Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1084

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4911222. The Use of alternative modes for comBunlcation Id psjrchotfaecapr: the computer, the book* the telephone, the televisiOD, the tape recorder. By David Lester. 112 p. @ Charles C. Thomas, Publisher: 15Jul77; &9 14222.

4914223. Oral hyqiene in oral health. Edited by Ryman J. V. Goldberg & Louis H. Bipa, with a foreword by 41vin F. Gardner. 392 p. O Charles C. Thomas. Publisher; 15Jul77; 4914223.

4914224. Chronobioloqy in allergy and immunology. By John P. HcGovern, Michael a. Smolensky E 41ain Beinberq, with a foreword by Franz Halberq. 283 p. C Charles C. Thomas, Publisher: 21Jul77: 49 14224.

4914225. Informal diagnostic assessment of children. By Theodore S. Fremont, David H. Seifert 8 John Harold Bilson. 158 p. O Charles C. Thomas. Publisher: 94ug77;

4914225. Vol. C. 8 p. 4dd. ti: "C" package enclosure, 1977, entitled "Miles Kimball of Oshkosh, Bisconsin." 9 Miles Kimball Company; 140ct77: 4914236.

4914226. Communication disorders: a handbook for educators. By Haynard D. Filter. 180 p. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 12Sep77; 4914226.

4914227. 4 Clinical approach to speech anatomy and physiology. By Hugh E. Bateman, with a foreword by Robert M. Mason. 425 p. e Charles C. Thomas, Publisher; 27Sep77: 4914227.

4914228. 4 Practical guide to management of the painful neck and back: diagnosis, manipulation, exercises, prevention. By James H. Fisk, with a foreword by B. S. Rose. 209 p. e Charles c. Thomas, Publisher: 24uq77: A914228.

A914229. Local anesthetics. By Rudolph H. De Jonq. 2nd ed. 338 p. Prev. pub. as Physiology and pharmacology of local anesthesia. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher: 84uq77: 4914229.

4914230. Dubble Dippa modified fiushton canoe. Drawn by Piatt Monfort. 1 p. Add. ti: Dubble Dippa canoe design. 6 Aladdin Products, Inc.; 3Jun77: A914230.

4914231. Chapter on maintenance programs. 11 p. (SMB*s Service management manual) @ National Mechanical Equipment Service and Maintenance Bureau (SMB) : 180ct77: 4914231.

4914232. This song says I love yoa. By Kenneth 4damson. 1 p. 6 Kenneth Adamson; 25Sep77; 4914232.

49 14233. The Back at the theatre-in-the-round. By Bon Pearson, pseud, of Herman H. JCoster. 8 p. Scientific Besearch and Analysis; 224ug77: 4914233.

4914234. Fossils of Santa Cruz County. By Frank Arthur Perry. 32 p. Frank Arthur Perry: 220ct77; 4914234.

4914235. Track switch freezing a problem? Folder. Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.; 10Oct77: 4914235.

4914236. Miles Kimball of Oshkosh. Nisconsln. 4914237. Eternally. By Chelly Simms (Cheryl Simms SvailGs) 1 p. 3 Chelly Simms; 170ct77: 4914237.

4914238. Oni-Group: asset information and management system. Folder Sip. The American Appraisal Company; 17Hay77: 4914238.

4914239. Services for regulated industries- -4merican Appraisal's Regulated Industries Division. Folder. The 4merican Appraisal Company; 15Mar77; 4914239.

4914240. How to play "Crash"; rules. 3 p. 4dd. ti: "Crash." the driving game — that lets you feel the perils of owning a car. Appl. au: Dave Quinn. 9 Dave Quinn; 22Jun77: 4914240.

4914241. uhat*s more fun than a merry-go-round? Folder, e Nation (i.e. National) Geographic Society: 210ct77; 4914241.

A914242. Hierarchy and the alpha male; teacher's guide. Photos, by Hugo Van Lawick. 24 p. (Jane Goodall: studies of the chimpanzee) Appl. au: National Geographic Society, e National Geographic Society; 140ct77; A914242.

