Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1202

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A918914 - A9189S9
JUL-DEC. 1977

A91891II. Incoae tax accountinq records: 1040 peep kit. 9 envelopes 6 sheets. Appl. aa: Beqinaia c. Hayes. Tax Aids. Inq. : 15Sep77: A9 1891 It.

A918915. Aclinqton, child of tbe Colunbia. B; Hariou T. Heatherford. 267 p. e Oreqoo Historical Society; 2Sep77; A918915.

1918916. Medic-kit instruction manual. 45 p. O Porpoise Enterprises. Inc. ; 3Sep77; A918916.

A918917. The Boses ran red. An original novel of suspense & roaance by Aqqie Dovd« pseud, of Hilliai J. Hoody. 186 p. Aqqie Dovd, pseud, of Rilliaa J. Hoody; 130ct77; A918917.

A918918. Christian buyers quide, Lancaster County, 1977-78. 34 p. Appl. au: Joan Hake Bobie. S Starburst Coapany d.b.a. Christian Buyers Guide; 50ct77; A918918.

A918919. Babysitter solution report. By Virqinia Rasson. illustrated by the author. 11 p. e Virginia Rasson; 240ct77: A9 18919.

A918920. Every end exposed. The 100 koans of Master Kido vith the answers of Hakuin- Zen, translated, with a coaaentary by Toel Boffaann. 127 p. SH: translation e additional text. C Yoel Hoffaann; 10ct77: A918920.

A918921. Abstract viewpoints of life. Hritten 6 created by Myron D. Knopp. 41 p. Myron D. Knopp; 8Auq77; A918921.

A9 18922. The Modern messaqe of the Psalas. By Bussell A. Peterson. 16 5 p. Bussell A. Peterson; 19Auq77; 4918922.

&918923. Feelinqs. By Byan Michael Both, pseud, of Daniel K. Fitzgerald. 1 v. O Daniel K. Fitzqerald. sole owner of T.A.P.P. Coapany a.a. d. for The Aaerican Painting and Publishing Company; 17Jun77; A9ie923.

A918924. A Tiae to wander and other transcending poeas. By Donald Rarren Blondcau. 43 p. NM: additional poeas & revision. Donald Blondeau; 15Sep77; A918924.

A9ie92S. 100 popular recipes; 100 teacher-chosen recipes qraded A*. By Euby Pate Bodkin. 27 p. NH: revision, e Buby Pate Bodkin; 9HOV77: A918925.

A918926. Born to live; instinct and natural Botheriuq. By Joann Sills Grohaan. 201 p. Joann Sills Grohaan; 1Dec7e; A918926.

A918927. AKABE user handbook. 6 p. Iowa State Departaent of Public Instruction (in notice: DPI: Iowa Department of Public Instruction); 40ct77: A918927.

A9ie928. Sfiith*s Siaplified quide for sellinq your hoae and savinq thousands. 35 p. O Robert R. Saith, Jr.; 160ct77; A918928.

A918929. Techsiqht lens with Zuaa coatinq. Folder. 6 Techsight Corporation; 140ct77; A918929.

A918930. SCBN seminars, 1977-1978. 47 p. Appl. au: Julie Kneedler. Association of Operatinq Boom Nurses, InCi ; 15Jnl77; A918930.

A918931. Understanding econoaic change; National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 55th annual report, Sept. 1975. 129 p. 6 National Bureau of Economic fiesearch. Inc.; 7NOV75; A91B931.

A918932. Kids. By Harry F. Boodruff. 1 v. e Harry F. Roodruff; 3llov77; A918932.

A918933. The long way back; how one woman learned to live with divorce. By Arliss B. Benham. 55 p. O Master's Press, Inc.; 150ct77; A918933.

A918934. Sentiaiento. By Jebaro, pseud, of Jose Angel Batiz. 52 p. S Jose Anqel Batiz (Jebaro); 150ct77; A918934.

A918935. Movinq to Florida? By John B. Nichols. 20 p. e John B. Nichols; 220ct77; A918935.

A918936. The Sunshines over yesterday. By Patricia S. Dickinson. 32 p. e Patricia S. Dickinson; 4Nov77; A918936.

A916937. Listen and hear. By Edna Marchand. 1 V. e Edna Marchand; 9Auq77; A918937.

