Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1187

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JUL-DEC. 1977

t918a00. Advances in food research. Vol. 23. Edited by C. 0. Chichester, E. H. Brak £ G. F. Stewart. 436 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc.: 230ct77; A918300.

A918301. idvaDces in quantua cheaistry. Vol. 10, 1977. Edited by PeE-01o» LoeHdic. 338 p. O Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 310ct77: A918301.

A918302. Growth hornone and related proteins. Edited by choh Hao Li. 214 p. (Boraoual proteins and peptides, vol. 4) Acadeaic Press,, Inc.; 310ct77; A918302.

A9183a3. The Psychology of learning and aotivatioo: advances in research and theory. Vol. 11. Edited by Gordon B. Boner. 323 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 310ct77: A918303.

A918304. Advances in protein cheaistry. Vol. 31. Edited by C. B. Anfinsen, John T. Edsall e Frederic H. Bichards. 449 p. O Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 310ct77; A918304.

A918305. Infrared detectors, 2. Edited by Bobcrt K. Hillardson S Albert C. Beer. 482 p. {Seaicondactors and seaiaetals, vol. 12} Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 310ct77; A91830S.

A918306. The Great international noodle experience. By Karen Green, illus. by Bill Green. 341 p. Karen Green; 16KOV77; A918306.

A918307. Tennis and the aind. By Barry Tarshis. 183 p. Baccy Tarshis; 22llov77; A9ie307.

A9183a8. The Coaplete puppy and doq book. By Horaan Henry Johnson, in collaboration with Saul Galin. 490 p. NH : neu aaterial in chap. 1-3, 6. 13, revisions, 10 nea photos.* bibliography t index. O Horaan B. Johnson t Saul Galin; 1611ov77; A918308.

A918309. Chess for children and the yoang at heart. By Arthur D. Rosenberg, illus- trated by Howard Berelson, photos, by Harianne Groher. ISO p. on text; Arthur Bosenberg; 210ct77; A918309.

A9183ia. Chess for children and the young at heart. By Arthur D. Rosenberg, illus- trated by Howard Berelson, photos, by Harianne Groher. 150 p. O on illus. ; Howard Berelson; 210ct77; A91B310.

A918311. The laprobable book of records, coapiled by Quentin Blake £ John leoaan, illustrated by Quentin Blake. 1 v. Originally pub. as The Puffin book of iaprobable records. Quentin Blake C John Teoaan; 18Auq76: A9ie311.

A918312. Life-span individual and faaily developaent. By Stella B. Goldberg S Francine Deutsch. S28 p. O Hadsworth Publishing coapany. Inc.; 111lov77; A918312.

A918313. Nichols Illinois civil practice; with foras. Vol. 3A. By Clark A. Nichols, 1977 rev. vol. by Thoaas H. Pegan. 545 p. Appl. au: Callaqhan and Coapany. and Coapany: 16Nov77:

4918314. Horner probate practice and estates; with foras. 1977 revision of vol. 1A by Nora Barry Fischer £ Callaghan and Coapany's editorial staff. 4th ed. 554 p. Callaqhan and Coapany; 18Nov77; A918314.

A918315. Surgeon to Uasbington: Doctor John Cochran, 1730-1807. By Horris Harold Saffron. 302 p. O Coluabia University Press; 28Sep77; A918315.

A918316. The Phenoaenon of science. By Valentin Fedorovich Turchin, translated by Brand Frentz. 348 p. Appl. au: Coluabia University Press, eaployer for hire. coluabia Oniversity Press; 180ct77; A918316.

J918317. The Ueak io the world of the strong: the developing countries in the international systea. By Robert L. Rothstein. 384 p. Coluabia Oniversity Press; 260ct77; A918317.

A918318. Boccaccio's two Venuses. By Bobert Hollander. 246 p. Coluabia Oniversity Press; 28Sep77; A918318.

A918319. The Foundation Directory. Coapiled by The Foundation Center, editor: Harianna o. Lewis C other editors, introd. by Thoaas R. Buckaan. 6th ed. 661 p. The Foundation Center; 19Sep77; A918319.

