Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1172

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4917742 (con.) chcisteoson. 36 p. Add. tl: Leader's quide for Lord« chanqe me! O SP Publications, Inc.; 23Sep77; A9177t2.

A917743. Hon to really love your child. By D. Boss Caapbell. 132 p. SP Publications, Inc.; 16Sep77: A9177it3.

i9177l(a. The Parenell party. By Hilan Kundera, translated fron the Czech by Peter Kussi, introd. by Elizabeth Pochoda. 209 p. Appl. au: Vikinq Penguin, Inc. Prev. pub. as La Talse aui adieux, 1976. O on introd.: Vikinq Penquin, Inc.; 270ct77: A9177l4a.

&91771t5. Rhittlinq prolects and patterns. Book 1. By Herb Beinecke (Herbert eilliai Beinecke) 16 p. Herb Beinecke; 10MOV77: A9177a5.

&9177i)6. Video innovations develop educational options: a conaunication arts proqraa of Saint Christopher's Hiddle School. By Stephen N. Lonq B Susan Beinhardt Nolte. Folder. Stephen i. Lonq G Susan Beinhardt Nolte; 27Hov77; A9177it6.

A91771(7. tove and covboy boots. By Jody Cline (Jo Lyons Cline) illus. by Silvia Titsworth. 1 V. C Jody Cline; 18Kov77; i9177»7.

A91771(8. A Beliability quide to failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action systems. Issued by Aoerican Society for Quality Control, Beliability Division, prepared & edited by Connittee on Beliability Beportinq, Aserican Society for Quality Control. 23 p. Appl. au: A. S. Golant, James H. Kinq, Jr. & Bobert L. Rilliams. American Society for Quality Control; 9Nov77; A9177lt8.

A9177lt9. Facts and fiqures on the first iuo years of the Hen Jersey pick-it qaae. 13 p. Appl. au: Joseph T. Hastrorilli. O Hastro-Stats; 2Jun77; A9 1771(9.

A917750. Proceedings of the eiqhty-fifth annual convention of the Daughters of the Bepublic of Texas. 229 p. Appl. au: Hargaret Crain Loiiery. The Daughters of the Bepublic of Texas, Inc.; 1Dec76; A917750.

A917751. Proceedinqs of the eighty-sixth annual convention of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Editor: Hargaret Crain Loiiery. 387 p. O The Daughters of the Bepublic of Texas, Inc.; 10llov77; A917751.

49 17752. Signs of the times. By Linus J. DOHell. 88 p. Linus J. Dovell; 25Nov77: A9 17752.

A917753. Heartbeats. Vol. 1, 1977. By Edith Bedmoud. 260 p. Edith Bedmond; 28SOV77; A9 17753.

A9177511. The Foreign trade practices of centrally planned economies and their effects on U.S. international competitiveness. By Egon Neuberger G Juan Lara. 46 p. national Planning Association; 310ct77; A91775I*.

A917755. The Bole of private pensions in maintaining living standards in reti- rement. By Bobert Clark. 49 p. national Planning Association; 30Oct77; A917755.

A917756. flagnetic field; teacher's guide. By James Poller. 8 p. (E.M.E. electro- magnetism overhead projectual series, unit 1) Appl. au: E.H.E. Corporation. OE.S.E. Corporation; 22Peb77; A917756.

4917757. Hagnetic effect of electric current; teacher's guide. By James Poner. 5 p. (E.H.E. electromagnetism overhead proiectual series, unit 2) Appl. au: E.H.E. Corporation. E.H.E. Corporation; 22Feb77; A917757.

A917758. Helix magnetic field; teacher's guide. By James PoHer. 4 p. (E.H.E. elec- troaagnetisffl overhead projectual series, unit 3) Appl. au: E.H.E. Corporation. O E.H.E. Corporation; 28Feb77; A917758.

A917759. Solenoids; teacher's guide. By Janes Power. 5 p. (E.H.E. electromagnetism overhead projectual series, unit 4) Appl. au: E.H.E. Corporation. E.H.E. Corporation; 28Peb77; A917759.

A917760. Electromagnetism induction; teacher's quide. By James Power. 4 p. (E.H.E. electromagnetism overhead projectual series, unit 5) Appl. au: E.H.E. Corporation. 6 E.H.E. Corporation; 28Feb77; A917760.