A918938. Consumer credit. 60 p. 6 Bank of America N.T. and S.A.; 15Nov77: A918938.

A918939. Mary oler's Poems for children. 143 p. NM: dedication £ pref. Mary Oler; 21Feb77: A918939.

A918940. General quarters, pt. 2. By Lonnie Lee Gill. 54 p. NM: additional text e pictorial matter fi new appendices, charts 6 introd. Lonnie Lee Gill; 30Sep77; A918940.

4918941. Turning point. By Marilyn Zuckeraan. (In Personal effects, p. 61-86) e Marilyn Zuckerman: 18Nov76; 4918941.

4918942. Style book for news aedia, public relations and general publicity. By Erie G. Bowery. 26 p. Erie G. Bowery; 94uq77: 4918942.

A91B943. Co-rec sports. Hritten by the Seattle-King County Chapter of the National Organization for Romen. 35 p. O Seattle-King County, NOR; 14Mar77 (in notice: 1976); 4918943.

A918944. The New creation: an anthology. By Marcia A. Bowie, Sandra L. Reynolds & Margaret Cook Hunt. 33 p. O Marcia 4. Bowie, Sandra L. Reynolds 6 Margaret Cook Hunt: 150ct76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4918944.

4918945. Yesterday's verb car: a coaplete program for past-tense verbs. Kit, Appl. au: Marian VandenNoven. Marian Tanden Noven; 244ug77; 4918945.

4918946. Steven Halpern: Spectrum suite. 41bum design: Frank Vega 6 Eric Kiss, cover photo. : John Whitney. Record jacket. & Spectrum fiesearch Institute; 74ug76; 4918946.

4918947. Clues to executive time control: "the manager — puppet or conductor?" By Henry Mintzberg. 41 p. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. B47608, in folder. Q 4Bacom, a division of 4Berican Manageaent Associations; 23Nov77; A918947.

A918948. An Analysis and evaluation of modern trends in coaching swiaming and water polo. 73 p. e N.C.C. , Inc.; 10ct77; A91S948.

4918949. A Practical guide to storefront rehabilitation. By Norman M. Mintz. Folder (6 p.) (Preservation League of New York State, technical series, no. 2) NM: new photos. 6 Preservation League of New York state. Inc.; 310ct77; 4918949.

4918950. Plantswear apparel by Angelica. 27 p. Appl. au: Boy M. Rohl. e Angelica Corporation; 1Dec77; 4918950.

4918951. Anticipating childbirth: pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. 98 p. Chil- dbirth Education 45sociation of San Diego, Inc.; 21NOV77; 4918951.

4918952. 4 Guide to old Santa Barbara: the Spanish and Mexican periods. By Barbara ott Schneidau with illus. by Jacqueline Broughton. 26 p. e Barbara Schneidau; 28NOV7T; 4918952.

A918953. Eaaanuel, Eamanuel, that's what ay daddy says. Hritten 6 illustrated by Ralter Thomas Hayes. 48 p. Halter Thomas Hayes; 28Nov77; A918953.

4918954. Bow to make sewing patterns. By Donald H. McCunn, photos, by Robin Lew. 190 p. Originally pub. as How to aake your own sewing patterns. NM: revisions £ new illus. e Donald H. McCunn; 25Nov77; 4918954.

4918955. The Blair families originating in Ireland, South Carolina, Georgia, and 41abama. By John Clyde Blair, Sr. 102 p. O John Clyde Blair, Sr. ; 4Nov77; 4918955.

A918956. Duration of the listing period: an empirical study of housing market dynamics. By Donald J. Hempel, Jacob Belkin 6 Dennis R. McLeavey 59 p. e The Dniversity of Connecticut; 23Nov77; 4918956.

A918957. New from Bobinair: test instruments. Form no. 77-6S. Folder. Bobinair Manufacturing Corporation; 15Nov77; 4918957.

A918958. Trial advocacy 4. 366 p. Appl. au: Joseph 0. Mladinov, Don K. Schussler S John 0. Burgess, e Hashington State Bar 4ssociation; 70ct77; 4918958.

4918959. The Complete Elvis. By Jerry Osbourne & Randall Jones. 94 p. e Jellyroll

Productions, Inc.; 15Nov77; A9 18959.


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