Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/109

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A87it697 - A87i*735
JUL-DEC. 1977

A87H697. Third census of Finnegans nalce: an index of the characters and their roles. By Adaline Glasheen. 3H( p. tin: pref., biblioaraphv* chart, revisions 6 additions. C The Eegents of the University of California: 3Feb77; 487U697.

A874696. The Bontecassino passion and the poetics of Medieval drana. By Robert £d«ards. 20a p. ippl. states all neu except portion of chap. 3 which "as prev. pub. in Comparative drana. The Regents of the University of California: 18Feb77: A37U698.

A371I699. The Veric experience: Hantrananlari: an anthology of the Vedas for oodern nan and contemporary celebration. Edited fi translated »ith introductions 6 notes by EaiBundo Panikkar, with the collaboration of N. Shanta, B. A. B. Rogers, B. Baemer 6 B. Bidoli. 937 p. UK: translation, editing, introd. , headnotes, glossary 6 index. C Rainundo Panikkar: tApr77; A871t699.

A87U700. Laws, modalities, and counterf actuals. By Hans Reichenbach, with a foreword by Heslev C. Salmon. IHO p. Prev. pub. abroad 195U under the ti.: Nomological statements and admissible operations. e on foreword; Wesley C. Salmon; 31Dec76: A87I4700.

A8711701. Truth and ideology. By Hans Barth, translated by Frederic Lilge, foreword by Reinhard Bendix. 201 p. Original ti: Wahrheit und Ideologie. NB: translation. e The Eegents of the University of California: 21Dec76; A87U701.

A8714702. Folk literature of the Tamana Indians: Martin Gusinde's collection of lamana narratives. Editor 6 translator: Johannes Uilbert. 308 p. ippl. au: Latin American Center, University of California, Los Angeles, employer for hire of Karin G. Simoneau. NB: translation. O The Regents of the University of California; 17Bar77; 1871702.

A871703. The Most important art: Eastern European film after 19115. By Mira Liehm 6 Antonin J. Liehm. 167 p. e The Regents of the University of California; 3Bar77; A871t703.

A87U70U. Progress and its problems: toward a theory of scientific growth. By Larry Laudan. 257 p. S The Regents of the University of California: 23Bar77: A871170U.

A87it705. Surviving without governing: the Italian parties in Parliament. By Giuseppe Di Palsa. 299 p. C The Eegents of the University of California: aBar77: A87U705.

A87U706. Friends, followers, and factions: a reader in political clientelism. Edited by Steffen «. Schmidt, Laura Guasti, Carl H. Lande 6 James C. Scott. 512 p. NB: pref., introd. S editorial selection. 6 The Regents of the University of California; 30Bar77; A871I706.

A8714707, The American Siberia. By J. C. Powell., introd. 6 index by William Warren Eogers. 355 p. A facsimile reproduction of the 1891 ed. SB: introd. 6 index. C The Board of Regents of the State of Florida; 31Dec76: A87U707.

A871t708. Dress clothing of the plains Indians. By Ronald Peter Koch. 219 p. C Oni- versity of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the University; 5Jul77: A87U708.

A87H709. South Carolina colonial land policies. By Robert Kilgo Ackerman. 133 p. O University of South Carolina; 20Jan77: A871t709.

A871710. eueen of darkness. By Celia Gilbert. 70 p. NB: 9 new poems 6 compilation. C Celia Gilbert; 1Jun77: i87it710.

A87U711. The Blue Ridge. By William A. Bake. 112 p. O on text; William A. Bake; 2i(Jun77; A87it711.

A871t712. Reading aids for the partially sighted: a systematic classification and procedure for prescribing. By Louise Littig Sloan. 150 p. The Williams and wilkins Company; 20Jun77; A874712.

A87«713. Backache. By Ian Macnab. 235 p. The Williams and wilkins Company; 19Hay77; A87a713.

