Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1087

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A91"t339 - A91«372
JUL-DEC. 1977

49U339. The Serbian folk epic: its theology and anthropoloqy. By Krstivoj Kotur. 220 p. O Philosophical library. Inc.; 27Sep77; i9ia339.

i9113lt0. Peirce's cosaoloqy. By Peter T- Turley- 126 p. O Philosophical Library* Inc.; 2<40ct77: i91«3IIO.

i91«341. Pit and Quarry handbook and buyers quide for the noQHetallic ninerals industries, 1977-197 8. Editor-in-chief: Baiter E. Trauffer, editor: Charles P. Bolaes, associate editor: Lester L. Gerfflann. 70th ed. 1 V. O Pit and Quarry Publications, Inc.: 30ct77: A91I13II1.

i91l43<t2. COBPOsers in Aaerica: biographical sketches of contenporary conposers vith a record of their norks. By Claire Baphael Beis, with a aev introd. by uilliaa Schunan. 399 p. C on introd.; Hilliaii Schuaan: 1BJul77: A9m3il2.

»91'l3it3. Transient techniques in electroche- mistry. By Oiqby D. Hacdonald. 329 p. Plenui Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 30ct77; i91i»3<43.

A91U3IIU. Drinking behavior: oral stiiiulation«  reinforcement, and preference. Edited by Jan A. u. a. Heilnen G Joseph Hendelson. 1*08 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 30ct77; A91»31lt.

A914345. Statistical aechanics and statistical aethods in theory and application. Edited by Ozi Landaan. 814 p. Proceedings of a Syaposiua on Statistical aechanics and Statistical Hethods in Theory and Application held at the University of Eochester, Ne« lork, »ov. 4, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this vork written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 20Sep77; A914345.

A914346. Communicative structures and psychic structures: a psychoanalytic interp- retation coaaunication. Edited by Norbert Freedaan & Stanley Grand. 465 p. (The Do nstate series of research in psychiat nd psychology, vol. 1) Proceedings of the Conference on fiesearch Concerning the Psychoanalytic Inter- pretatio of Coaaunication held at Downstat Hedical Center, state University of New York, Brooklyn, Jan. 15-17, 1976. Appl. st tes copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. s. Govt, ea ployee as part of his official duties. Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 10Oct77; »9143i(6.

A91U347. fiegulation and genetics: plant viruses. Edited by Beinz Praenkel-Conrat 6 Robert B. Hagner. 348 p. (Coaprehensi ve virology, vol. 11) Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. O Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 60ct77; A914347.

A914348. The Diabetic pancreas. Edited by Bruno ». »olk 6 Klaus P. Uellaann. 599 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. O Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 310ct77; 1914348.

A914349. Physics and conteaporacy needs. Vol. 1. Edited by Biazuddin. 434 p. Proceedings of the First International Suaaer College on Physics and Conteaporary Needs, Nathiaqali, Pakistan, Aug. 2-20, 1976. O Plenua Press, a division of Plenuo Publishing Corporation; 200ct77; A914349.

4914350. Acoustical holography: recent advances in ultrasonic visualization. Vol. 7. Edited by Lawrence t. Kessler. 654 p. Proceedings of the Seventh International Syaposiua on Acoustical Holography and laaging held in Chicago, IL, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Plenun Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 200ct77; A914350.

A914351. Parkinson's disease: neurophysiological, clinical, and related aspects. Edited by Fathy S. Hessiha & Alexander D. Kenny. 316 p. (Advances in experiaental aedicine and biology, vol. 90) Proceedings of the First Tarbox Parkinson's Disease Syaposiua held at Lubbock, Tl, Oct. 14-16, 1976. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. O Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation: 100ct77; A914351.

A914352. Avian iaaunology. Edited by Albert Alfred Benedict. 407 p. (Advances in ezperiaental aedicine and biology, vol. 88) Proceedings of the International conference on Avian Iaaunology held at the University of Bawaii, Honolulu, Mar. 12-13, 1977. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a 0. S. Govt, eaployee as part of bis official duties. 6 Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 14Sep77; A914352.

