Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1015

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JUL-DEC. 1977

»91138ll (COD.) recovery and dehydration step. Prepared by G. K. HatsoD £ HanaqeaeDt and TraioiDq SysteBs for Industry* Idc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysac. Ltd. HanaqeaeDt and Traininq 'iysteBS for Industry, Inc.; 1SHar77; 4911381I.

4911385. Petrocheiical Division, styrene Departient. styrene nusbec 2 unit, HSH nuaber S-U'47 styrene finishinq. Pcepaced by E. DeRush £ aanaqesent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. ippl. au: Polysar, Ltd. Nanaqeient and Traininq systems for Industry, Inc.; 11Har77: »911385.

4911386. Nuaber 3 ultraforaer DSD 4 stcippinq and absorption. Prepared by Kenard Taylor £ aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas foe Industry, Inc., issued by Aaoco oil Coapanv, Mhitinq Refinery. 1 v. Appl. au; Aboco oil Company. Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 11»ar77: A911386.

4911387. Poller house aanual EG- 24 boiler feed nater preparation. Prepared by Eric Boscoe £ aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Explo- raciones y Eiplotaciones aineras Izabal, S. A. 1 V. aanaqeaent and Traininq systems for Industry. Inc.; iaar77: 4911387.

A911388. aasoneilan 12000 series level tran- smitter; manual I 203. Prepared by Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. Na: editorial revisions £ additions. O aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 29Jun76: A911388.

4911389. Instruaent traininq report. Prepared for U.I.P.S. Company, prepared by Jim Scott £ Dale Hauck. Sheets. Appl. au: aanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. Hanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. ; 1Jun76; A911389.

A911390. Petrochemical Division, styrene Departaent, benzene unit, asa number S-303, reactor and heater section step. Prepared by G. K. Watson E aanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. aanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Apr76: A911J90.

4911391. Sisteaas mecanicos de niveladora; manual litS. Preparado por E. Boscoe. 38 p. Appl. au: aanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc. Na: translation. O aanaqement and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 34pr76: 4911391.

4911392. Sulfur recovery unit, aanual nuaber 2, aaine reqeneration. Prepared by J. Fisher £ aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by 4shland Petroleua Company, Number 2 Refinery. 1 v. 4ppl. au: 4shlaDd Petroleua Company. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; iaay7e: 4911392.

4911393. Rectif icadores; manual E821S. Preparado por personal de aanaqement and Traininq Systems, Inc. 1 v. NN: translation. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 3Jun76; 4911393.

A911391I. Black Homan, black nan in a quandary: a return to the ancestral African roots as a guide towards building meaningful spiritual relationships. By Eoqelio A. Straughn. 65 p. B. A. Straughn; 180ct77; ASIiagt.

A911395. Reliability: management, methods and mathematics. By David K. Lloyd £ Byron Lipo». 2nd ed. 589 p. David K. Lloyd £ ayron Lipo»; 1Nov77; A911395.

A911396. Spencer Gifts catalog of values. 95 p. Na: editorial revision £ additional text £ pictorial matter. Spencer Gifts, Inc.; 19Sep77; A911396.

A911397. Climatic changes. By a. I. Budyko. 261 p. Appl. au: Rima Zolina. O on translation of prev. pub. york; American Geophysical Onion; 310ct77; A911397.

A911398. Teachinq for competence: defining competencies. By Norman c. Uiggins £ Howard J. Sullivan, issued by Departaent of Educational Technology, Arizona State Oniversity. 27 p. O Noraan c. Higgins £ Howard J. Sullivan; 15aay77; A911398.

A911399. Superpower; a do-it-yourself guide to turbocharginq, supercharging, fuel- iniection and nitrous-oiide. Edited £ designed by Larry Schreib. 160 p. Appl. au: Pat Ganhal, Larry Atherton £ Jia HcFarland. C S-A Design Company (in notice: S-A Design Publishing Coapany) ; 1Sep77: A911399.