A918320. Clinical-electrocardiographic cor- relations. Editor: Jorge C. Bios. 319 p. (Cardiovascular clinics, 8/3) F. A. Davis coapany; 18Nov77; A918320.

A918321. Structure and function of aonoaaine enzyaes; proceedings of a conference held in Steaaboat Springs, CO, Har. 10-13, 1977. Editors: Earl Jsdin, Noraan Heiner & Houssa B. H. loudia. 996 p. (Hodern pharaacoloqy-toxicoloqy, vol. 10) Proceedings of the Conference on Structure and Function of Honoaaine Enzyaes. O Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 21Nov77; A918321.

A918322. Hiqh pressure technology. Vol. 2: applications C processes. Edited by Ian L. Spain S Jac Paauwe. 536 p. Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 21Nov77; A918322.

A918323. High pressure technology. Vol. 1: equipaent design, aaterials, & properties. Edited by Ian L. Spain & Jac Paauwe. 608 p. Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 18Nov77; A918323.

A918324. Coaaonplace. By David Plowden. 117 p. O David Plowden: 40ct74; A918324.

A918325. The Investigation, by Dorothy Ohnak. And other titles. 511 p. (Coapact library. 9) Appl. au: Nelson Doubleday, Inc., eaployer for hire. NH: condensation £ additional text. O Nelson Doubleday, Inc.; lDec77; A918325.

A918326. Portia: the life of Portia Bashington Pittaan, the daughter of Booker T. Nashington. By Bath Ann Stewart. 154 p. O Buth Ann Stewart; 2Dec77; A918326.

A918327. Essays on fora and interpretation. By Noaa choasky. 216 p. NB: table of contents, intcod. 6 index. Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.; 164uq77; A918327.

A918328. Flow analysis of coaputer prograas. By Hatthew s. Hecht. 232 p. Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.; 19Sep77; A918328.

A918329. A Mew coaaentary on the Doctrine and covenants. By Francis Henry Edwards. 565 p. NH: revisions & additions. O Herald Publishinq House; 23Nov77; A916329.

A918330. The Faaily albua. Edited by Arthur DeHoss & Nancy DeBoss, associate editor: Joseph V. Goraan, illus. by Joseph L. Voelker. 1978 ed. 178 p. The Faaily Albua; 26Sep77; A918330.

A918331. Surqical diaqnosis. By Philip Thorek, with drawings by Carl T. Linden, illustrator: Nancy Swan. 3rd ed. 381 p. O J. B. Lippincott Coapany; 10Aug77; A918331.

A918332. Evidence in trials at coaaon law. Vol. 6. By John Henry Higaore, revised by Jaaes H. Chadbourn. 793 p. Add. ti: uigaore on evidence. NH: revisions, additions 6 coapilation. Jaaes H. Chadbourn; 14Jun76; A918332.

A918333. Teacher's aanual for Econoaic analysis of law, second edition. By Richard A. Posner. 107 p. Richard A. Posner; 29Sep77; A918333.

A918334. Pilot error: anatoaies of aircraft accidents. Edited by the editors of Flyinq aagazine. 160 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 101iov77: A918334.

A918335. Adainistrati ve decision-aakingi extending the bounds of rationality. By John U. Sutherland. 315 p. Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 10Nov77; A918335.

A916336. Toxic and hallucinogenic aushrooa poisoning: a handbook for physicians and aushrooa hunters. By Gary Lincoff & Duane H. Bitchel. edited by yilbur K. Hilliaas, illus. by Irene E. Liberaan, with a foreword by Alexander H. Saith. 267 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 10NOV77; A918336.

A918337. Techniques of Guateaalan weaving. By Lena Bjerreqaard. 96 p. Oriqinaliy pub. in Denaark as Indiacervaevning fra Guateaala. on English translation; Litton Educational Publishinq, Inc.; 210ct77; A918337.

A918338. The Best of flying. Coapiled by the editors of Flying aagazine. 352 p. NB: coapilation of photos. 6 additional text. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 10NOV77; A918338.

A918339. Great North Aaerican Indians: profiles in life and leadership. By Frederick J. Dockstader. 386 p. NB: coapilation t, additional text. O Litton Educational

Publishinq, Inc.; 10Nov77; A9ie339.


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