Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1089

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A914415 - A914460
JUL-DEC. 1977

A914414 (con.) John Wiley and Sons, Inc.: 29Sep77; A914414.

A914415 Methods of biochenical analysis. Vol. 24. Edited bv David Glick. 502 p. Appl. au: John Hiley and Sons, Inc., eaployer for hire. O John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ; ltNo»77; »91«U15.

A914416. Beatinq, Tentilatinq, and air con- ditioDinq: analysis and desiqn. By Faye c. acQuiston & Jecald D. Parker. 651 p. John Biley and Sons, Inc.; 180ct77; A91I4U16.

A91ltl417. Principles of enqioeerinq econonic analysis. By John A. tlhite, Harvin H. Aqee t Kenneth E. Case. 160 p. John Wiley and Sons. Inc.; 180ct77: A91tai7.

A91lt418. Analysis and desiqn of analoq inteqrated circoits. By Paul B. Gray 6 Bobert G. Heyer. 683 p. John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 20Sep77: A91it»18.

A91lt«19. Diseases of the qallbladder and biliary systea. By Leslie J. Schoenfield, chap. 7 by Frank Moody, forevord by Franz Inqelfinqer. 362 p. John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 30ct77; A91<tit19.

A91itit20. African survey. By Alan C. G. Best C Ban J. De Blii. 626 p. Prev. pub. as A Geoqraphy of Subsaharan Africa. NH: revisions £ additions. John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 3Feb77: A91'tll20.

A911I421. Surqical pathoioqy of the uterus. By Steven G. Silverberq. 130 p. John Hiley and Sons. Inc.; 30ct77; A914it21.

A91111122. An Introduction to chenical enqineerinq, kinetics and reactor desiqn. By Charles G. Hill, Jr. 591) p. O John Hiley and Sons. Inc.; 29Sep77; A91I4U22.

A911»23. Orbit roen tqenoloqy. Edited by Peter H. Arqer. 274 p. C John Hiley and Sons. Inc.; 23Sep77: A914it23.

A9lai|2lt. Social sciences index, April 1976 to Harch 1977. Edited by Joseph Blooifield, indeiers: Enily Belcher, aichaela Barnick S Dorothy R. Binaldo. 1146 p. Appl. au: The H. H. Hilson Coipany. O The B. H. Hilson Company; 310ct77: A914'l24.

A914425. Abridqed fieaders* quide to periodical literature, June 1976 — February 1977. No. 27. Edited by Zada Liaerick, assistant editor: Jean H. Harra, indexers: Haria L. KocyloBsky, Alice P. Ordiers, Anne H. Pace, Barbara Schreiber, Bosemary Stramiiello e Harian J. Heston. 468 p. Appl. au: The H. B. Hilson Coapany. O The a. H. Hilson Conpany; 110ct77; A914425.

A914426. North Carolina civil practice and procedure. 1977 suppl. By Hilliaa A. Shuford. 1 V. The Barrison Coapany; 310ct77: A914426.

A914427. Chapter 12, Federal bankruptcy act; arranqeaents by persons other than corporations. By Hilliaa L. Norton, Jr. 210 p. (Beal property arranqeaents) O The Harrison Coapany; 190ct77; A914427.

A914428. Sunset to sunrise. By Lee Sogers ainchey. 47 p. Sheriar Press, Inc. 1NOV76: A914428.

A914429. aarion County, 1977. O Bobinson 1IIOv77: A914429.

A914430. Faaous and curious ceaeteries. By John Francis aarion. 276 p. Na: text, coopilation of photos., bibliography G index. O John Francis aarion; 310ct77; A914430.

A914431. Saall arms of the uorld; a basic manual of saall arms. By Eduard Clinton Ezell. 11th ed., rev. 671 p. A coapletely new f> rev. version of the classic nock by H. H. B. Saith. The Stackpole Coapany; 4NOV77; A914431.

A914432. California gunsaiths, 1846-1900. Written by Laurence Paul Shelton. photos, by the author. 289 p. Laurence Paul Shelton; 4Nov77; A914432.