A87it71U. A Diagnostic approach to chest diseases: differential diagnoses based on roen- tgenographic patterns. By Glen A. Lillington 6 Robert W. Jamplis. 2nd ed. 608 p. O The Williams and Wilkins Company; 9l1ay77: A87it71i4.

A87i(715. Truth and deception: the polygraph ("lie-detector") technique. By John E. Reid £ Fred E. Inbau. 2nd ed. «30 p. e The Williams and wilkins Company; 16aay77: A87il715.

A87I4716. Bearing aid assessment and use in audiologic habilitat ion. Edited by William E. Hodgson 6 Paul H. Skinner. 288 p. d The Williams and wilkins Company: 6May77; A87l(716.

A87It717. Laparoscopy. Editor-in-chief: Jordan B. Phillips £ other editors. 366 p. C The Williams and wilkins Company; 20Hay77; A87U717.

A87it716. Going to college: the study of students and the student experience. By James R. Davis, with bibliographic research by Paul Stonely. 248 p. 6 Westview Press; 15Jun77: Ae7»718.

A874719. Peru. By Victor Alba. 245 p. e Westview Press, Inc.; 15Jun77; A874719.

A874720. Ecosystem modeling in theory and practice; an introduction with case histories. Edited by Charles A. s. Hall fi John w. Day, Jr. 684 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work done as part of a U.S. Govt, employee's official duties. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 28Jan77: A874720.

A874721., Urn models and their application: an approach to modern discrete probability theory. By Norman Lloyd Johnson £ Samuel Kotz. 402 p. e John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 28Jun77; A874721.

A874722. Mass media policies in changing cultures. Edited by George Gerbner. 291 p. e John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 27Jun77; A874722.

A874723. Acoustical oceanography: principles and applications. By Clarence Samuel Clay 6 Herman Medwin. 544 p. C John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 28Jun77; A874723.

A874724. The Precis index system; principles, applications and prospects; proceedings of the International Precis Workshop, University of Baryland, Oct. 15-17, 1976. Edited by Hans H. Wellisch. 211 p. O Hans H. Wellisch: 27Jan77; A87U724.

A874725. Hilton Lifetime Homes for better living; the value line. 1977 ed. 39 p. C Hilton Lifetime Homes Corporation; 1Apr77; A874725.

A874726. Witnessing to the Bormon. By Jerry e Marian Bodine. 29 p. © Jerry 6 Barian Bodine; 14Jun77; A874726.

A874727. A Selective guide to women- related records in the North Carolina State Archives. By Catherine E. Thompson. 77 p. 6 North Carolina Division of Archives and History; 10Jun77; A874727.

A874728. Grant accounting for state and local government recipients, 5 p. (NCGA discussion memorandum, no. 1) Appl. au: National Council on Governmental Accounting. Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada; 15Bar77: Ae74728.

A874729. GAAFR restatement; introduction and principles. 1 v. (NCGA working draft) Appl. au: National Council on Governmental Accounting. Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada; 31Bar77 (in notice: 1976): A874729.

A874730. Northern California Indian basketry of the yurok, Karuk and Hupa tribes. 5 p. Appl. au: Belinda Suzanne pyle. Belinda Suzanne Pyle; 1Sep76; A874730.

A874731. what's in your hand? Neumann palmistry chart. 18 p. Appl. au: Ruth V. Neumann, e Neumann-Donlan Associates, solely owned by Ruth V. Neumann: 1Dec76; A874731.

A874732. Screech; a teacher's manual for film 2. 17 p. (Discovering traffic safety) O Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility; 14Jun77; Ae7U732.

A874733. Blind spots; a teacher's manual for film 3. 17 p. (Discovering traffic safety) 6 Highway Users Federation for Safety and Bobility; 1«Jun77; A874733.

A874734. Beware; a teacher's manual for film 4. 19 p. (Discovering traffic safety) Highway Users Federation for Safety and Bobility; 14Jun77; A874734.

A874735. Search: a teacher's manual for film 5.

19 p. (Discovering traffic safety)


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