Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1163

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A917419 - A917455
JUL-DEC. 1977

A917419. The Iffectionisi society; a love story in a futoristic settinq. k no»el by Syd Skolsky, illas. by Kathleen L. Siith. 4U2 p. C Syd Skolsky; 24»uq77: i917il19.

»917I420. Bi foi the qood life. t novel by lone Dell Finley (lone Dell Pinley Glyer Leicke) 267 p. lone Glyer Le«cke (maiden naae: lone Dell Finley) (in notice: Dell Finley) ^ 1»Sep77; i9>7a20.

4917421. t Bother's handbook: the care and feeding of Snackers. By aaureen J. Rallace. 152 p. Add. ti: Kick the 1unk food habit — a Bother's handbook: the care and feedinq of Snackers. O Jaaes F. Hallace e Daureen J. Hallace; 12Jun77; A917421.

A917H22. BicrocoBPUter problei solvinq using Pascal. By Kenneth L. Boules. 563 p. Sprinqer-Terlaq Neil York, Inc.; 27Sep77: 1917022.

»917U23. The Hidas touch. Rritten by Biriaa C. Larsen, foreword by Hilliai G. Karnes. 182 p. till Ahn's; 131lo»77; 1917123.

A917«2a. Achieving "third grade aath" as a first grader: children's workbook. Mo. 1. By Everard Barrett. 75 p. H«: co»pilation of prev. pub. material S index. Everard Barrett; 26Sep77; A917«2'l.

A917«25. A Bole for telecoaaunications in econofflic developaent nith eaphasis on Africa and the Middle East. By Bobert Craig Blackaan. 172 p. Add. ti: The Bole of teleconaunications in econoaic developaent with eaphasis on Africa and the Diddle East. C Bobert Craig Blackaan; 25JU177; A9 17425.

A917426. Let's coaannicate. By Billiaa B. Bonner. Sheets. Hilliaa H. Bonner; 17Feb77; A9 17426

A917427. Self-assessaent 2: an aid in planning a personal continuing education prograa. 11 V. O Aaerican Aniaal Hospital Asso- ciation: 28Jal77; A9 17427.

A917428. Introduction to petroleua technology. By Energy Consulting Associates, Inc. 291 p. Energy Consulting Associates, Inc. ; 29Aug77; A9 17428.

A917429. laaigration defense aanual. 1 v. Appl. an: Rational Lanyers Guild, laaigration Pcolect. National Lawyers Guild; lJun77: A917429.

A917430. Fulfilling our incredible potential: developing a professional attitude through VICA activities; planning guide. 38 p. Accoapanied by filastrip, reg. JP20965 in box. O Vocational Industrial Clubs of Aaerica, Inc.; 10ct77; A917430.

A917431. Cousin Carla's coloring book. Drawings by Carla Dawn Fulaore. 1 v. Accoapanied by songs, reg. EP376947 6 EP376948. O Carla Fulaore: 1Jul77; A917431.

A917432. Hinflation. 2 p. Accoapanied by gaaeboard, reg. GP121676, box top, reg. KKI20982 e additional aaterial. O Zany Eights Productions, Inc.; lAuq77; A917 432.

A917433. Dynaaics of life insurance selling. 6 p. NH: recoapiled e revised. O Acacia Hutual Life Insurance Coapany; 310ct77; A917433.

A917434. security is getting along w Kit. O The Unqaae Coapany, of Au-Vid, Inc.; 28Dec76; Boll'A-Bole. Kit. O The Ongaae Coapany, a division of Au-Vid, Inc. ; 28Dec7t; A917435.

A917436. Truckin: the qaae of IB wheelers; a parlor qaae. Kit. Appl. au: Ashley Durhaa. Ashley Durhaa; 18Jul77; A917436.

A917437. Critter cards: snakes and other critters. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State Dniversity, The Florida Board of Begents, acting for C on behalf of Florida State Dniversity; 2Peb76; A917437.

A917438. House power. 75 p. (ISIS, Indivi- dualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State University. The Florida Board of fieqents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida State University: 1Jul77: A917438.

A917439. Keeping fit; annotated teacher's edition. 1 v. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida state University. NB: TB p. 1-12 £ annotations. O The Florida Board of Beqents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida State University; ljul77; A917439.

A917440. Things that last; annotated teacher's edition. 1 v. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State Dniversity. Hi: TB p. 1-16 £ annotations. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida State University; lJul77: A917440.

A917441. Let's eat; annotated teacher's edition. 1 V. (ISIS. Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State University. SB: TB p. 1-14 6 annotations. The Florida Board of Beqents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida State University; lJul77; A9174B1.

A917442. Firel Annotated teacher's edition. 1 V. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. an: Florida state University. NH: TB p. 1-14 £ annotations. O The Florida Board of Begents, actinq for £ on behalf of Florida State University: lJul77; A917442.

A917443. Birth and growth; annotated teacher's edition. 1 v. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida state University. MB: TB p. 1-11 £ annotations. The Florida Board of fieqents, actinq for £ on behalf of Florida State University; lJul77; A917443.

A917444. Bouse power; annotated teacher's edition. 1 v. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State Dniversity. MB: TB p. 1-13 £ annotations. The Florida Board of Begents, acting for fi on behalf of Florida state University; 1Jttl77; A917444.

A917445. Keeping fit. 75 p. (ISIS, Indivi- dualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State University. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida State University; 1JU177; A917445.

A917446. Things that last. 75 p. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State Dniversity. O The Florida Board of Begents, actinq for £ on behalf of Florida State University; 1Jul77; A917446.

A917447. Let's eat. 75 p. (ISIS, Individualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State University. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida State University; 1Jul77; A917447.

A917448. Fire! 75 p. (ISIS, Individualized science instruction systea) Appl. au: Florida State University. The Florida Board of Begents, acting for fi on behalf of Florida State University; 1Jul77; A91744a.

A917449. Birth and growth. 75 p. (ISIS, Individualized science instruction systea) Appl. au: ploiida State Dniversity. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for £ on behalf of Florida state Dniversity; lJul77; A917449.

A917450. Besource units. 1 v. (ISIS: indi- vidualized science instructional systea) Appl. au: Florida State University. The Florida Board of Begents. acting for and on behalf of Florida State Dniversity; 1JU177; A917450.

A917451. Heart attack; ainicourse test. 6 p. in envelope. (ISIS: individualized science instructional systea) Add. ti: ainicourse test, heart attack. Appl. au: Florida state Dniversity. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for and on behalf of Florida State University; 2Feb76; A917451.

A917452. Snakes and other critters; ainicourse test. 4 p. in envelope. (ISIS: individualized science instructional systea) Add. ti: Binicourse test, snakes and other critters. Appl. au: Florida State University. The Florida Board of Begents, actinq for and on behalf of Florida state Dniversity; 2Feb76; A917452.

A917453. Buying and selling; ainicourse test. 6 p. in envelope. (ISIS: individualized science instructional systea) Add. ti: Binicourse test, buying and selling. Appl. au: Florida state University. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for and on behalf of Florida state University; 2Feb76; A917453.

A917454. Household energy; ainicourse test. 8 p. in envelope. (ISIS: individualized science instructional systea) Add. ti: Binicourse test, household energy. Appl. au: Florida State Dniversity. O The Florida Board of Begents, acting for and on behalf of Florida State Dniversity; 2Feb76; A9 17454.

A917455. Plants indoors; ainicourse test. 6 p. in envelope. (ISIS: individualize,

science instructional systea) Add. ti:


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