A914353. Technological change and the British iron industry, 1700-1870. By Charles K. Hyde. 28 3 p. Appl. states all new except for parts of chap. 2, 4, 5, 6 6 9 which have appeared as journal articles. O Princeton University Press; 26Aug77; A914353.

A914354. Fields of play in aodern draaa. By Thoaas B. Uhitaker. 192 p. Appl. states all new except for portion of chap. 2; portion of chap. 4 is drastic revision of prev. pub. paper. Princeton Oniversity Press; 4Aug77; A914354.

A914355. The Silent revolution: changing values and political styles aaong Restern publics. By Bonald Inglehart. 482 p. Portions prev. pub. in Politics and the future of industrial society 6 others. O Princeton Oniversity Press; 26Aug77; A914355.

A914356. The Boaan Inguisition and the Venetian press, 1540-1605. By Paul F. Gcendler. 374 p. O Princeton Oniversity Press; 22Sep77; A914356.

A914357. The Evolution of North Aaerica. By Philip Burke King. 197 p. NH: revisions & additions. O Princeton Oniversity Press; 9Sep77; A914357.

A914358. The Illustrated Bibles froa Tours. By Berbert L. Kessler. 1 v. (Studies in aanuscript illuaination, no. 7) 6 Princeton Oniversity Press; 70ct77; A914358.

A9143S9. The National parks. Text by nichael Froae, photography by David Huench. 144 p. Band HcNally and Coapany; 22Sep77; A914359.

A914360. Clear the bridge! the war patrols of the O.S.S. Tang. By Bichard B. O'Kane. 480 p. O Band HcNally and Coapany; 22Jul77: A914360.

A914361. Principles of faaiiy aedicine. By Bobert E. Bakel. 536 p. ». B. Saunders coapany; 260ct77; A914361.

A914362. Beginnings of sisterhood: the Aaerican woaan's rights aoveaent. 1800-1850. By Keith E. Selder. 199 p. Schocken Books. Inc.; 210ct77; A914362.

A914363. The Time of the kraken. By Jay iilliais. 168 p. C Jay Uiliiaas; 170ct77; A914363.

A914364. Beyond Earth: the search for extra- terrestrial life. By Boy A. Gallant. 191 p. e Boy A. Gallant; 170ct77; A914364.

A914365. I hate to go to bed. By Judi Barrett (Judith Barrett), illustrated by Bay Cruz. 1 v. O on text; Judi Barrett; 12Sep77; A914365.

A914366. I hate to go to bed. By Judith Barrett, illustrated by Bay Cruz. 1 v. C on illus. ; Bay Cruz; 12Sep77; A914366.

A914367. Hhat do you want to know about guppies? By Seymour Simon, illustrated by Susan Booners. 66 p. on text; Seyaour Siaon; 240ct77; A9 14367.

A914368. Bhat do you want to know about guppies? By Seyaour Siaon, illustrated by Susan Bonners. 66 p. on illus. ; Scholastic Magazines, Inc.; 240ct77; A914368.

A914369. Hake a witch, aake a goblin: a book of Halloween crafts. By Arnold Dobrin. 120 p. O Arnold Dobrin; 10oct77: A914369.

A914370. Pettifur. A story by Jay Uilliaas, illus. by Hilary Knight. 1 v. on text; Jay Uilliaas; 240ct77; A914370.

A914371. Pettifur. A story by Jay uilliaas* illus. by Bilacy Knight. 1 v. O on illus.; Hilary Knight; 240ct77; A914371.

A914372. How you can becoae financially independent by investing in real estate. By Albert J. Lowry. 350 p. Dean Aabrose, as Trustee for t on behalf of the children of Albert Lowry; Il0ct77;



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