Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1037

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4912285. Hass media lav. Br Don E. Peaber. 480 p. William C. Brawn coapaor. Pub- lishers; 22*uq77; 4912285.

A9I2286. Callaqhan's official HiscoDsio reports; cases reported in the Supreae Court of yisconsin. Feb. 19, 1977-llar. 29, 1977. Vol. 76, 2nd series. Beported by Callaqhan and Coapanr*5 editorial staff. 704 p. Add. ti; Callaqhan's Hisconsin reports. SH: editorial coapilatioa. O Callaqhan and CoapanT: 22Auq77: A912286.

4912287. Callaqhan's Illinois civil practice foras. vol. 6-6A. By Boland P. Klinqe, Donald G. Farrell, Jerold B. Schneider e Callaqhan and Coapany's editorial staff. 1977 revision. 2 v. Callaqhan and Coapany; 280ct77: A912287.

4912288. Hichiqan statutes annotated. Vol. 2-2A G 7. Coapiled & edited by Celia Baaon Cena & Callaqhan and Coapany's editorial staff. 1977 revision. 3 v. O Callaqhan and Coapany; 270ct77; 4912288.

A912289. The Law of Federal incoae taxation: Internal Bevenoe Code of 1954 (1976 aaendaents) Coapiled by Jaaes J. Doheny, editor in chief 6 other editors. 1230 p. NH: coBpilation. C Callaqhan and Coapany; 30Jun77; 49 12289.

4912290. Catalysis reviews: science and enqineerinq. Vol. 12. Edited by Beinz Heineaann S Jaaes J. Carberry. 321 p. Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1l)ar76 (in notice: 1975-19761: A912290.

4912291. Druq aetabolisB reviews. Vol. 4. Edited by Frederick J. Di Carlo. 319 p. Harcel Dekker. Inc.; 10()ar76 (in notice: 1975-1976); 4912291.

4912292. Encyclopedia of coaputer science and technoloqy. Vol. 8: Earth and planetary sciences to qeneral systeas. Executive editors: Jack Belzer, 41bert G. Bolzaan & 411en Kent. 505 p. Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 40ct77; 4912292.

4912293. Beqqaraan, thief. By ICMin Shaw, illustrated by Hack Bellerose. 441 p. NH: author's note £ aain text. Irwin Shaw: 140ct77: 4912293.

A912294. The Genessee Queen. By Winifred Hadison. 226 p. Winifred Hadison; 300ct77: A912294

A912295. The Bedbook report on feaale sexuality: 100.000 aarried woaen disclose the qood news about sex. By Carol Tavris 6 Susan Sadd. 186 p. Appl. au: Bedbook Publishinq Coapany, eaployer for hire. Appl. states all new natter, except the appendix & acknowledqed quotations, an unsubstantial portion of the text. O Bedbook Publishinq Coapany; 24Sep77; A912295.

A912296. The Birthday aurderer: a aystery. By Jay Bennett. 150 p. Jay Bennett; 290ct77; 4912296.

4912297. Superspies: the secret side of qovernaent. By Jules Archer. 252 p. O Jules Archer; 270ct77; A912297.

4912298. Vonnequt in Aaerica: an introduction to the life and work of Kurt Vonnequt. Oriqinal essays edited by Jeroae Klinkowitz e Donald L. Lavler. 304 p. Appl. states all new aatter, except "Kurt Vonnequt as an Aaerican dissident" which appeared in the New 7ork book review B the Bussian literature triquarterly in auch different fora. Jerome Klinkowitz 6 Donald L. Lawler; 29Sep77: 4912298.

4912299. Silken eyes. By Prancoise Saqan, translated from the French by Joanna Kilaartin. 179 p. Appl. au: Andre Deutsche Ltd. & Dell Publishing Coapany, Inc., co-eaployers for hire. Translation of Des yeux de sole. NH: translation. O Andre Deutsch. Ltd. G Dell Publishinq Coapany. Inc.; 21iov77; 4912299.

A912300. Closing tiae: the true story of the "Goodbar" aurder. By Lacey Fosburgh. 237 p. Appl. states all new aatter, except portions prev. pub. in New tiaes 6 Cosaopolitan in aucb different fora. O Lacey Fosburgh; 310ct77: 4912300.

