Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1006

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JUL-DEC. 1977

S911030. Field show manual. Developed by SCSBOA Field Shot* Adiudication Comaiittee in couiunction with SCSBOA Parade Adju- dication Vice President. 20 p. Q Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association; 7liov77: A911030.

A911031. "Christeen" orqanization handbook. Written by Dorothy Hill Kennedy. 30 p. e Dorothy Kennedy: 70ct77; A911031.

A911032. Break the chains. By Bandolpfa Thomas Nicholas. 1 p. e Randolph Thomas Nicholas: 9NOV77: &911032.

A911033. Entrepreneurs: born or made? Research bulletin no. 10. By Brenda Mays Bolder. 2 p. Aptitude Inventory Heasurement service: 200ct77: A911033.

A911034. Prescription pricing guide^ November 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: J. B. Laughrey. e Hedi-Span. Inc.: 1Nov77: A911034.

A911035. Outline of comparative pathology. By Bernard c. Zook. 86 p. Bernard C. Zook: 30Auq77: A911035.

A911036. Proiect: operation husanities; resource materials: aesthetics. Developed by Case Sestern Beserve Oniversity, Cathedral Latin School S Cleveland Public Schools. 233 p. Appl. au: Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District. NM: revisions & additions. 6 Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District: 26sep77: A911036.

A911037. Basic concepts in the humanities. Edited by Maria narqarete Nagner fi Jeanette Therese Ainsworth. 227 p. 3 Maria Margarete Hagner £ Jeanette Therese Ainsworth: 31Aug77: A9 11037.

A911038. Shakespeare as spoken: a collation of 5000 acting editions and promptbooks of Shakespeare. Vol. 1. By Hilliam Perdue Halstead. 1 v. Add. ti: Tempest, two gents, merry wives. NM: collation of cuts, revisions & additions. Q uilliam P. Halstead; 2ltOct77: A911038.

A911039. The Emergent gospel; theology from the underside of history: papers from the Ecumenical Dialogue of Third Norld Theologians, Dar es Salaam, August 5-12, 1976. Edited by Sergio Torres 6 Virginia fabella. 275 p. Papers from the Ecumenical Dialogue held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. O Orbis Books: 1Nov77 (in notice: 1978); A911039.

A9110110. The Book of Bevelation. By Hobert H. Mounce. 126 p. (The New international commentary on the New Testament) d Hilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; i(Nov77; A911040.

A911041. Marcus Crassus and the late Boman Republic. By Allen Mason Hard. 323 p. Appl. states all new material, except where cited. The Curators of the University of Missouri; 8Nov77; A911041.

A911042. Savannah. Text by Malcolm Bell, Jr., photography by N. Jane Iseley. 80 p. e Morris Newspaper Corporation 6 N. Jane Iseley; 280ct77; A911042.

A911013. Fatigue under complex loading: analyses and experiments. Editor: B. M. Betzel. 207 p. (Advances in enqineeriag, vol. 6) Appl. au: Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U. S- Govt, employee as part of his official duties. Q Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.; 2t0ct77; A9110113.

A911014. Bugles, banners and war bonnets. By Ernest Lisle Beedstrom, edited by Don Bussell. 362 p. 3 The caxton Printers, Ltd.; 280ct77; A911011I1.

A9110it5. Everything you need to know about your Horizon land. By Thomas 0. Powers. 25 p. Q Tom Powers a. k. a. Thomas O. Powers; 5Nov77; A9110a5.

A9110lt6. The Second furfin; a collection of humorous outdoor stories. ^^H p. Appl. au: L. gayne Von Raid. Karway Publishing Company; 2Nov77; A9110a6.

A91 1017. Diabetic diet exchange lists. Illustrator, editorial assistant: Betty L. Salmon. 20 p. Appl. au: Margaret Belais Salmon. Margaret Belais Salmon; 1NOV77; A911047.

A9110118. The Lake of fire. By T. R. Moore, Jr. 14 p. O T. B. Moore, Jr.; 12Dec76; A911048.

A911049. God's market place; sermon outlines. By I. B. Moore, Jr. 133 p. 9 T. R. Moore, Jr.; 170ct77; A911049.

