Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1025

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A911791. Suicide atteapt. 1 p. *ppl. au: Fredecick Harr. Frederick Bare (in notice; Fredrick Harr) : 13oct77: 4911791.

J911792. Soyalty. 1 p. tppl. au: Frederick Harr- Frederick tsarr (in noticei Fredrick Harr); 130ct77: A911792.

A911793. Fortune and fame. 1 p. Appi. au: Frederick aarr. Frederick narr (in notice: Fredrick Harr) ; 130ct77; A911793.

A91179lt. Proposal for data aanipulation and modeling for oil and natural qas supplr/demand forecastinq. Pt. 1 6 appendices. 2 v. O Arthur Tounq and Company; 9Sep77; A91179l».

A911795. A Proposal to develop methods of encouraqinq the qrOHth and maintenance of employee welfare benefit plans amonq firms with no such plans. 1 v. O Arthur 7ounq and Company; 30Auq77: A911795.

A911796. A Proposal for data base qeneration- /yalidation of the PIES transportation model. IV. O Arthur Younq and Company: 23iuq77: A911796.

A911797. A Proposal to assess EDA planning activities. 1 v. Arthur Young and company; 31Auq77; A911797.

A911798. The Val-you rating system for res- taurants. Hark 1. Card. Appl. au: Bobert D. Hallace. Bobert D. Hallace d.b.a. christian Insurance Agency; 1IIOV77: A911798.

A911799. Joanne Burney* s International little people; authentic folk costumes. 1 v. O Joanne Burney; 270ct77; A911799.

A911800. A Boman*s moments. Verse by Anna B. Schafer. 1 v. Anna B. Schafer (in notice: Ann Schafer): 8Ho»77; A911800.

A911801. Thank God for everything? By Frederick K. C. Price. 32 p. Frederick K. C. Price: 25Jul77; A911801.

A911802. The Job factor analysis system manual. By John G. Geier £ Dorothy E. Downey. O John G. Geier and Associates* a division of Performaz Systems Internationaly Inc. ; 30JU177: A911802.

A911803. Dear Hom and Dad; selected verse. Vol. 3. By Paul J. Pitts. aO p. Paul J. Pitts; 11IIOV77: A911803.

A91180I4. The Harvest. 1 p. Appl. au: iilliam Vayne Hohr. Hilliam Rayne Bohr; 10IIOV77: A9118ai|.

A911805. Programmed learning aid for Cobol; a first course. By fiicbard R. Lott«  coordinatinq editor: Boqer H. Hermanson. 205 p. Add. ti: Self review in cobol: a first course. O Learoinq Systems Company; 8Sep77; A911805.

A911806. Proqrammed learning aid for Intermediate accounting, volume 1. By Glenn A. lelsch G Ualter T. Harrison. Jr., coordinating editor: Boger u. Hermanson. 147 p. Add. ti: Self review in Intermediate accoun- ting, volume 1. HH: revisions B updating. O Learning Systems Company; 22Sep77; A911806.

A911807. Programmed learning aid for Intermediate accounting, volume 2. By Glenn A. Uelscb & Baiter T. Harrison, Jr., coordinating editor: Boger H. Hermanson. 145 p. Add. ti: Self review in Intermediate accoun- ting, volume 2. HH: revisions e updating. Learninq Systems Company; 22Sep77; A911B07.

A9118a8. Biqht words in riqht places; a workbook in diction C sentence style. By Hilton Chaikic. 195 p. Hilton Chaikin; 19Sep77; A911808.

A911809. Hodern manaqement practices and procedures for the medium and smaller sized firm. Developed, written t produced by Alvin B. Haerr and Company. Sheets. Appl. au: Alvin B. Haerr. Prev. req. 17Sep77, A671575. NH: additions 6 revisions. Alvin B. Haerr and Company: 7NOV77; A911809.

A911810. The Holocaust: an annotated bibliog- raphy. By Harry James Cargas. 86 p. O Catholic Library Association; 7Nov77; A911810.