A917761. User's manual for the Nature of scientific knowledge scale. By Peter A. Bubba, Jr. 9 p. 6 Peter A. Bubba, Jr.; 1Hay77: A917761.

A917762. Social services and the black aged: a study of availability and utilization. By Uillanae S. Abrams. Sheets (123 p.) O Hillamae S. Abrams: 25Nov77; 4917762.

4917763. Student survival handbook. Student survival handbook worksheets; teacher's ed. Illustrated by Hike Kolasinski. 2 v. Appl. au: Daniel L. Peel (D. Lawrence Peel) NH: additions. (9 D. Lawrence Peel; 16BOV77: A917763.

A917764. Bankinq 1985. By Albert H. Kocher 6 Joseph P. Patten. 68 p. Appl. au: The Hosier Safe Company. The Hosier Safe Company; 180ct77; 4917764.

A917765. Ciin-Aiert. No. 171-178, Oct. 14, 1977 £ cumulative index, Jan. -Sept. 1977. 2 v. Science Editors, Inc.; 140ct77: A917765.

A917766. Clin-Alert. No. 195-203, Nov. 25, 1977. 4 p. O Science Editors, Inc.; 25Nov77; 4917766.

A917767. Clin-Alert. No. 187-194, Nov. 11, 1977. 4 p. O Science Editors, Inc.; 11Nov77; 4917767.

4917768. Clin-41ert. No. 179-186. Oct. 28, 1977. 4 p. O Science Editors, Inc.; 2eoct77; 4917768.

4917769. Helpful tips; art folder. Appl. au: Carmen Casciani. Kwikie Duplicating, Inc.; 1JU177; A917769.

A917770. Uorkshop on Pattern Becognitlon Applied to oil Identification; proceedings, held at Coronado, CA, Nov. 11-12, 1976. IEEE catalog no. 76CH1247-6C. 173 p. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 14Jul77; 4917770.

A917771. The Conference record of the Twelfth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 1976. 1004 p. Held Nov. 15-18, 1976 in Baton Bouge. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 21Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A917771.

A917773. The Appraisal of real estate. Prepared by the Sixth Edition Textbook Committee. 6th ed. 596 p. American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Realtors; 21Apr77; A917773.

A917774. Informed consent to human experimen- tation: the subject's dilemma. By George J. Annas, Leonard B. Glantz G Barbara F. Katz. 333 p. e Ballinger Publishing Company; 21Sep77; A917774.

A917775. Government procurement and operations. By Ivan J. Tether. 197 p. Environ- mental Law Institute; 190ct77; 4917775.

4917776. Law of the sea: conference outcomes and problems of implementation; proceedings. Law of the Sea Institute tenth annual conference, June 22-25, 1976, University of Rhode Island. Edited by Edward L. Hiles e John King Gamble, Jr. 425 p. O Ballinger Publishing Company; 190ct77; 4917776.

A917777. Consumer information systems and consumer policy. By Hans B. Thorelli 6 Sarah V. Thorelli. 397 p. O Ballinoer Publishing Company; 25Hay77; A917777.

4917778. Problems of world modeling: political and social implications. Edited by Karl Nolfgang Deutsch £ others. 423 p. O Ballinger Publishing Company; 264ug77; A917778.

A917779. Standards relating to interim status: the release, control and detention of accused juvenile offenders between arrest and disposition. 122 p. Appl. au: IJA-AB4 Juvenile Justice Standards Project. O Ballinger Publishing Company; 190ct77; 4917779.

A917780. Standards relating to planning for juvenile justice- 120 p. Appl. au: IJA-4BA Juvenile Justice Standards Project. Ballinger Publishing Company; 21Sep77; A917780.

A917781. Standards relating to transfer between courts. 60 p. Appl. au: IJA-ABA Juvenile Justice standards Project. 0- Ballinger Publishing Company; 190ct77; 4917781.

A917782. Standards relating to abuse and neglect. 191 p. Appl. au: IJA-ABA Juvenile Justice Standards Project. Ballinger Publishing Company; 190ct77; A917782.

A917783. Standards relating to corrections administration. 208 p. Appl. au: IJA-ABA

Juvenile Justice Standards Project.


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