Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1093

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A914587 - A914633
JUL-DEC. 1977

»914587. The Blowinq breezes aod the big black blank. Br Grace O'Xeal. 1 v. Grace O'Neal; 24Jun77; i914b87.

4914588. EconoBics course guide. By Lavrence Craiq Bolken. 1 ?• Laurence Craig Bolkcn: 16Sep77: 4914588.

4914589. Equipaent aaoual. 1 >. O Peter Kievit Sons' COBpany: 11No»77: 4914589.

4914590. Backdoor at Bagdad: the Civil Har on the Bio Grande. By Janes 4. Irby. 64 p. Texas Hestern Press, the University of Texas at El Paso; 1lllov77; 4914590.

4914591. fieport on: Indianapolis Power and Light Coapany, October 7, 1977. By Noraan Greenberq 6 Evan J. Silverstein. Folder (3 p.) 4ppl. au: Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc. Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc.; 110ct77; 4914591.

4914592. On the island of ay dreaas. By Michael Theodorakis. 1 p. Hichael Theodorakis; 8Sep77: 4914592.

4914593. The Tventy-one gun salute: a tribute to Dorothy 411en, »ith ruffles and flou- rishes. 30 p. 4ppl. au: Gerald S. Hoynes (Jerry Hoynes) Jerry Boynes & Dorothy B. 411en; 61)ov77; 4914593.

4914594. Proven nays to earn and save extra dollars. 6 p. 4ppl. au: Helvin Borden. Helvin Borden; 15Hov77; 4914594.

4914595. The Doctor's cooposite identity in Shakespeare's aacbeth. By Donald Stuart Fady. 42 p. Donald Stuart Pady; 280ct77; 4914595.

4914596. The Easy way to riches! 36 p. 4ppl. au: Everett L. 4tkinson (Bill 4tkinson) O Bill 4tkinson (legal naae: Everett L. 4tkinson) : 8Nov77: 4914596.

4914597. Hoekert faaily (Hooker and Hoeker) CoBpiled by Verla Booker. 104 p. Terla Booker; 260ct77; 4914597.

4914598. Orinary tract infections. 4 p. 6 Hesleyan University Health Services; 14IIOV77: 4914598.

4914599. Win at Vegas — horse race book. 3 p. 4ppl. au: Bobert H. & Hary C. Hojahn (Research Data Systems) Research Data Systeas; 1Nov77; 4914599.

4914600. The Final task. By Peter Horrocks. 273 p. Belwood Corporation; 7Nov77; 4914600.

4914601. Tucson Coaaunications Center: pre- llainary radio enqineeriag« October 1977. 50 p. 4ppl. au: Tucson Ffl Engineering Corporation, Coaaunications General Corporation G Floyd D. Shipley. O Tucson FH Engineering Corporation; 11Nov77; 4914601.

4914602. HEX, aarketing econoaics guide, 1977-78: current aarket diaensions for 1500 cities, all 3100 counties, all aetro areas. 1 v. Hacketinq Econoaics Institute, Ltd. ; 29Jul77; 4914502.

4914603. 4frica. Created by Susan Carpenter 6 Pat Burke Guild. 2nd ed. Kit. (Cultural initiative series) NH: additions & corrections. IntecCulture 4ssociates, Inc.; 10HOV77; 4914503.

4914604. Take a card. Any card (DC-1) Folder. Tiaesaver, Inc.; 19Dec75; 4914604.

4914605. Take a card. 4ny card (»-1) Folder, e Tiaesaver. Inc.; 170ct77; 4914605.

4914606. Take a card. 4ny card (S-1) Folder. Tiaesaver, Inc.; 20Say77; 4914606.

4914607. Take a card. 4ny card (National-2) Folder. O Tiaesaver, Inc.; 20Hay77; 4914607.

4914608. Take a card. 4ny card (li-15) Folder. Tiaesaver, Inc.; 234ug77; 4914608.

4914609. Take a card. Any card (DC-14) Folder. Tiaesaver, Inc.; 280ct77; A914609.

4914610. The People called Methodist in Bayonne. By Hayne Jack Pluastead. 214 p. O layne Jack Pluastead; 30oct77; 4914610.

4914611. For twenty-five years I thank you. Peg of ay heartj 30 p. Appl. au: Paul L. GoBory. O Paul L. Goaory ; 7Jul69 (in notice: 1967); 4914611.

A914612. The Synthetic gospel, the devil's delight. By Michael Eric Todd. 17 p. NM: additions 6 coapilation. 6 Michael Eric Todd; 1Hov77; A9 14612.

