Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1141

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4916522 (con.) lodezers: Kareo Lundy, Add fiohrbaugh & Harr Ann laltecs. 107 p. Appi. au: Reference Division* Kalanazoo Public Library. O Kalaaazoo Public Library; 161IOV77; A9 16522.

A916523. Ontil his naster comes. By Reese Turner. 110 p. Beese Turner: 21llo»77; A916523.

A9 16524. Hare brained ideas. By Jaaes P. Vykopal. sheets. O Jaoes P. yykopal (in notice: Jii Vykopal) ; 21llo»77: A916524.

4916525. How God's power works in ny life. 5 p. Appi. au: Helena Selveen Helena Selyeen: 18»ov77; 4916525.

A916526. Further conneDt. 1 p. Appi. au: Herbert A. Boscb. O Herbert A. Bosch; 21BOV77; A916526.

A916527. Physique, tenperaaent and psyche, an astrological approach. By Butb Hale Oliver. SU p. Buth Bale Oliver; 30NOV77; A916527.

A916528. 1978 forecast. 53 p. Add. ti: 78 forecast. Appi. au: onited California Bank. Besearch and Planning Division* Onited California Bank; 180ct77; A916528.

A916529. Hord visions. By Steven Patrick fiouch. 1 V. Steven Patrick Bouch (in notice: Steve Houch) ; 15Nov77: A916529.

A916530. 8avs to inprove your pronotional probability. 1 p. Appi. au: Hilliam E. Stradley. O Killiail B. Stradley; 23NOV77; A916530.

A916531. Uays to overcome -job sex bias. 4 p. Appi. au: Rilliao E. Stradley. Uillian E. Stradley; 23Nov77: A916531.

A9 16532. T'ai chi qe* the 7 aaqic ooveaents to tension release and energy. By Joy Bannister. 16 p. Joy Bannister; 13NOV77: A9 16532.

A916533. Bunny. 1 v. Appi. au: Norman Bennett. 411 new except "Bout love" 6 "Ballad of my childhood" prev. pub. in Hillow wind. O Norman Bennett: 1Nov77: 4916533.

A91653*. Bef lections. By Sandra Laux. 1 v. The Du Bois Zone Press; 16Hov77; 49165311.

4916535. Election laws of the State of Bontana. 1977 suppl. to the 1970 ed. Compiled by Frank Hurray, secretary of State. 306 p. 4dd. ti: Election laws of Hontana, 1977 supplement- 4ppl. au: The 411en Smith Company. O The Allen Smith Company; 22NOV77: 4916535.

49 16536. Improve your writinq with better verbs. By Delores Freeman Cork. 1 v. Delores Freeman Cork (Mrs. Cecil M. Cork) ; 15JU177: A916536.

4916537. Important facts about post-partum sterilization. 11 p. 4ppl. au: Committee on Patient Education of the American College of Obstetricians and Gyneco- logists. The 4merican college of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; 18llov77; 4916537.

4916538. Stars and tears and cameos. By Naila clouqh Dietrich. 1 v. O Naila Clough Dietrich; 8Jul77; A916538.

A916539. Touch each other; a book of feelings. By Diane Elaine Bivers. 31 p. Diane Bivers; 18No»77: A916539.

A9165I10. I can work with patterns; games and activities for working with patterns. By Cari seltzer. Polder & cards. O Educational Teaching Aids, a division of 4. Oaigger and Company; 16Hay77; 4916510.

4916511. I can work with attributes; games and activities for observing and discovering attributes. By Carl Seltzer. Folder £ cards. O Educational Teaching Aids, a division of 4. Daigger and Company; 16Bay77; 4916511.

4916512. I can understand place value. By carl Seltzer. Cards. Educational Teaching Aids, a division of A. Daigger and Company: 161lay77: 4916512.