A914433. Sexual anatoay and physiology: aale and feaale; discussion leader's guide. A full-color sound filastrip presentation by Leon Zussaan e Shirley Zussaan. 22 p. JBK Productions: 15Feb77: A914433.

A914434. Doug Kialer. Folder. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. O Clyde Earich; 22Jun77; A914434.

A914435. Children belong to God. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. Clyde Earich; 6Sep77; A914435.

A914436. Beauty of the snov. card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. Clyde Earich: 210ct77; A914436.

A914437. God's wonder. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. Clyde Eacich; 210ct77; A914437.

A91443e. Youth's dreaas. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. Clyde Earich; 210ct77: A914438.

A914439. A Stone in the uatec. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. Clyde Earich: 210ct77; A914439.

A914440. Bingo players. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. O Clyde Earich; 5Sep77: A914440.

A914441. Sertoaa and me. Card. Appl. au: Clyde Earich. O Clyde Earich; 140ct77: A914441.

A914442. Franklin Street qouraet. Editor: Kathi Parker Laab, food quality chairaan: Bob Brubaker, SCAO chairaan: Bill Paraelee. 5th ed. 24 p. O Student Consuaer Action Onion of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 28Jul77; A914442.

A914443. Sharianne pulled thread saapler. Designed & written by Bosalie Peters. 15 p. Bosalie peters; 1Aug77; A914443.

A914444. A Guide for young aagicians (under 80) By Hay-Ling, pseud, of aay-Lily Lee. 71 p. aay-Lily Lee; 21Sep77: A914444.

A914445. Sera usted dcjado atras? sabia usted que. Folder. Appl. au: c. A. Shepard. The Gospel Press, Inc.; 50ct77; A914445.

A9I4446. The Public Safety Coaaunications standard operating procedure aanual. Hritten by The Associated Public-Safety Coaaunications Officers, Inc. 14th ed. 93 p. Associated Public-Safety Coaaunications officers. Inc. ; 22Aug77; A914446.

A914447. Suaaary for a sesqui. By Eduin A. Peeples. 18 p. Pennsylvania Bor- ticultural Society; 130ct77; A914447.

A914448. The Challenge of being a uife. By Buth E. Hazeluood. 118 p. O Buth £. Bazelvood; 31Aug77; A914443.

A914449. Victory for a universalist Aaerica. By Tibor Oskert. 106 p. O Tibor Oskert; 15Sep77; A914449.

A914450. The Pilot Fayle-Safe installation jig. 1 p. Appl. au: Paul B. Fayle. Trileen Coapany: lOJul??; A914450.

A914451. The Body of believers. By Ira A. lilliaas. 1 v. Ira A. Hilliaas; 19Aug77; A914451.

A914452. fledical inforaation systeas aaster index. 40 p. O Beference and Index Services, Inc.; 1SJul77: A914452.

A9144S3. The Econoaic effects of coapulsory patent licensing. By F. a. Scherer. 91 p. NB: revisions e additions. O Nev rork Oniversity; 25Aug77; A914453.

A914454. The Days of August. By Barold Janes Bobinson. 106 p. O Harold Jaaes Bobinson; 250ct77; A914454.

A914455. ElectraHoaan and DynaGirl. GAF Tiev-aaster packet no. H3. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. Sid and aarty Krofft Productions, Inc.; 8Apr77; A914455-

A914' 56. Golden Book favorites. GAF yiev-aaster packet no. H14. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 17Aug77; A914456.

A914457. captain Aaecica in "Hhere ualks the sleeper." GAF Vieu-aaster packet no. B43. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. Barvel Coaics Group; 16Aug77; A914457.

A914458. Bister Lincoln. GAF Tiev-Baster packet no. H8. Kit. GAF Corporation; 24Jan77: A914458.

A9144S9. The New flickey Bouse club aouseketeers. GAF »iew-Baster packet no. H9. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. Halt Disney Productions; 2Jun77; A914459.


The Amazing Spider-Man in "Double identity." GAF yiew-Baster packet no.


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