Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1184

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1918205 - A918242
JUL-DEC. 1977

1918205. WoaeD and other visions. Photos, by Judy Datec 6 Jack ielpott, introductory essay: Henry Holnes Saith. 107 p. Judy Dater S Jack Belpott; 2Sep75; 4918205.

1918206. Honen and other visions. Photos, by Judy Dater £ Jack Helpott, introductory essay: Henry Holnes Smith. 107 p. 6 on introductory essay; Henry Holnes Soith; 2Sep75; 1918206.

1918207. Track and field. By David Paige, pseud, of Dick ihittinqhai. 47 p. Add. ti: Track and field alnanac. Na: conpilation, additional text & pictorial matter. 6 Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 20Sep77; 1918207.

1918208. Football. By David Paiqe, pseud, of Dick ihittinqham. HI p. Idd. ti: Pro football almanac. HH: compilation, additional text e pictorial matter. 6 Creative Educational Society, Inc. ; 20Sep77; 1918208.

1918209. Baseball. By David Paiqe, pseud, of Dick Hhittinqham. «7 p. Add. ti: Pro baseball almanac. NN: compilation, additional text & pictorial matter. 6 Creative Educational Society, Inc. ; 20Sep77; A918209.

A918210. Basketball. By David Paiqe, pseud, of Dick Hhittinqham. 36 p. Add. ti: Pro basketball almanac. NH: compilation, additional text & pictorial matter. 6 Creative Educational Society, Inc.; 20Sep77: 1918210.

1918211. I claim this life; or. Looking back at the Seven Bar. By John H. Bedinqfield. 13U p. C John 9. Bedinqfield; 15Sep77; 1918211.

1918212. The Banner music. By Charles Beznikoff, introd. by Bobert Creeley. 128 p. e Harie Syrkin Eeznikof f ; 50ct77; 1918212.

1918213. The Duke's province: a study of Hev york politics and society, 1664-1691. By Sobert C. Ritchie. 306 p. O The University of North Carolina Press; 1NOV77; 1918213.

1918214. Culture and diplomacy: the American experience. By Horrell Heald £ Laurence S. Kaplan. 361 p. Ha: additional text. 6 Horrell Heald & Lawrence S. Kaplan; 15SOV77; 19 18214.

1918215. The Orban information thesauras: a vocabulary for social documentation. Director: H. T. Duerr, compiler: Paul Hartin fiosenberq, prepared by the Baltimore Beqion Institutional Studies Center. 375 p. Baltimore fiegion Institutional Studies Center; 20Oct77; A918215.

A918216. American Federation of Labor and Conqress of Industrial Orqeinizations pamphlets, 1889-1995; a bibliography £ subiect index to the pamphlets held in the AFL-CIO library, compiled by Hark E. Hoodbridqe, introd. by Robert Asher. 73 p. Greenuood Press, Inc.; 22Scp77; A918216.

A918217. State constitutional conventions. revisions, and amendments, 1959-1976; a bibliography. Compiled by Bonnie Canning, introd. by Bichard H. Leach. 47 p. Q Greenwood Press, Inc. ; 200ct77; A918217.

1918218. 1 Coat of many colors: Jevish sub- communities in the Onited States. Edited 6 compiled by Abraham D. Lavender. 324 p. NH: additions. © Ibrahas D. Lavender; 110ct77; 1918218.

A918219. American socialism and black Americans: from the age of Jackson to iorld Bar 2. By Philip Sheldon Foner. 462 p. NH: additional text. Philip S. Foner; 20Oct77; A91821S.

1918220. IFL-CIO Executive Council statements and reports, 1956-1975. Vol. 1: 1956-1959. Edited Hith an introd. by Gary H. Fink. 552 p. e Greenwood Press. Inc.; 24Hay77: A918220.

A918221. AFL-CIO Executive Council statements and reports, 1956-1975. Vol. 3: 1963-1967. Edited with an introd. by Gary H. Fink, p. 1121-1708. e Greenwood Press, Inc.; 24Hay77; A918221.

A918222. A Bibliography and indexes of Dnited States congressional committee prints from the sixty-fifth Congress, 1917, through the ninety-first Congress, first session, 1969, not in the United States Senate Library. Edited by Eochelle Field, compiled by Laura J. Kaminsky, Gary Halvorsoo £ Hark Hoodbridge. 257 p. Q Greenwood Press, Inc.; 24Hay77; A918222.