4912301. The Hesaerist. By Felice A. Picano. 4 10 p. e Felice A. Picano; 12Sep77; A912301.

A9 12302. The Infinite aeb: eight stories of science fiction. Edited by Eobert Siiverberq. 239 p. sa: general introd.. introd. to each contribution 6 coapi- latlon. Bobert Siiverberq; 164uq77; 4912302.

4912303. 4BUseBent park. By Bobert Stuart Nathan. 293 p. Bobert Stuart Nathan; 150ct77; A912303.

A912304. Befugee. By Anne K. Bose. 118 p. Anne Bose; 2Nov77; A912304.

A912305. The Bundown. By Jaaes Hagnasoo. 206 p. Jaaes Bagnuson; 280ct77: 4912305.

A912306. Six aqainst the Bock. By Clark Boward. 357 p. Clark Boward; 9Sep77; A912306.

A9123C7. Kicking the fear habit: usinq your autoaatic orienting reflex to unlearn your anxieties, fears and phobias. By Manuel J. Saith. 234 p. Appl. states all new except chart on p. 233. O Institute for Systematic Assertive Traininq and Huaan Developaent; 15Sep77: A912307.

A912308. The Show and tell aachine: how television works and works you over. By Bose Kohn Goldsen. 427 p. Bose K. Goldsen; 30Sep77; A912308.

A912309. Black orchid. By Nicholas Heyer 8 Barry Jay Kaplan. 310 p. Appl. au: Nicholas Heyer, eaployer for hire of Barry Jay Kaplan. Nicholas Heyer; 170ct77; A912309.

A912310. Desperado. By Grace Lichtenstein. 213 p. O Grace Lichtenstein; 150ct77; A912310.

4912311. Old Bickory: a life of 4ndrew Jackson. By Burke Davis. 438 p. NH: text. Burke Davis; 120ct77; 4912311.

A912312. The Bravest babysitter. By Barbara Greenberg, pictures by Diane Paterson. 1 V. on text; Barbara Greenberg; 310ct77; A912312.

A912313. The Bravest babysitter. By Barbara Greenberg, pictures by Diane Paterson. 1 V. on pictures; Diane Paterson; 310ct77; A912313.

A912314. The Everyday train. By Aay Ehrlich, pictures by Hartha G. Alexander. 1 v. O on text; Amy Ehrlich; 29Jul77; A912314.

A912315. The Everyday train. By Amy Ehrlich, pictures by Hartha G. Alexander. 1 v. on pictures; Hartha Alexander; 29Jul77; A912315.

A912316. Little man, little aan: a story of childhood. By Jaaes Baldwin, illustrated by Toran Cazac. 96 p. Prev. pub. abroad, 23Aug76, AI-16093. Jaaes Baldwin; 31Aug77; 4912316.

A912317. Patchwork and applique. By Pauline Chatterton. 214 p. O Pauline Chatterton; 12Auq77; A912317.

A912318. Newport jazz festival: the illustrated history. Pictures fi text by Burt Goldblatt. 287 p. Burt Goldblatt; 23Aug77; A912318.

A912319. Car$. carS, carf: "how you can turn cars into money and profit." By Dennis D. Horan. 151 p. Dennis D. Horan; 11NOV77; A912319.

A912320. Blue Cross aanual. Editor: Hargaret B. Earle. Sheets. NH: additions revisions. Blue Cross Association; 7NOV77; A912320.

A912321. The Constitutionality of residency requirements for municipal officials and employees. By Charles S. Bhyne, ailliaa S. Bhyne e Stephen P. Elaendorf. 70 p. National Institute of Hunicipal Law Officers: 8HOT77; A9 12321.

A912322. A Cook for all seasons. By Beth Torah Synaqogue. 196 p. O Beth Torah Synagogue; 1Sep77; A912322.

A912323. Beacon Hill seafood savoir faire. By Hary Hainwright Sullivan, with illus. by Robert E. Kennedy. 186 p. NB: foreword, additions, revisions & soae new illus. O Hary Bainwright Sullivan; 290ct77; A912323.

A912324. Infectious and parasitic diseases of the intestine: discussions in patient aanageaent. By Bobart A. Reiaann & Kerrison Juniper, Jr. 115 p. O Hedical Exaaination Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 20Oct77; A912324.

A912325. The Dynaaics of dental practice adainistration: a guide for efficient dental health care delivery. Co-edited by Douglas L. Boberts, Donald T. fiosenblooa G F. Blaise Curcio. 291 p. O Hedical Exaaination Publishing Coapany, Inc.;

3NOV77; 4912325.


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