Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1111

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A915313 - A915353
JUL-DEC. 1977

«915312 (con.) selected ski areas of iestern North iaerica, 1975-76 and 1976-77 seasons. Bf ael Borqersen. 1 t. gel Borgecsen and Issociates, Ltd.; 16Nov77: A915312.

1915313. Security Pacific Bank SecurityService check acceptance orientation. Kit. Security Pacific national Bank; 20Sep77; 19 15313.

A9 15311. Modular ad caapaiqn kit. No. 1. 1 v. Add. ti: circle Anerica aodular ad caapaiqn kit. Circle Aaerica Beal Estate Corporation (in notice: circle Aaerica): 19Jan76 (in notice: 1975); A91531II.

A91531S. Thanksqivinq, 1977. By Daya (fata. 1 p. Appl. au: Self-Bealization PellOHship. O Self-Bealization FellOHShip; 1«ov77: A915315.

A915316. uhat lakes a nurse? iritten by Fern L. Collard. Card. Fern L. Collard; 21IIOV77: A915316.

A915317. The Shankel lanqaaqe developnent proqram: a coipilation of lanquaqe development exercises and correlating mastery tests. By John c. Shankel. 1 y. John C. Shankel: 1»Oct77; A9 15317.

A915318. Creativity update report. Report no. 5, Hoy. 1977. By Bob Aristronq 6 others. 3 p. Appl. au: Haritz, Inc. llaritz. Inc.: 7NOV77: A915318.

A915319. Take it off (bad eating habits and weight) : a behavioral proqraa for all dieters with special reference to the protein sparing fast. Vritten by Dan O'Banion. 121 p. Faster Fitness, Inc.; 2llo»77: A915319.

A915320. Florida. 16 p. Appl. au: Bayiond N. Phillips. O Philsan Corporation; 22Hov77: A915320.

A915321. Host anazinq aethod of obtaininq relief froa terrible backaches and pains; vith forevord 6 instructions 6 visual aids. 7 p. Appl. au: John fi. Bainbotf. O John fi. Bainbov: 21Nov77: A9I5321.

A915322. Touching you, touching ae. Author: Patrick C. Galleqos. 9« p. Patrick C. Galleqos; 18»ov77: A915322.

A91S323. Physician's handbook for helpinq problea drinkers stop drinking. By Haiie Clarence Haultsby, Jr. laO p. Naiie Clarence Haultsby, Jr.; 200ct77; A915323.

A91532U. fleasureaents and instruaentation laboratory aanual; text suppl. Prepared by Frederick J. Broun. 1 v. Frederick J. Brown: 17Jan77: A91532I1.

A91S325. Hechanics of aaterials laboratory aanual. Prepared by Frederick J. Brovn. 1 v. O Frederick J. Broun; 17Jan77; A915325.

A915326. Phelon's discount stores, directory of self-service departaent stores, discount stores, cataloq-shoMrooBs, drug chains, leased departaent operators and other retailers of proaotional aerchandise. 1978-1979, 8th edition. Sheldon's jobbing trade, 9ath edition. 391 p. Add. ti: Phelon's discount stores and Sheldon's lobbinq. 1978-79. O Phelon. Sheldon and Harsar, Inc.; 211Iov77; A915326.

A915327. Lubbock, Slaton, 11, telephone directory, Boveaber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 21Nov77; A915327.

A915328. Boston, including Brookline, Caabridge, Soaerville, HA, white pages telephone directory. 1978. O New England Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 22Nov77; A915328.

A915329. Classic designs for aen. By Buth prazan, photography by Gerald Bishop, art work by Sue Hartin. 48 p. e Buth Prazan; 21IOV77; A915329.

A9 15330. Kansas City street address telephone directory including Independence, HO, Boveaber 1977. il8 p. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 16NOV77; A915330.

A9 15331. Dutch Girl state-of-origin scrapbook. Edited by Edna Vandas. 55 p. O Dutch Girl Crafts and Publications; 20Hay77; A9 15331.

A915332. Suaaary of 14 questionable grandaother quilt books (as of Bay 1977) Edited by Edna Tandas. 1 v. NH: compilation 6 additions. Dutch Girl Crafts and Publications; 20aay77; A915332.

A915333. Quilting, South Park Coaaissioners, Chicago. 1 v. Add. ti: South Park Coaaission booklet. Put Alice Beyer's South Park Coaaission booklet together in a Bore coapact fora & suaaarized the material at the front in relationship to Nancy Cobot designs. Appl. au: Edna Vandas (Edna Van Das) NN: revisions 6 suaaary. O Dutch Girl Crafts and Publications; 20(lay77; A915333.