A911811. Hayes phonics 3B. By Dorothy H. Harris. 30 p. Hayes School Publishing Company, Inc.; 150ct77; A911811.

A91iei2. The Dracula program. 1 v. Dracula. Inc.; 310ct77; A911812.

A91 1813. Law and emergency medicine. Uith James B. Georqe. Folder. Appl. au; Emerqency Hedical Services Symposia, Inc. C Emerqency Hedical Services Symposia. Inc.; 22Sep77: A91I813.

A911814. Onit science. 8 p. Appl. au: Theodore S. Everett (Seth Everett) Seth Everett; 10liov77; A911814.

A911815. Starweld tubing. 20 p. O A. H. Castle and company; 1Nov77: A91181S.

A911816. The Hheel. By Patricia Nicholson S Bobert H. Howell. 32 p. O Bobert B. Howell; 90ct77; A91iei6.

A911817. Various lines. By Bobert H. Howell G H. Talbot Thomas. 39 p. Bobert a. Howell; 90ct77; A911d17.

A911818. From peaches to peanuts. By Janice P. Campbell, illustrated by Sadie J. Cummins, edited by Dorothy S. Henley. 228 p. O Janice P. Campbell; 7llov77; A911818.

A911819. Physics of stereo/quad sound. By Joseph G. Traylor. 190 p. Iowa State Oniversity Press; 25oct77: A911819.

A911820. Helpful hints to oil burner service: get to know your oil burner, save on costly repairs!. 17 p. Appl. au: Bichael Santore. Hichael Santore; 210ct77; A91 1820.

A91 1821. Barry Bann's Inner bowling. By Barry Bann, illus. by Carl Chavez, photos, by Paul Gamlin. 121 p. Barry Bann; lSep77: A9 11821.

A911822. Evening reflections. By Bessie Freeman Golsan. 42 p. O Bessie Freeman Golsan; 10HOV77; A911B22.

A911823. Long range plan for programs and services, 1976-1986. 1 v. Appl. au: TriBrook Group. Inc. O TriBrook Group. Inc. G Baptist Bedical Center System; 310ct77; A9n823.

A911824. uords. By Eugene Alvin Fisher. 64 p. O Eugene Fisher; 100ct77; A911824.

A911825. The Ellery Queen casebook. 48 p. Appl. au: The Header's Digest Association, Inc. O The Header's Digest Association. Inc.; 180ct77; A911825.

A91ie26. Accessories for power and sailboats, 1978. 25 p. Appl. au: U and L Harine loodwork Corporation (U and L Barine Hoodwork, Inc.) R and L Barine Hoodwork, Inc.; 150ct77; A9 11826.

A911827. Understanding adolescent problems and "problem adolescents". By uilliam P. Cahill. 158 p. O North Broward Counselinq Services; 1Nov77; A911827.

A91ie28. 17 I 22" easy read Bichigan outline map: with counties and calendar of events. 2 p. HB: revisions. O Hillsdale Education Publishers, Inc.; 30Sep77; A911828.

A911829. Statement of position on accounting for interfund transfers of state and local governmental units, September 1, 1977. Issued by Accounting Standard Division, American Institute of certified Public Accountants. 7 p. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc.; 200ct77; A911829.

A911830. Client representations. 10 p. (Statement on auditinq standards. 19, June 1977. Issued by the Auditing Standards Executive Committee, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Inc.; 29Jun77; A911830.

A911831. Unaudited replacement cost information. 7 p. (Statement on auditing standards, 18, Bay 1977. Issued by the Auditing Standards Executive Committee, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 20Jun77; A911831.

A911832. Becommended tax law changes: recom- mendations for amendments to the Internal Bevenue Code. 123 p. O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 22Jun77; 1911832.

A91ie33. Illustrations of accounting for employee benefits. By Hortense Goodman G Leonard Lorensen. 122 p. Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 210ct77; A911833.

A9n8J4. Uniform CPA exai ination. Bay 1977;

questions G unofficial answers. 85


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