Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1225

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A919796 - A919835
JUL-DEC. 1977

i919796. Eipoct developieot and ecoDoalc grovth: the case of Korea. 6r Duck Shin Kia. aicrofilB. C Duck Shin Kim; 15liov77: 4919796.

4919797. BevoDd savagery: the caapaiqa to assiailate the Anerican Indians, 1880-1920. By Frederick Euqene Boxie. Bicrofila. C Frederick Euqene Hoxie: 15NOI77: 4919797.

4919798. Task opportunity, professional growth need fulfillaent and intrinsic iob satisfaction of public social service workers in Colorado. By olita Elizabeth Darqan Harris. Bicrofila. Olita Elizabeth Dacgan Harris; 1SNov77: 4919798.

4919799. 4d Analysis of motivation to nanage in the textile and tufted carpet industry of Dorthuest Georqia. By Lloyd Janes Franklin Southern. Hicrofili. Lloyd Ja»es Franklin Southern: 15Nov77; 4919799.

4919800. The Developaent of test interpretation and coBfflunication skills via aicrotraininq techniques. By Joseph Paul Boebker. Hicrofila. C Joseph Paul Boebker; 15liov77; 4919800.

4919801. United States iron ore iaports: sourcinq strategies for Onited States steel coapanies. By Nancy Heedhaa Hardell. Hicrofila. C Nancy Needhaa Uardell; 15NOV77; 4919801.

4919802. The Federal Trade Coaaission and consuaer representation. By Oonnie Lee Everette. Hicrofila. Donnie Lee Everette; 15Nov77; 4919802.

4919803. Confirainq and disconf irainq behaviors, self acceptance and personal values; a descriptive study of librarian-user interactions. By 4nne J. Hathevs. Hicrofila. C 4nne J. Hathevs; 1SNov77; 4919803.

49198011. The lapact of issues on political relationships: a case study of Denaark*s environaental policy. By Joanne Stone Hyaan. Hicrofila. O Joanne stone Uyaan; 15NOV77: 49198011.

4919805. The Death of a road show town: Little Hock, 4rkansas, 1899-1921. By Larry Thoaas nenefee. Hicrofila. Larry Thoaas Henefee; 15Nov77: 4919805.

4919806. Herbert Harcuse's philosophy: a critical analysis. By Harold Bleich. Hicrofila. e Harold Bleich: 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4919806.

4919807. The Ecoloqy and behavior of Cephalotes atratus, a neotropical ant (Hyaenoptera: Foraicidae) By flary Lynne corn. Hicrofila. C Hary lynne corn; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4919807.

4^19808. conteaporacy left aesthetics between art and ideology. By Jasminka Golkovic- Odovicky. flicrof ill. O Jasainka Golkovic-Odovicky; 15Nov77; 49 19808.

4919809. 4n Attitudinal study of special education as viewed by a selected qeneral education population. By Yvonne Brewer Brooks. Hicrofila. O Yvonne Brewer Brooks; 15Nov77; 4919809.

4919810. Sex and political participation in the United states: a coaparative analysis of Basses and elites. By Haureen Ellen Fiedler. Hicrofila. O Haureen Ellen Fiedler; 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976); 4919810.

4919811. coaaercial bank loan pricinq policy. By Paul Hoffaan Bacbal. Hicrofila. Paul Hoffaan Kachal; 15Nov77; 4919811.

4919812. Decision-Baking in aras control: a case study of the National Security Council- interaqency qroup systeB in the strategic aras. By John Bellinger Bellinger, Jr. Hicrofila. John Bellinger Bellinger, Jr.; 15NOV77 (in notice: 1976); 4919812.

4919813. Heasureaent and iaplications of the relative iaportance of product attributes; the nutrition factor in breakfast cereal brand choice behavior. By John 4nthony Quelch. Hicrofila. John 4ntbony Quelch; 15Nov77; 4919813.

4919811. CoaaunioD with the divided segaents: the characters in Hawthorne's early fiction and in The scarlet letter. By Barbara Snow Uenqst Hartaann. Hicrofila. O Barbara Snow Hengst Hartaann; 15Nov77; 491961U.

