Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1210

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S919233 - A919272
JUL-DEC. 1977

S919232 (con.) outlier. Vol. 16 2. By Bichard Feinberq. © Hichard Feinberq: 16Mov77; A919232.

i919233. The Interrelationship of JungiaD oodes of mental fanctioninq* foraality of orqanizational structure, and certainty of task environment: its effect on attitudes of orqanization members. By Brian Hovard Kleiner. Bicrofilm. 6 Brian Hoiiard Kleiner: 15Nov77: 4919233.

A919234. ft Comparative study of the effectiveness of team interaction in Cobol proqrammiDg lanquaqe learning. By Bonald Steven Lemos. Hicrofilm. @ Ronald Steven Lemos; 15NOV77: S919234.

1919235. Harital fertility, desired family size, communication channels and modern reproductive values in an African city. By Ernest Owanyiriuba Emereuwaonu. Hicrofilm. 6 Ernest Uwanyiriuba Emereunaonu; 15liov77; A919235.

A919236. Prevalence study of antibodies to Western Equine. Saint Louis, and California encephalitis viruses, among a selected population group. Imperial Valley, California- By nartiue Jo2an. Microfilm. 6 Hartine Jozan; 15Nov77; 4919236.

A919237. The Bole of adult basic education in an urban community psychiatric hospital. By Letitia Marie Johnston. Hicrofilm. 6 Letitia Marie Johnston; 15Nov77; 4919237.

A919238. Political ideology and educational reform in Chile, 1964-1976. By Kathleen Boscardin Fischer. Microfilm, e Kathleen Boscardin Fischer; 15[lov77; A9 19238.

A919239. The Corrosion fatigue behavior of a high purity Al-Zn-Mq-Cu alloy. By Edvard Freer Smith 3rd. Microfilm. Ed»ard Freer Smith 3rd; 151Iov77: A9 19239.

A919240. Tragicomedy, Benaissance and modern. By Carol Peterson Hartzoq. Microfilm. e Carol Petersen Bartzoq: 1511ov77; A9 19240.

4919241. The Physiology of bioluminescence in polynoid polychaete vorms. By 41bert 4nthony Herrera. Hicrofilm. Q Albert 4nthony Herrera: 15Nov77: A919241.

A919242. The Mobility of tte experienced Phd: a study of humanists, physicists, and economists who have been employed in college teachinq and Mho have changed lobs, employers, or occupations vithin the last three years. By Arlene Louise Chait. Microfilm. Arlene Louise Chait; 15BOV77: A919242.

A919243. Bilingual instruction: its relationship to cognitive and affective development- -with implications for educational policy decisions. By Bamiro Garcia. Hicrofilm. e Ramiro Garcia: 15Nov77; A919243.

A919244. La Becherche de I'hoame, le probleme de 1* authenticlte dans I'oeuvre de Halrauz. By Sooia B. Hiklaucic. Microfilm. e Sonia B. Hiklaucic; 15Nov77: A919244.

A919245. The Laurie shorthand system: a formative evaluation. By Charles Theodore Laurie. Hicrofilm. 6 Charles Theodore Laurie; 15NOV77; A919245.

A919246. The Ose Of seismotectonics in the Bayesian estimation of seismic risk. By Kenneth Baiter Campbell. Microfilm. e Kenneth Baiter Campbell; 15Nov77; A919246.

4919247. Community development and individual modernization in San Lucas Tollman, Guatemala. By Billiam Timothy Farrell. Microfilm, e Billiam Timothy Farrell; 15NOV77; A919247.

A919248. The Synthesis and pharmacological activity of fully and highly enriched deuterated amphetamine analogs. By Salem Ellas Najlar. Microfilm. 6 Saleo Ellas Najjar; 15Sov77; A919248.

A919249. Residential land-use density and the housing production function. By James Bobert Fountain, Jr. Hicrofilm. @ James Eobert Fountain, Jr.; 15Nov77; A919249.

A919250. Plant and animal remains from caves and rock shelters of Chevelon Canyon, Arizona: methods for isolating cultural depo- sitional processes. By Frederick L. Briuer. Microfilm. & Frederick L. Briuer; 15Nov77; 4919250.

