Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1221

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A919634. The Betireaent handbook: a coiplete plaoDlnq quide to your future. By Joseph C. Buckley. 6th rev. t enl. ed. Be»ised by Henry Schmidt. 36a p. Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.; 2IIot77; A919634.

1919635. Andrew Jackson and the course of American eapire, 1767-1821. By Bobert Vincent Reaini. 502 p. O Bobert V. Reaini; 250ct77: A9t9635.

A919636. The Great Drake. Dy Hario Cappelli, iiius. by Fred Charles. 102 p. O Hario Cappelli: 30NOW77: A919636.

A919637. A Hind of her own; a life of the writer Georqe Sand. By Taaara Hovey. 211 p. Taaara Howey: 120ct77: A919637.

A919638. Bockinqborse. By Toraa Kaniuk, translated froni the Hebrew by Bichard Plantz. 408 p. Enqlish £ roaanized Hebrew. Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Prev. pub. in Israel as Susets. on Enqlish translation; Harper and Row. Publishers, Inc.: 30Nov77: A919638.

A919639. The Hinisters nanual for 1978 (Doran's) Edited by Charles L. Hallis. 53rd annual issue. 280 p. Add. ti: The Hinisters aanual. 1978. Charles L. Hallis: 28Sep77: A9 19639.

A919640. Foods froa harvest festivals and folk fairs; the best recipes froa G a quide to food happeninqs across the nation. By Anita Borqhese, drawings by Taroslava Hills. 270 p. Appl. says all new. except portion of this work oriqinally appeared in Hoaan*s day. Anita Borqhese: 260ct77; A9 196140.

A919641. Proaines to keep: Carter's first hundred days. By Bobert Shoqan. 300 p. Bobert Shoqan: 28Sep77; A919641.

A919642. Police state; could it happen here? By Jules Archer. 181 p. Jules Archer; 120ct77: A9 1961)2.

A919643. The Hunan situation; lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959. By Aldous Leonard Huxley, edited by Piero Fecrucci. 261 p. Appl. states all new except portions of this work oriqinally appeared in Synthesis- -also, editorial revisions. Laura Huxley; 260ct77; A91961t3.

A919644. An Introductory view of aanaqeaent; instructor's aanual. By Peter F. Drucker. 172 p. Add. ti; Instructor's aanual for An Introductory view of aanaqeaent. O Peter p. Drucker; 260ct77: A9196«i*.

A919645. The Bible puzzle book. By Bolf Nyller. 8U p. Bolf Hyller; 260ct77; A9196itS.

A919646. Bocketship: an incredible voyage throuqh science fiction and science fact. Britten by Robert Halone, art editor: Jean Claude Suares, editor: tiilliaa E. Haloney. 125 p. Appl. an: Push Pin Press. Appl. states all new except for illus. Bobert Balone t Push Pin Press; 260ct77: A9 19646.

A919647. Desert places. By Kathryn Harshall.

A919648. Artculture: essays on the post-aodero. By Douglas Davis, introd. by Irvinq Sandler. 176 p. Appl. states all new except illus. O Douglas Davis; T0Aug77; A919blt8.

A919649. Coae to the fair. By Audree Distad. Ill p. O Audcee Distad; 2llov77; A919649.

A919650. A Furl of fairy wind; four stories. By Hollie Hunter (Haureen Hollie Hunter HcVeigh Bcllwraith) , drawings by Stephen Camaell. 58 p. C on text; Haureen Hollie Hunter Hcllwraith; 260ct77; A919650.

A919651. A Furl of fairy wind: four stories. By Hollie gunter (Haureen Hollie Hunter HcVeigh Hcllwraith) , drawings by Stephen Gaaaell. 58 p. on illus.; Stephen Gaaaell; 260ct77 ; A919651.

A919652. The Blood People; a division of the Blackfoot Confederacy; an illustrated interpretation of the old ways. By Adolf Hungry Rolf. 370 p. O Adolf Hungry Holf; S0ct77: A919652.

A919653. A Forest Christaas. By Heiling Rola a.k.a. Haylinq Hack Hola. 1 v. Appl. states all new except for woodchuck in the snow illus. Hayling Hack Hola; 190ct77; A919653.