4919815. Bedeaption: a theology from black history (an examination of the aeaning of redemption as reflected in black folk expressions) By Oiin Preston Hoyd. Hicrofila. O Olin Preston Hoyd; 15Nov77 (in notice; 1976); 4919815.

4919816. The Bronze 4ge necropolis at 4yia Paraskevi (Nicosia) : unpublished tombs in the Cyprus Huseum. By Susan Foster Kroaholz. Hicrofila. Susan Foster Kromhoiz; 15»ov77; 4919816.

4919817. Studies in old 4ssyrian loan contracts. By Bruce Leon Bosen. Hicrofila. Bruce Leon Hosen: 15Nov77; 4919817.

4919818. Attitude toward teaching children and degree of open-closed aindedness as a function of level of exposure to field experiences. By Sandra Davis Berg. Hicrofila. O Sandra Davis Berg; 15Nov77; 4919818.

4919819. fietirement; a differential experience for Hexican-Aaericans and 4nglQS. By Hargaret Dolores Dieppa. Hicrofila. e Hargaret Dolores Dieppa; 15NovV7; 4919819.

A919820. Alfred Schutz and the foundations of phenoaenological sociology. By Arthur Shattuck Parsons. Hicrofila. Arthur Shattuck Parsons; 15Bov77; A919820.

A919821. Illiquid assets and liquidity preference in an uncertain environaent. By Carliss young Baldwin. Hicrofila. Carliss Young Baldwin; 15»ov77; A919821.

A919822. Tenure and promotion policies that treat teaching and acadeaic work expressed through nonprint aedia as equivalent to teaching and scholarship expressed through research and publication. By Joan Anne Ehren. Hicrofila. O Joan Anne Ehren; 15NOV77; A919822.

A919823. Tactics of persistence: how Cozuael*s aiddle sector has preserved its locally- controlled land transfer pattern over 116 years. By Paula Lynne Weinberg Sabloff. Hicrofila. Paul$ Lynne Ueinberg Sabloff: 15NOV77; A919823.

A9198211. Pastoral noaadisa in the Hari Kingdom (ca. 1830-1760 B.C.) By Victor Harold Hatthews. Hicrofila. O Victor Harold Matthews; 15Nov77; A9198211.

A919825. Structural transformation and public policy foraation in the District of coluabia (the first 500 days) By Duane fiichard Taylor. Hicrofila. Duane Bichard Taylor; 15Nov77: A919825.

A919826. Ontological commitment in ideal languages: semantic interpretations for logical positivism. By Irving Henry Anellis. Hicrofila. Irving Henry Anellis; 15Nov77: A919826.

4919827. Future tax rate deteraination for the railroad retireaent systea using a constrained objective over discrete future tiae periods. By Hurray Elliott Cohen. Hicrofila. O Hurray Elliott Cohen; 15NOV77: 4919827.

4919828. The English people and the crown's cause, 16112 to 16116. By Joyce Lee Halcola. Hicrofila. O Joyce Lee Halcola; 15NOV77: A919828.

A919829. An Inforaation based theory of aicroeconomics and its consequences for corporate strategy. By Birger Hernerfelt. Hicrofila. Birger Bernerfelt; 15Nov77; A919829.

A919830. Determining promotional strategy: an investigation of the advertising/sales promotion allocation decision process. By Soger Andrew Strang. Hicrofilm. Boger Andrew Strang; 15Nov77; A919830.

A919831. The Integrative role of information systems for agribusiness. By Juan Pablo Bonteraoso. Hicrofila. Juan Pablo Hontermoso; 15Nov77; 4919831.

4919832. A Sociolinguistic survey of language use and attitudes towards language in Ethiopia: implications for language policy in education. By Tsehaye Teferra. Hicrofila. Tsehaye Teferra; 15Nov77; A919B32.

A9198JJ. Toward a holistic model of aorality and aoral education. By Bonald Lee Zigler. Hicrofila. Bonald Lee Zigler; 15Hov77; A919833.

A9198311. Semantics-based synthesis of natural language statements. By Edward James Coyne. Hicrofila. C Edward Jaaes Coyne; 15NOV77; A9198311.

A919835. Burgess' world of words. By Nancy Lynn Steffen. Hicrofila. O Nancy Lynn

Steffen; 1SNov77; A919e35.


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