A914243. Introduction to chimpanzee behavior; teacher's guide. Photos, by Hugo Van Lawick. 24 p. (Jane Goodall: studies of the chimpanzee) Appl. au: National Geographic Society. @ National Geographic Society; 140ct77; 4914243.

4914244. National Geographic world — kids go wild over Horld! Folder. NH: new pictures & text. Q National Geographic Society; 260ct77; 4914244.

4914245. Smoke and fire: two steps to survival. Folder. 6 Aetna Life and Casualty; 150ct77; A914245.

4914246. The Schmerler reading program, correlated to System Fore, fiansom, Uisconsin Design and Fountain Valley. By Joene Grissom & Janine Henschel. 1 v. e EMC corporation; 280ct77; 4914246.

A914247. Electricity and fire: the role of the investigator. By John Bicketts. 48 p. Prev. reg. A880406. NM: revised Introd. S new material in chap. 3. 3 John Bicketts; 260ct77: A914247.

A914248. Uriting problems of college freshmen; an analysis. By Juanita M. Hade. Sheets (209 p.) e Juanita N. Hade; 30Sep77: 4914248.

4914249. Argosy CB service manual. 1 v. NM: compilation, abridgment & editorial revision. Q Argosy Manufacturing Company, subsidiary of Beatrice Foods Company; 19JU177; A914249.

4914250. Social networks: a developing paradigm. Edited by Samuel Leiuhardt. 465 p. 4dd. ti: Quantitative studies in social relations. NM: p. vii-ix, zi-xxziv, 49-66 6 411-432. e 4cademic Press, Inc.; 20Apr77; 4914250.

4914251. Environmental analysis. Edited by Galen Hood Ewing. 344 p. Papers presented at the third annual meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Philadelphia, Nov. 15-18, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. 6 Academic Press, Inc. ; 40ct77; A9 14251.

4914252. Systems neuroscience. Edited by Jacqueline Metzler, issued by the Center for Systems Neuroscience, Oniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst. 271 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 23Sep77; A914252.

A9 14253. Decision table languages and systems. By John B. Metzner 6 Bruce H. Barnes. 172 p. Academic Press, Inc.; 25JU177; A914253.

4914254. The Testis. Edited by 4rchie Doyle Johnson & Hayne Reginald Gomes. 637 p. (4dvances in physiology, biochemistry, and function, vol. 4) Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. 3 Academic Press, Inc. ; 26Sep77; A914254.

A914255. Synergistic management: creating the climate for superior performance. By Michael Doctoroff. 159 p. Q Amacom, a division of American Management Asso- ciations; 9NOV77; 4914255.

4914256. Directory of management education programs. Compiled by Management Development Resource Service of the 4merican Management 4ssociations. 568 p. 6 4merican Management 4ssociations; 7Sep77; 4914256.

4914257. American Mathematical Society tran- slations, series 2. Vol. 106: Topological semifields and their applications to general topology. By Mikhail Jakovlevich Antonovskii. Vladimir Grigor'evich Boltjanskii S Tashmukhamed Alievich Sarymsakov. 142 p. Appl. au; 4merican Mathematical Society, employer for hire. NM: translations. Q 4mericaa Mathematical Society; 250ct77: A914257.

A914258. American Mathematical Society tran- slations, series 2. Vol. 110: nine papers on analysis. By M. S. Budjanu e others. 186 p. Appl. au: American Mathematical Society, employer for hire. NM: translations. Q American Mathematiccil Society; 250ct77; A9 14258.

4914259. Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society for the year 1975. Vol. 32. Translation prepared jointly by the American Mathematical Society & the London Mathematical Society, editor in chief: o. 4. Oleinik & other editors. 258 p. Translation of Trudy moskovskogo matematicheskogo obshchestva, t. 32 (1975) NM: translation. 6 4fflerican Mathematical Society; 310ct77; 4914259.

4914260. Selected tables in mathematical statistics. Vol. 5. Edited by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, coeditors: D. B. Owen £ B. E. Odeh,

managing editor: J. M. Davenport. 263 p.


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