A918223. AFL-CIO Executive Council statements and reports, 1956-1975. Vol. 5: 1973-1975. Edited with an introd. by Gary H. Fink, p. 2300-2797. C Greenwood Press, Inc.; 24Hay77; 1918223.

A918224. AFL-CIO Executive Council statements and reports, 1956-1975. »ol. 5: 1967-1972. Edited with an introd. by Gary H. Fink, p. 1709-2298. e Greenwood Press, Inc.; 24May77; A918224.

A918225. AFL-CIO Executive Council statements and reports, 1956-1975. ?ol. 2: 1960-1963. Edited with an introd. by Gary H. Fink, p. 553-1120. e Greenwood Press, Inc.; 24Hay77: A918225.

A918226. Teacher's manual to accompany Earth science manual, fourth edition. By Edward E. Lyon, Lowell I. Dillon, Hary T. Dooley £ Paul B. Krutak. 1 v. NH: general revision. tfilliam C. Brown Company Publishers; 3Nov76; 1918226.

1918227. Instructor's resource manual to accompany Interpersonal communication: roles, rules, strategies, and games. By Dennis B. Smith £ L. Keith Hilliamson. 80 p. e Billiam C. Brown Company Publishers; 1Feb77; 1918227.

1918228. Conditioning and basic movement concepts. By Jane A. Hott. 2nd ed. 103 p. O uilliam C. Brown Company Publishers; 110ct77: A918228.

A918229. EAGBEAI-5: the Register's annual great bicycle ride across low a- 5. Dy John Karras £ Donald Kaul, introd. by Don Benson* photos, by Dave Lewis, Jim Selzer £ Carl Voss. 117 p. Add. ti: EAGBEAI-5 1977: the Register's annual great bicycle ride across Iowa-5. 6 The Register, Des Hoines; 16Auq77; A918229.

1918230. Context clue usage activity sheets. Grades 2-6. B; Rilma H. Hiller. 1 v. (Corrective reading skills activity file, unit 5) The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.; 13qct77; A918230.

A918231. Sight word knowledge activity sheets. Grades 2-6. By Rilma H. Hiller. 1 v. {Corrective reading skills activity file, unit 1) © The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.; 130ct77; 1918231.

1918232. Phonic analysis activity sheets. Grades 2-4. Bj Bilma H. Hiller. 1 v. (Corrective reading skills activity file, unit 21 e The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.; 130ct77; A918232.

A918233. Phonic analysis activity sheets. Grades 4-6. By Rilma H. Hiller. 1 v. (Corrective reading skills activity file, unit 3) 6 The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.; 110ct77; A918233.

A918234. Structural analysis activity sheets. Grades 2-6. By Rilma H. Hiller. 1 v. (Corrective reading skills activity file, unit 4) O The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.; 110ct77; A918234.

A918235. Critical and creative reading activity sheets. Grades 2-6. By Rilma H. Hiller. 1 V. (Corrective reading skills activity file, unit 8) © The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc.; 130ct77; A918235.

1918236. Social studies discovery activity cards. By Jan Easton Kavanagh £ Hiriam Easton- Hutz. 2 p. £ 24 cards in envelope. © The Center for Ipplied Research in Education, Inc.; 260ct77; 1918236.

1918237. Social discovery activity cards. By Jan Easton Kavanagh £ Hiriam Easton-Rut2. 2 p. fi 24 cards in envelope. ©, The Center for IppXied Research in Education, Inc.; 4NOV77; 1918237.

1918238. Hath discovery activity cards. By Jan Easton Kavanagh fi Hiriam Easton-Eutz. 2 p. £ 24 cards in envelope. © The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc. ; 260ct77; A918238.

1918239. Beading discovery activity cards. By Jan Easton Kavanagh £ Hiriam Easton-Butz. 2 p. £ 24 cards in envelope. O The Center for Ipplied Research in Education, Inc.; 7NOV77; A918239.

1918240. Rriting discovery activity cards. By Jan Easton Kavanagh £ Hiriam Baston-Rutz. 2 p. £ 24 cards in envelope. © The center for Ipplied Research in Education. Inc.; 1Nov77; 1918240.

A918241. Art discovery activity cards. By Jan Easton Kavanagh £ Hiriam Easton-Rutz. 2 p. £ 24 cards in envelope. © The Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc. ; 1NOV77; A918241.


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