Page:1930 QLD Royal Commission into Racing Report.djvu/59

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Disposal of Revenue
The club keeps proper books of account, which correctly disclose how all moneys received have been applied, disposed of, and used.

Racing Dates
The club's officials deposed that if granted racing dates, with protection against other racing on such dates, the club would be able to carry on successfully.

They considered that eighteen days per annum should be held available for their club, and that such days should include some Saturdays.

This claim was supported by evidence showing that, at their eleven meetings in 1928, they had catered for 192 separate owners racing 275 separate horses, and that there are at present 300 trotting horses in the metropolitan area.

The Commission does not consider that the interests of the metropolitan racing public would be promoted by reserving for the meetings of this club any Saturdays.

The Commission, however, sees no reason why a strictly limited number of week days should not be set aside for meetings consisting only of trotting events.

Such meetings should not exceed six in number per annum.

These might well be held successfully in those weeks during which, if the recommendation of the Commission as to the restriction of unregistered racing is carried into effect, no other unregistered meeting was being held.


A—Queensland Breeders, Owners, and Trainers' Association.

This body was formed in 1927, its object being "to deal with all matters conducive to the advancement of racing."

It operates under printed rules adopted in January of that year. These rules provide that any bona fide breeder or any owner or trainer recognised by The Queensland Turf Club is eligible for election for membership.

Candidates for membership must be proposed and seconded in writing. The names of candidates are submitted for election at the next meeting of committee. The annual subscription, £1 1s., must be deposited with the application for membership, and all members must be elected by ballot.

The management of the Association is vested in a committee of ten, with the usual officials, all elected at the annual general meeting.

The Association has no racecourse, but desires to become a racing body, and has made application to The Queensland Turf Club committee for registration to that end.

It desires the total abolition of unregistered racing and the holding of registered race meetings on week days.

The Commission has, as already stated, formed an opinion entirely adverse to any extension of registered racing.

Even if such an extension were permissible, the Commission can see no benefit to registered, racing from the intrusion into the field of a club composed largely of licensees.