491 1400. Health records and confidentiality; an annotated bibliography with abstracts. Prepared by Robert Franklin Aldrich for the National Commission on Confidentiality of Health Records, Inc. 76 p. National Commission on Confidentiality of Health Records, Inc.; 110ct77; A911i*00.

A91U01. Intermaterials competition in the management of shrinking resources. Editor: H. R. Schaeal. 164 p. (AIChE syaposium series, no. 170, vol. 73, 1977) American Institute of Chemical Engineers; 7Hov77; 4911401.

491 1402. Principles and practices of clinical engineering. Edited by John G. Uebster £ 41bert a. Cook. 1 v. John G. Uebster; 184ug77; A911402.

A91 1403. Webster's New world quick reference dictionary. Editor in chief: David B. Guralnik. 316 p. Appl. au: Collins ♦ World editorial staff. Formerly titled Webster's New world handy pocket dictionary. Na: additions fi updating. O William Collins « World Publishing Company, Inc.; 15oct77; A911403.

4911404. Wiring siaplified. By H. p. Richter, as revised by w. Creighton Schwan. 32nd ed. 159 p. Park Publishing, Inc.; 2<IOct77: 4911404.

4911405. Capturing the sun; desiqns froa an architectural student competition. 32 p. 414 Research Corporation; 7»ov77; 491 1405.

491 1406. Survivor's kit--life goes on; a guide to surviving a death in the family. Pt. 1-3. O Golden Rule Life Insurance Company £ Golden Rule Insurance Company: 14Sep77; A911406.

A911407. Revised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, November 9, 1977. 1 v. O Stationers Price Service Company; 9Nov77; A911407.

4911408. Oaniplan hotel. 1 v. O Omniplan, Inc. ; 2NOV77; A911408.

A911409. New silver technology: silver abstracts from the current world literature, October 1977. 67 p. The Silver Institute; 200ct77; A9114C9.

A911410. Dentspiy/Cavitron, Seventy Six: ultrasonic dental unit; installation £ service manual. 20 p. O Dentsply International, Inc.; 1Nov77; A911410.

4911411. The Dtntsply aVS unit; installation, operation £ maintenance manual. 25 p. Na: editorial revision to update text. O Dentsply International, Inc.; 1Nov77; 4911411.

4911412. Dentspiy/Cavitron model 701 PC ultrasonic dental unit; installation E service aanual. 17 p. O Dentsply International, Inc.; 1Nov77; 4911412.

4911413. Hedical Developaent Systems of North America. Folder. Appl. au; Jack 4. Perry. Na: additions £ revisions. O aedical Development Systems of North America, Inc.; 9Nov77; 4911413.

4911414. Free flight; a collection of lyrics. By Julie Engelberg. 1 v. Julie Engelberg; 7NOV77; A911414.

4911415. Op-island winter. Photos, by J. B. Riggs Parker. 1 v. e The Aerie Press; 310ct77: A911415.

4911416. Shyness, how to free yourself. By Richard 41an Blum. 53 p. Richard 41an Blum; 4NOV77; 4911416.

A911417. Taxation in the Onited Kingdom; 1977 £ other recent tax changes. Sheets. (International tax and business service, suppl. no. 3, Aug. 1977) O Haskins and Sells; 4NOV77; A911417.

A911418. A Book of verse. By Katie Partin. 1 v. Katie Partin; iaay77; A911418.

A9 11419. No abra este librol 1 v. O aundial Enterprises, Inc.; 110ct77; A911419.

A911420. Some questions about the benefits and costs of the land use controls proposed in ABAG draft environmental aanagement plan. Prepared by Gruen Gruen ♦ Associates. 59 p. O Gruen Gruen • Associates; BNov77; A911420.

A911421. Rent control in New Jersey: the beginnings. By Gruen Gruen ♦ Associates. 96 p. O Gruen Gruen ♦ Associates; 240ct77; A911<(21.

A911422. Learning our lessons through music. By Jean Coletta Ahitov. 8 p. O Jean Coletta Ahitow; 10aar77; 4911422.


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