Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1109

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A915227 - A915269
JUL-DEC. 1977

A9 15226 (con.) illastrated by the author. It. Jessie Hone Clark: 2itOct77j t915226.

1915227. The Kon-ezlstence of death. By BlchaEd HardlDq Halters. 136 p. Blchard HacdlDq ialters: 19Not77: 1915227.

1915228. lanKton. Vecailllon. SO. ceqional telephone directory, Novenber 1977. Northwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 8(lo»77; 1915228.

1915229. lies. 11, reqional telephone directory, Hoveaber 1977. NorthHestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 81io»77: 1915229.

1915230. Turn aqain to ae and other poeas. By Helen Idaa, collaqe illus. by Helen Idaa. 120 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Hew York quarterly 6 others. HH; new text fi pictorial aatter. Helen Idaa: 2itOct77: 1915230.

1915231. The SBC (Southern Baptist convention) issue and question. Vol. 1. By iilliaa 1. Powell. 276 p. Idd. ti: The SBC issue and question. O Hilliaa 1. Powell: 17NOV77: 19 15231.

1915232. 11th Hour Idventist Beanant Church, luthor: Verlis R. Johnson. 11 p. yerlis ». Johnson: 15IIar77: 1915232.

1915233. The H/stery of Colossians 2:11-17 unsealed and righteousness by faith, luthor: Verlis i. Johnson. 22 p. Verlis H. Johnson: 30Jud76 (in notice: 1977): 1915233.

1915231. Hiatus in Veqas. 6 p. Ippl. au: Gertrude Blake (Trudi Blake) O Gertrude Blake (in notice: Trudi Blake): 23lioy77: 1915231.

1915235. Quality assurance in aedical records. By Jeanne H. Tucker. 57 p. Ippl. au: The Foundation for Health Education. O The Foundation for Health Education; 11Nov77; 1915235.

1915236. Lo-Profile actuators: hydraulic and pneuaatic service. 1 v. Ippl. au: J. Frank Hack. O Hack Corporation: 15Hov77: 1915236.

1915237. Basic iniection aoldinq. 97 p. Ippl. au: Hillaia (sic) Jaaes Tobin (i. J. Tobin) O i. J. Tobin: 7Jun77: 1915237.

1915238. Throuqh closed doors: lestern influence on Japanese art. 1639-1853. By Calvin L. French. 173 p. C Meadow Brook Irt Gallery: 80ct77: 1915238.

1915239. Investaent plannlnq in the onited States foe the nonresident alien. 117 p. Paul. Hastings. Janofsky and Halker: 110ct77: 1915239.

1915210. Pocket Bible ready reference. Card. Ippl. au: Bayaond 1. Uhite. O Bayaond 1. thite: 10NOV77: 1915210.

1915211. China, 1976. Beport by a delegation froa the Oniversity of Irizona, editor: Huqh Odishaw. 118 p. Board of Begents. Oniversity of Irizona; 201ug77; 1915211.

1915212. Xylenes and their derivatives, 1977 world outlook, years 1976-1986. Study H-132, Sept. 1977. 116 p. C Peter Sherwood Associates, Inc. ; 6Sep77; 1915212.

1915213. Benzene, toluene, and their derivatives, world outlook, 1976-1986. Study H-129, Harch 1977. 607 p. Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc.: 25Feb77: 1915213.

1915211. Polypropylene-aarkets, outlook, coapetitive iapact, 1976-1982. Study H-133. Sept. 1977. Issued by Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc. in collaboration with Bonald S. Schotland. 366 p. O Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc. ; 6Sep77: 1915211.

1915215. Changing resins and solvents aarkets in the coatings industries, 1976-1981. Study H-130, Bar. 1977. Issued by Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc. in collaboration with Bichard 1. Bieneaan. 221 p. Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc.; 25Feb77; 1915215.

1915216. The PVC industry, 1977-1982. Vol. 1-2. Study H-131, Hay 1977. Issued by Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc. in collaboration with Jaaes E. Sayre. Peter Sherwood Issociates, Inc. ; 16Hay77: 1915216.

1915217. 359 guide to instructional aaterials. By Brandon H. Bhistler. 1 v. O Brandon H. Khistler; 151ug77; 1915217.