4916513. The Grey prisoner and other stories. By Bed Jordan Arobateau. 258 p. Bed Jordan 4robateau; 11Nav77: 4916513.

4916514. Hanna go to Sally's? By Carlee Swann, pseud, of Verua Knott. 93 p. Verna Knott; 25NOV77; A916514.

A916515. The Secret gift of Not Even, the mouse. By Judith Reidner Zak. 1 v. Judith Ueidner Zak (in notice: Judi Zak) ; 19Sep77; A916515.

A916516. Bevised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, November 23, 1977. 1 v. O Stationers Price Service Company; 23Nov77; A916516.

A916517. Hath e study guide. By T. E. Hade, Jr. 171 p. Home Study Institute; 19Sep77; A916517.

4916518. Correlative spinal anatomy. By Douglas Gates, illus. by Larry Poland. 162 p. Douglas Gates; 22Nov77: 4916518.

4916519. Experiments in physics. Vol. 1. By Peter J. Nolan & Bayaond E. Bigliani. 1 V. NH: editorial revision & additional text. Raymond E. Bigliani C Peter J. Nolan; 10Sep77; 4916519.

4916550. Emergency procedures manual. Federal Signal Corporation, Blue Island facility, November 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Bichard S. Post. O Bichard S. Post Consultants; 17NOV77; 4916550.

4916551. The Selfish elf. Story by Bettie Janet Hercer Hankins, illustrated by Hes James. 1 V. Bettie Hercer Hankins; 19Nov77: 4916551.

4916552. HNI toy sale. 16 p. O Hardware Bholesalers, Inc.; 7Nov77; 4916552.

4916553. Stewardship: a matter of life and death! 1 V. NH: editing, compilation G additions. 20th Century Publications and Printing, Inc.; 21Nov77; A916553.

4916551. A Briefing on the Handicapped act (PL 91-112); outline. 21 p. Professional Besonrce Group; 17oct77; A916551.

A916555. How to save energy in your school buildings; outline. 29 p. O Professional Eesource Group; 170ct77; A916555.

A916556. Bow to be a successful community resource; outline. 21 p. O Professional Resource Group; 170ct77; A9 16556.

A916557. Implementing metric education in your school district; outline. 16 p. O Professional Besource Group; 170ct77; A916557.

A916558. Turning on the turned off, how to motivate students and teachers; COL method ed., outline. 8 p. NH: derivation. O Professional Besource Group; 170ct77; A916 558.

A916559. Application systems development guidelines: a guide to increased programmer productivity and software reliability, July 1977. 1 v. Appi. au; N. Adam Bin. The Oniversity of Hichigan, Data Systems Center; 280ct77; 4916559.

4916561. 4 Practical method for improving physical fitness in adults to be given on television with new ways of presenting the subject (or done without television) By 4aron Schreiman. 2 v. in folder. C 4aron Schrciman; 210ct77; 4916561.

4916562. Library skills: an introduction to the use of academic libraries. By Terry E. Hubbard. 1 v. NH: revisions. O Elmer E. Basmuson Library, University of 41aska; 1Aug77; A916562.

A91656 3. Fiedler Husic School student/parent handbook. 1 v. Appi. au: Sheldon L. Fiedler. NH: revisions & additional text. Sheldon L. Fiedler; 23Nov77; A9 16563.

A9 16 56 4. ICTA: domestic and international tourism. Edited by Edward H. Kelly. 168 p. O Institute of Certified Travel Agents; 15Nov77; A916561.

A916555. The Craftspeople Directory — 1978 (your guide to the artisans of New lork. New Jersey and Connecticut) 31 p. Appi. au: Carol Binen, Dianne Dolowich C Lucretia Steele. The Craftspeople Directory, Inc.; 1NOV77; A916565.

A916566. An Evaluation of physical intimacy on television; a coding manual. 19 p. Appi. au: Susan U. Franzblau. Susan H. Franzblau; 23Nov77; A916566.

A916567. Circle America individual service, nationwide; C. A. 270. Folder. Circle America Real Estate Corporation; 1Har76

(in notice: 1975); A916567.


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