Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1113

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JUL-DEC. 1977

i915«00. History of the Onited States: Social studies E-1, one-half unit. Br Gerald L. Oainlan. 28 p. C The University of HyoBinq; 1«Hov77: »915»00.

»9151t01. The Super stop tic tac toe aix qaae. k board Qaae by Allen Chester Felch £ , David Younq Horine, Jr. Kit. Allen Chester Felch 6 David Younq Borine, Jr.; 23Nov77; i915'101.

A915H02. The Jaaes Preston Natland aarble foraation and quarry (JPHHFQ) 7 p. Q Jaaes Preston Natland; 50ct77; A9151t02.

A915't03. Editorials. By Joe Allen Looper. 7 p. O Joe Allen Looper: 23Nov77: A915it03.

A915ltOll. Advertisinq linqles. By Joe Allen Looper. 6 p. Joe Allen Looper: 23NOV77: A915«0«.

A915405. Lonely people. By Joe Allen Looper. 1 V. Joe Allen Looper: 23llov77; A915't05.

A9151t06. The Tiauqua Indians; teacher aanual, senior hiqh level. 8 p. Appl. au: Larry D. Houlds. Traioinq Specialists* Inc. ; iaar77: A915406.

A9 151(07. The Tiauqua Indians; teacher aanual, iunior hiqh level. 8 p. Appl. au: Larry D. Houlds. Traininq Specialists* Inc.; 1Har77; A915a07.

A915I108. The Tiauqua Indians; teacher aanual, eleaentary level. 8 p. Appl. au: Larry D. Houlds. C Traininq Specialists* Inc. ; 1Har77: A915408.

A91Si)09. The Tiauqua Indians. Sheets (34 p.) in envelope. Appl. au: Larry 0. Houlds. O Traininq Specialists* Inc. ; 1Bar77; A915409.

A915I410. Introduction to aini-coaputers; seainar aanual. 1 v. Add. ti: Hini-coapnter seainar. DeLair Data Systeas* Inc.; 13Hay77; A915m0.

A9 15U11. Enerqy savers qas staaps. 1 p. Appl. au: aarqaret n. Freeaan. Harqaret H. Freeaan; 18llov77; A9 15411.

A915412. Fancy pickin* and plain sinqinq. By John Burke. 37 p. Add. ti: The Banjo tab and ausic book for KH 202 "fancy pickin' and plain sinqinq.** NH: coapilation £ additions. C Kickinq Hule Publishinq* Inc.; 15SOV77; A9154 12.

A915413. After dinner aints. By ioody Barris. 34 p. NH: coapilation & additions. Kickinq Hule Publishinq* Inc.; 15JU177; A915413.

A915414. Binqo-keno: playinq card. 1 p. Appl. au: Henry A. Hlller. O Benry A. Hiller: 23HOV77; A9 15414.

A915415. I' a happy. 1 p. Appl. an: Kettle Lou Beiaan. Nettie Lou Seiaan; 21Mov77; A9 15415.

A91S416. Farqo-Hoorbead dovn-towner. No. 2* Nov. 1977. Folder. Appl. states all nea except aasthead on p. 1 & 3 saall panels at bottoa of last paqe. O Berkey Lincoln-Hercury, Inc.; 10Nov77; A915416.

A915417. Siaple aeditation* stress effectiveness traininq and the coaprehensive aeditation traiAiag foraat. By Jonathan C. Saitfa. 16 p. O Jonatbao C. Saith; 18Nov77: A9154)7.

A9IS418. Handbook for institutional self-study. 26 p. Appl. an: Bobert Kirkwood. HH: revisions C additions. O Coaaission on Higher Education of the Riddle States Association of Colleges and Schools; 9HOV77; A915418.

A91S419. Leveler. 9 p. Appl. au: Laurence B. Starratt* Clyde Boyer & Leif Lindvall. O Endress and Hauser, Inc.; 15Nov77; A91S419.

A915420. Looking for the kingdoa; a tuo-part filastrip on the kinqdoa of God* reading script. 23 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 100ct77; A91542D.

A915421. A House divided; the causes of the Civil Bar* reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas S. Klise coapany; 40ct76: A91S421.

A915422. The Abolitionist aoveaent; reading script. 12 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76; A91S422.

A915423. The Bay Best; a tuo-part filastrip on the settling of the Aaecican Best* reading script. 20 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76: A9 15423.

A91542'l. The Aaerican Bill of Bights; reading script. 16 p. Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76; A91S424.

A91S425. The Strange Bar of 1812; reading script. 12 p. Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76; A9 15425.

A915426. The Civil Bar; a three- part filastrip on the Bar between the States* reading script. 36 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 180ct77 (in notice: 1976); A915426.

A9 15427. Beunitinq the states; reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas s. Klise Coapany; 30Sep77; A915427.

A91542B. The Huddled aasses; a t«o-part filastrip on Aaerica's iaaigrants* reading script. 24 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 30Sep77; A9 15428.

A915429. The Trail of tears; a two-part filastrip on the tragedy of the Aaerican Indian* reading script. 28 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 170ct77; A915429.

A9 15430. The Bonder of vords; reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas s. Klise Coapany: 27Sep77;

A91S430. rdy; reading script. 16 Klise Coapany; i7Sep77;

A915432. Sylvia Plath; reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany: 30Sep77; A915432.

A915433. Eaily Dickinson; reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas s. Klise Coapany; 40ct76; A915433.

A9 15434. The Boaantic Age; reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76: A915434.

A915435. Onderstanding point of view; reading script. 16 p. Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76; A915435.

A915436. Catch-22: reading script. 16 p. Thoaas S. Klise Coapany: 40ct76; A915436.

A915437. The History of the novel; a two-part filastrip* reading script. 20 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 40ct76: A915437.

A915438. The Age of Beason; reading script. 12 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 26Sep77; A91S438.

A915439. The Twenties; a two-part filastrip* reading script. 20 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany: 30Sep77; A915439.

A915440. The English language; a brief history* reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 10Sep77; A915440.

A915441. Bhat is theatre? A two-part filastrip, reading script. 24 p. O Thoaas S. Klise coapany; 27Sep77; A915441.

A915442. The Victorian Age; reading script. 16 p. Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 26Sep77: A915442.

A91S443. Faaily prayer; reading script. 16 p. O Thoaas S. Klise Coapany; 30Sep77; A915443.

A915444. Creative Career Developaent ; a workbook. By Alexander Hethven. 2nd ed. 95 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1976. Alexander "^' Heth"en; 4Nov77; A915444.

A91544 5. ' Belcoaes you to Hanhasset. Folder. Appl. au: Anne Brown. O H. Cavaliere '- Realty* Inc.; 18Bov77; A915445.

A915446. A National policy for health care: principles and positions. 1 v. Aaerican Nurses' Association; 170ct77;," A915446.

A915447. Bho's who in Baasey* 1977. 27th annual ed. 248 p. Appl. au: Elizabeth G. ohnegian. The Bible School of the First Presbyterian Church; 1Bay77: A9 15447.

A915448. Bef lections of a little brown boy. '-y -' Higuel Guerrero* illus. by Bod NewhaU 52 p. Higuel Guerrero; 2Sep77; ' A915448.


Hodern aanageaent; instructor's aanual.


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