A915334. The Reluctant respondent: two views. By Darnell Felix Hawkins. 1 v. (IBSS discussion papers series, no. 2-1) Darnell f. Hawkins; 8Nov77; A915334.

A915335. Data book bulletin. No. 27it. U p. O Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc.; 2mov77; A915335.

A9 15336. Cheaical Abstracts, ninth collective index, index of ring systems foraulas A-C6e10N7O. Vol. 76-85, 1972-1976. 1 v. Appl. au: Fred A. Tate. O Aaerican Chemical Society; 1Nov77: A91S336.

A915337. Holstein-Friesian herd book. Vol. 237. Microfiche. Appl. au: Charles J. Larson. O Holstein-Friesian Association of America: 15Nov77; A915337.

A915338. Personal biorbythm appointment calendar. Kit. Appl. au: Terry L. Edaonson. O Institutional Advanceaent Associates, Inc. (lAA, Inc.); 170ct77; A915338.

A915339. New, fun, innovative, excellent for rainy days: an educational teaching aid for physical education. Folder. Add. ti: Sport hop. Appl. au: Joan Paul, Elizabeth Moulds (Beth). M. Halissa Turner 6 Dolores D. Fernandez. O Physical Education Program Aids Company; 19llov77; A915339.

A9153a0. The Hoae buying decision, use priorities card. O keimer Business Advisory Service. Inc.; 8»ov77; A9153<t0.

A915341. Audio update seven. Editor: H. L. Eisenson. 20 p. Audio Dimensions, Inc.; 16MOV77: A9153lt1.

A9153It2. cesarean childbirth: a handbook for parents. Edited by Barbara K. Uickernell for Hestchester Chapter, American Society for Psychopropbylaxis in Obstetrics. 12 p. O Aaerican Society for Psychoprop- hylaxis in Obstetrics, Inc.. Sestchester Chapter (Hestchester ASPO) ; 21liov77: A91S31I2.

A915313. The Oaaha steaks cookbook. Vol. 10. Featuring recipes 6 instructions by food authority Janes A. Beard, with Carl Jerome. 23 p. Appl. au: Oaaha Steaks International, Inc. Prev. reg. 1658119. NM: additional text. Oaaha Steaks International a.a.d.o. Omaha Steaks International, Inc.; 7Nov77; 1915313.

A915311. Planning the great dinner. By James A. Beard. 2 p. (The Pleasures of enter- taining with food, special feature, article 3) O Omaha Steaks International a.a.d.o. Omaha Steaks International, Inc.; 30ct77; A9 15344.

A9 15345. Entertaining at luncheon. By James A. Beard. 2 p. (The Pleasures of enter- taining with food, special feature, article 4) O Omaha Steaks International a.a.d.o. Omaha Steaks Interna tional. Inc.; 240ct77; A915345.

A915346. The Art of serving. By James A. Beard. 2 p. (The Pleasures of entertaining with food, special feature, article 2) Omaha Steaks International a.a.d.o. Omaha Steaks International. Inc.; 12Sep77; A915316.

A915347. The Fun of the unexpected. By James A. Beard. 2 p. (The Pleasures of enter- taining with food, special feature, article 1) Omaha Steaks International a.a.d.o. Omaha Steaks International. Inc.; 22Aug77; A915347.

A915348. Speak to me of serenity. By Jacqueline J. Haskins, designed 6 illustrated by Gordon Blomfield. 1 v. O Jacqueline J. Haskins; 12Nov77: A91534e.

A915349. Information Please almanac, atlas and yearbook, 1978. Editor: Theodore B. Dolmatch 6 other editors. 32nd cd. 1008 p. O Information Please Publishing. Inc. ; 15Nov77; A915349.

A915350. SSI: an index to published microcomputer software, January-July 1978. 17 p. Appl. au: Jim schreier. O Jim Schreier; 22NOV77; A915350.

A915351. Basic gardening in Florida sand. By Robert L. Perry. 72 p. Bobert L. Perry S Vivian V. Perry; 11Nov77; A915351.

A91S352. How to buy and manage real estate. By Carl L. Jones. 62 p. O Carl L. Jones: 11JU177; A915352.

A915353. Texas cemetery inscriptions: a source

index. By Sharry Crof ford-Gould. 52 p.


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