A9196511. Hotor auto engines and electrical systeas. Editor: Louis C. Forier & other editors. 7th direct ed. 808 p. C The Hearst Corporation: 21Nov77; A9 19654.

A919655. Hotor auto engines and electrical systeas. Editor: Louis C. Forier G other editors. 7th professional service trade ed. 871 p. The Hearst Corporation; 21NOV77: A919655.

A919656. The Life and tiaes of Chaucer. By John Chaaplin Gardner, ornaaents by Jeroae Holf. 328 p. English S Hiddle English. O on new text, pictures, calligraphy & coapilation; John Gardner; 2Har77; A919656.

A919657. A Fine old conflict. By Jessica Hitford. 333 p. on new text, coapilation, editing & any new photos.; Jessica Hitford: 22Aug77; A9I9657.

A919658. Balletoaania then and now. By Arnold Lionel Haskell. 303 p. on introd. E additional text; Arnold Haskell; 31Hay77: A919658.

A919659. Automobile design liability. Cuaulative suppl. By Bichard H. Goodaan in cooperation with the Center for Auto Safety E Lowell Dodge, issued Hov. 1977 by John F. Hubbard, Jr. E Joyce K. Kinnard. 1470 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured froa official O.S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Coapany; 4Nov77; A919659.

A919660. Am jur; Aaerican jurisprudence trials. Vol. 24: aodel trials. Editor; Charles 5 Parnell e other editors. 837 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Coapany £ Bancrof t-Bhitney Coapany. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial secured froa official O.S. Govt, sources. O Jurisprudence Publishers, Inc.; 270ct77; A919660.

A919661. Baseball's best; the Hall of Faae gallery. By Hartin E. Appel E Burt Goldblatt. 420 p. MH: new text £ coapilation of illus. Hartin E. Appel £ Bart Goldblatt; 2Sep77; A919661.

A919662. Heating, ventilating, and air- conditioning systeas estimating aanual. By A. H. Khashab. 311 p. O HcGraw-Uill, Inc.; 22Sep77; A919662.

A919663. A Guide to Hanhattan project: official history and documents. Edited by Paul Kesaris. 2 1 p. Appl. au: University Publications of Aaerica, Inc. O Uni- versity Publications of Aaerica, Inc.; 7BOV77; A919663.

A919664. Hanhattan project: official history and documents. Reels 1-12. Hicrofila. on the selection, arr. £ coapilation of docaaents in the National Archives; Oniversity Publications of Aaerica, Inc.; 7liov77; A919664.

A919665. The flonuaental sculpture of Santa Lucia, Cotzuaalhuapa, Guatemala. By Barbara Braun. Hicrofila. Barbara Braun; 15SOV77; A91966S.

A919666. The Bolshevik Party and the organization and eaaccipation of working women, 1914 to 1921; or. A History of the Petrograd experiaent. By Bobert Elaer Druaa. Hicrofila. O Bobert Elaer Oruaa; 15HOV77; A919666.

A919667. Hedicaid; a case study in societal guidance. By Paaela Jane Doty. Hicrofila. Paaela Jane Doty; 15Nov77; A919667.

A919668. The Life of Toaas Antonio De Vilanova Portugal; a study in the governaent of Portugal and Brazil, 1781-1821. By Arnold Burgess Clayton. Hicrofila. Arnold Burgess Clayton: 15Nov77: A919668.

A919669. Analyse seniotique de "Hes proprietes" de Henri Hichaux. By Lajos Budolf Eckan. Hicrofila. O Lajos Budolf Eckan; 15IIOV77; A919669.

A919670. Style and structure in Ekkehard's Baltharius. By Blanche T. Ebeling-Koning. Hicrofila. Blanche T. Ebeling-Koning: 151IOV77; A919670.

A919671. The Classification of roll-call votes in the Hew Jersey Assembly. By Susan Harriet Levine Fuhraan. Hicrofilm. Susan Harriet Levine Fuhrman ; 15Mov77; A919671.

A919672. Zacharie Astruc: critic and artist (1633-1907) By Sharon Flescher. Hicrofila. Sharon Flescher; 15Nov77: A919672.

A919673. A Photographic analysis of the classroom environment. By Barren Adis. Hicrofila.

O Barren Adis; 15Hov77: A919673.


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