A911050. Adult Cerosynics; a visual guidance program. By Fred Ehrlich. 1 v. NM: abridgment, editorial revision ^ compilation. Fred Ehrlich; 270ct77; A911050.

A911051. Publicity forum: advice from 22 experts. Edited by Gary Hagner. 130 p. Bichard Beiner, Inc.; 310ct77; A911051.

A911052. Lescoa: the Bucker Plan. 47 p. BM: revisions. © The Eddy-Rucker- Nickels Company; 250ct77; A9 11052.

A911053. Suzuki service-repair handbook: 125-400CC singles, 1964-1977. By David Sales, editor: Eric Jorgensen. 2nd ed. 131 p. Appl. au: Clyaer publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc. Q Clymer publications a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 220ct77; A9 11053.

A911054. Evaluation of an objective technique for measuring the noise attenuation of insert-type hearing protectors. A thesis in acoustics by Bruce Floyd Beaudry. 164 p. O Bruce Floyd Beaudry; 20Sep77; A911054.

A911055. Chicano slang: a short list. By Ernie L. Bow. 10 p. 6 Ernie L. Bow; 190ct77: A911055.

A911056. Teach yourself chords. By Cyril James Blake. 54 p. Cyril J. Blake; 1Nov77; A911056.

A911057. Personnel planner, 1978. Folder.

A911058. Fineqold's Wholesale Distributors restaurant-hotel equipment. 1 v. Add. ti: Finegold*s food service supplies and equipment catalog. 3 Summit Catalog Company; 310ct77: A911058.

»9n059. Forms and surfaces; sculpturewood panels. lip. Q Forms and Surfaces a.a.d. for Forms and Surfaces, Inc.; 140ct77; A911059.

A911060. Forms and surfaces: Harnel system 7 entrances. lip. O Forms and Surfaces a.a.d. for Forms and Surfaces, Inc.; 140ct77; A911060.

A911061. Santaka; noveles. By Andrius Norimas, pseud, of Andrius R. Mironas. 303 p. Lithuanian. O Andrius Horimas alias Andrius R. Mironas; 1Nov77; A911061.

A911062. A Temple on the hill: a history of the Hanti Temple. By Glen R. Stubbs. 41 p. Add. ti: A Temple on a hill: a history of the Manti Temple. 3 Glen R. Stubbs; 15Dec76; A911062.

A911063. Microcomputers at a glance. By Donald D. Spencer. 192 p. 3 Camelot Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Nov77; A911063.

A911064. Mobile media directory, 1978. 64 p. Appl. au: Halter A. Bell. O Halcyon Productions, Inc.; 4Nov77; A9 11064.

A911065. Calvary, Georgia heritage, 1828-1977. 53 p. Appl. au; Marjorie Maxwell Hayfield. NM: additional text & pictorial matter. 6 Marjorie Maxwell Mayfield; 4Nov77; A911065.

A911066. The Moon is a heart. Random non-prose from the works of Howard H. Hirschhorn. 1 V. NM: 7 selections & photo. 3 Howard H. Hirschhorn; 1Nov77: A911066.

A911067. Keeping up with Mister Jones. By Jean Lanqan. 1 v. 6 Jean Langan; 5Nov77; A9 11067.

A9 11068. Impeachment. Folder. Appl. au: Leonard L. Lewis. NM: revisions. 3 Leonard L. Lewis; 70ct77; A9 11068.

A911069. The Employe assistance program. 2 p. Add. ti: Newsletter with poster on reverse side. Appl. au: Personal Performance Consultants. 3 Personal Performance Consultants, Inc.; 15Jul77; A911069.

A911070. He all feel alone now and then. Poster. Appl. au: Personal Performance Consul- tants. 6 Personal Performance Consul- tants, Inc.; 20Sep77; A911070.

A911071. Introducing your employe assistance program. Poster. Add. ti: Introducinq your employee assistance program. Appl. au; Personal Performance Consultants. 8 Personal Performance Consultants, Inc.; 100ct77; A911071.

A911072. Study guide for exaaination number 2: Traffic, transportation and principles of

physical distribution manaqement.


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