1915218. "Son"light. By Lai, pseud, of Pauline F. Harrison. 31 p. O Pauline F. Harrison: 18not77: 1915218.

1915219. NlIS Task Force on Secondary Hathe- aatics. Occasional papers no. 1: signed Dunbers, linear functions, surface area blocks. 21 p. O National Issociation of Independent Schools; 17Nov77; 1915219.

1915250. Isbestos workers tool catalog, January 1978. No. 20. 21 p. Ippl. au: George 1. Davis. O George 1. Davis; 22Bov77; 1915250.

1915251. 1 Black businessaan in white Hissis- sippi, 1886-1971. By Sadye H. sier with John F. Harszalek. 79 p. Oniversity Press of Hississippi: 260ct77; 1915251.

1915252. International Law of the Sea and the Future of Deep Seal>ed Hining. Edited by Christopher C. Joyner. 112 p. Proceedings of the John Bassett Hoore Society of International Law 6 the laerican Society of International Law regional aeetinq, Charlottesville, VI, Nov. 16, 1971. The John Bassett Hoore Society of International Law; 16Nov71 (in notice: 1975) ; 1915252.

1915253. Stagecoach 22: San Intonio-El Paso stage line, 1869. By Budolph aellard. 211 p. Budolph Hellard; 21Nov77: 1915253.

1915251. Spur Banch — and other circles of tiae. By Evelyn Hellard, illus. by Johny Ueyerts. 206 p. Evelyn Hellard; 21NOV77: 1915251.

19 15255. Iowa Hethodist Hedical Center, 1951-1976. By Edith H. Bjornstad. 181 p. 1915256.

Vignettes of philosophy: thirty-five vital subjects. By Honer Tope Bosen- berger. 258 p. O Hoaer T. Bosenberger; 190ct77; 1915256.

1915257. Beports of cases decided xn the Court of Appeals of the State of Georgia at the January and Ipril teras, 1977. Vol. 111. Beporters: Hiley fi. Davis 6 Guy a. Hassey. 1021 p. NH: coopilatlon, additional text e index. State of Georgia; 11lov77; 1915257.

1915258. Iny dog naaed Papageno Bosenberg aust be a little bit of all right! By Sidney H. Bosenberg. 57 p. O Sidney U. Bosenberg; 7NOV77; 1915258.

1915259. Notetaking and study skills. By Gloria Hansen Ueber, Haaden L. Forkner, Jr. 6 Edwin J. iieber. 152 p. Forkner Publishing Corporation; 15Sep77; 1915259.

1915260. Instructor's aanual for Notetaking and study skills. By Gloria Hansen Ueber, Haaden L. Forkner, Jr. 6 Edwin J. Beber. 59 p. Forkner Publishing Corporation; 15Sep77: 1915260.

1915261. Hoaen in Diddle aanagenent: selection, training, advanceaent, perforoance. By Jacquelyn S. Crawford. 156 p. O Jacquelyn S. Crawford; 110ct77; 1915261.

1915262. Student handbook for Notetaking and study skills. By Gloria Hansen Heber, Haaden L. Forkner, Jr. £ Edwin J. Betier. 123 p. O Forkner Publishing Corporation; 15Sep77; 1915262.

1915263. Idvanced pension planning: casebook. 1977. Sheets. The laerican College; 151ug77; 1915263.

1915261. Advanced pension planning: study guide, 1977. Sheets. The laerican College; 151ug77; 1915261.

1915265. Idvanced pension planning: readings, 1977. Sheets. The laerican College; 151ug77: 1915265.

1915266. Proceedings of twenty-first Stapp Car crash Conference, October 19-21, 1977, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1110 p. Ippl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. Society of lutoaotive Engineers, Inc.; 180ct77; 1915266.

1915267. Keys to the universe and the aind. By Nikola Tesla through Buth Noraan 6 Thoaas ailler. 367 p. O Unarius Educational Foundation; 11Nov77; 1915267.

1915268. A History of the Hississippi Governor's Hansion. By David G. Sansing 6 Carroll Halier. 220 p. O Oniversity Press of Hississippi; 260ct77; 1915268.

1915269. Hy dear Nellie: the Civil Uar letters of Hilliaa L. Nugent to Eleanor Saith Nugent.

Edited by Hilliaa H. Cash C Lucy


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