet) L(aureate); P(oor) L(aw) C(ommissioners); Plu(ral); Plup(erfect); P(ost) M(eridiem) = na den middag; P(ost) M(aster) G(eneral); P(ost) O(ffice); P(eninsular &) O(riental Steam Navigation) Co(mpany); Poet(ry); Pol(ish); Polit(ical Econ(omy); P(ost) O(ffice) M(oney) O(rder); Pop(ulation); Port(ugal); Poss(essive); Pph = Pamphlet; Pr(esent, Prince of Priest); Pr(esent) Par(ticiple); P(resident of the) R(oyal) A(cademy); Pref(ix of Preface); Prep(osition); Pres(ent); Pret(erite); Prim(ary); Print(ing); Prob(lem); Prof(essor); Prop(osition); Pro temp(ore) = voor het oogenblik; Prov(erb); Prox(imo = volgende maand); P(resident of the) R(oyal) S(ociety); Prus(sia); P. S. = Postcript; P(rompter's) S(ide) = de rechterzijde van het tooneel, waar de souffleur staat; P(rivy) S(eal); Ps(alm); Psychol(ogy); P(articulars)