A914613. Poeas of hoae and country. The Marble Hill and New London stories. By Henry Clay Schiraer. 76 p. Henry clay SchirBer; 14Nov77; 4914613.

4914614. The Political, econoaic, and labor cliaate in Mexico. By Jaaes L. Schlagheck with the assistance of Nancy B. Johnson. 164 p. (Multinational industrial relations series, no. 4. Latin 4aerican studies) O The Trustees of the Oniversity of Pennsylvania; 15Nov77; 4914614.

4914615. Code of ordinances, town of Haverhill, Florida; adopted July 25, 1977, effective 4uq. 1, 1977. 1 V. O Municipal Code Corporation; 50ct77; 49 14615.

A914616. Modern Aaerican painting, 1910-1940: toward a new perspective. By Hilliaa C. Aqee. 23 p. Museua of Fine 4rts, Bouston; 190ct77; 4914616.

4914617. How to operate a high-payinq aail order resuae service froa home. By Merl Jaaes Gaskill. 35 p. O Merl J. Gaskill; 170ct77; 4914617.

4914618. re are all the children of light. By God's servants in Christ Jesus, coapiled & prepared by Elaer U. Hunt. 74 p. Elaer U. Hunt; 1NOV77; 4914618.

4914619. My life aeaories: a workbook to help you write your personal life story. By 41ice 4. Zoerb. 125 p. O 41ice A. Zoerb; 1NOV77; 4914619.

4914620. Corn and corn iaproveaent. Editor: George Frederick Sprague C other editors. 774 p. (49ronoBy. no. 18) O 4aerican Society of 4gronoBy, Inc.; 1Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4914620.

4914621. The Condensed world of the Reader's digest. By Saauel Aqnev Schreiner, Jr. 239 p. 4dd. ti: The Condensed world of Reader's digest. Schreiner 4ssociates, Inc.; 29JU177; 4914621.

4914622. Caring for your unborn child. By Bonald E. Gots e Barbara 4nn Gots. 276 p. Bonald E. Gots e Barbara 4nn Gots; 30Sep77; 4914622.

A914623. The Bines of the Cotes du Bhone. By Sheldon Hasseraan with Pauline Hasseraan. 230 p. Sheldon tiasseraan with Pauline Vasseraan; 12Sep77; A914623.

4914624. Orban law annual. Issued by The School of Law, Rashington University. 289 p. 4ppl. au: Jeroae G. Bose, Thonas J. Schoenbaua, Kenneth G. Silliaan 6 Ellen Cesser. 6 Uashington University; 25JU177; A914624.

A914625. The Atkins chronicles. Coapiled by Jane Cuccio with illus. & assistance by Earl Bill. 198 p. C Jane Cuccio; 6Sep77; A914625.

A914626. The Catholic digest Christaas book. Edited by Kenneth Byan. 325 p. Appl. au: Carillon Books. MM: pcef . , chapter introd., 6 revisions. O Carillon Books; 170ct77: 4914626.

4914627. The Legacy of fiubba the Dane. By Donald Sidney Hubbell. 214 p. Donald S. Hubbell e New 4uthor Publishers; 224pr77; 4914627.

4914628. 4be and ae. By Jack Murphy, illustrated by chuck Beebe. 192 p. 4ppl. au: Joyce Press, Inc. Most of the aaterial in this book originally appeared in The San Diego union C others. NM: coapilation £ abridgaent. O Jack Murphy; 24Mar77; 4914628.

4914629. Frontier 4aerica, 1800-1840: a coaparative deaographic analysis of the settleaent process. By JaBes E. Davis. 220 p. e 4rthur H. Clark Coapany; 111IOV77; 4914629.

A9 14630. The Bistory of South Carolina. By Mary C. Siaas Oliphant, Hary C. Siaas Oliphant Furaan & H. GilBore Siaas Oliphant. 460 p. NM: revisions. O Laidlaw Brothers, a division of Doubleday and Coapany, Inc.; 25Apr77; A914630.

A914631. Boaen in society. By Eleanor Newirth. (In High school feainist studies, p. 43-50) Eleanor Newirth; 11Jun76; A914631.

A914632. Goldilocks at the bears' Christaas. By Berqetta Dahl Gunderson, pictures by Ken Maddux Jr. 1 v. O Berqetta Dahl Gunderson; 23Sep77; A914632.

A914633. Bicentennial of physicians of Northern

Kentucky past and present. By Alvin


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