A919251. The Popolo of Northern Italy (1196- 1274) : a political analysis. By John Cortland Koenig. Hicrofilm. Q John Cortland Koenig; 15Nov77; 4919251.

4919252. 4n 4nnotated edition of Tobias Smollett's Life and adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves (1760-1761) By Roger Alan Hambridge. Microfilm. Q Roger Alan Hambridge; 15Nov77; 4919252.

4919253. Henri Matisse and neo-impressionism, 1898-1908. By Catherine Cecelia Bock. Microfilm. Q Catherine Cecelia Bock; 15NOV77; 4919253.

4919254. "4 Lovely and a fearful thing"; Byron's sexual politics in Don Juan. By Katherine 4nne Kernberger. Microfilm. © Katherine 4nue Kernberger; 15Nov77; 49192S4.

4919255. The Black man in English romantic literature, 1772-1833. By Billiam Lloyd James. Hicrofilm. S Billiam Lloyd James; 15HOV77; A919255.

A919256. Subcellular localization of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity: a cytochemical study of the caudate nucleus. By Marjorie Ann Ariano. Microfilm. Harjorie Ann Ariano; 15Nov77; A919256.

4919257. Self-management training for children vith reading problems: effects on reading performance and sustained attention. By Zipora Niderberg Halamuth. Microfilm. 9 Zipora Niderberg Halamuth; 15Nov77; 4919257.

4919258. The psychology of the design of information systems. By Lin Gingras. Hicrofilm. Lin Gingras; 151iov77; 4919258.

4919259. Beminguay's The Fifth column: bac- kground, publication, production, reception. By Harriet Teitelbaum Fellner- Microfilm. Q Harriet Teitelbaum Fellner; 15NOV77; 4919259.

4919260. Optimal task and file assignment in a distributed computing network. By Bobert Poon-Lun Lee. Hicrofilm. Q Bobert Poon-Lun lee; 15Nov77; 4919260.

4919261. The Compensation effect and re-entrant superconductivity in a magnetically ordered superconductor. By Thomas Eduard Jones. Microfilm. @ Thomas Edward Jones; 15NOV77: 4919261.

4919262. The Loss rate of SoX and the conversion rate of So2 to So4= for the'L.4. Basin. By Tom Depher Collison. Microfilm. & Tom Depher Collison; 15IIov77; A919262.

4919263. The Grotesque vision: structure and aesthetics in the British Gothic novel. By Thomas Harvey Keeling. Microfilm. © Thomas Barvey Keeling; 15Nov77; 4919263.

49 19 26 4. The Decorated imposts of the cloister of Moissac. By Ruth Maria Capelle Kline. Hicrofilm. © Ruth Haria Capelle Kline; 15NOV77; 4919264.

A919265. Beal and phantom image localization in multichannel sound reproduction. By Richard Corona Cabot. Hicrofilm. © Richard Corona Cabot; 15Nov77; A919265.

A919266. The Ecology of Keystone virus on the Oelmarva Peninsula. By James Bayne LeDuc. Hicrofilm. 6 James Bayne LeDuc; 15NOV77; A919266.

A919267. Translocation and attenuation of wastewater phosphorus in streams. By Gordon Anders Carlson, Jr. Microfilm. O Gordon Anders Carlson, Jr.; 15Ilov77; A919267.

4919268. Toward memory and mourning: a study of changing attitudes toward death between 1750 and 1850 as revealed by gravestones of the New Hampshire nerrimack Biver Valley, mourning pictures, and repre- sentative writings. By Faye Joanne Baker. Hicrofilm. © Faye Joanne Baker; 15Nov77; 4919268.

4919269. 4ctivity patterns, habitat partitioning, and grooming behavior of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, in California. By Thomas Richard Loughlin. Hicrofilm. © Thomas Eichard Loughlin; 15Nov77; 4919269.

4919270. 4 Monomeric phosphorylating agent derived from four monophenyl phosphorus compounds, in pyridine. By Eobert Albert Kleps. Hicrofilm. C Robert Albert Kleps; 15NOV77; A919270.

A919271. A Two-tiered dynamic policy analysis model of residential development in suburban metropolitan communities. By Daniel Arthur Ensminger. Hicrofilm. 6 Daniel Arthur Ensminger; 15Nov77; A919271.

4919 27 2.

Congruence of parental expectations and


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