Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1246

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A920628 - A920670
JUL-DEC. 1977

&920628. Kord or meauioq-eiiphasis in oral reading; an investigation of possible differential effects on comprehension in second-grade average readers. By Laraine Kee Nvun Hong. aicrofilB. @ Laraine Kee Nyun Honq; 15Sov77; A920628.

4920629. Cooputer operating system facilities for the automatic control and activity scheduling of computer-based management systems. By Dov Isaacs. Nicrofila. Dov Isaacs: 15Nov77: 4920629.

4920630. Dltrastructure of Diplodia maydis and of its infection process in corn (Zea says) By Judith Anne narie Hion uurphy. Microfilm. 6 Judith Anne Marie Bion Murphy: 15NOV77: 4920630.

4920631. 4n 4nalysis of iudicial decisions regarding academic freedom in public and private elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education, 1960-1975. By Lee Ediiard Hartsell. Microfilm. 6 Lee Edward Hartsell; 15»ov77: 4920631.

4920632. "Normal" mysticism and the social world: a comparative study of Quaker and Hasidic communal mysticism. By Alan Lewis Berger. Microfilm. 6 Alan Lewis Berger: 15Nov77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4920632.

4920633. Edgar Lee Masters* literary decline; from Spoon River to The New Spoon Biver, 1915-1924. By Herbert Keith Russell. Midrofilm. C Herbert Keith Russell; 15NOV77: 4920633.

49206311. Identification of technical illustrator 1ob requirements. By Jon Mac Duff. Microfilm. 6 Jon Bac Duff; 15SOV77: 4920634.

4920 635. Saving investment behavior of farm families — odaipur — Baiasthan (India) By Jagdeesh Chandra Kalla. Microfilm, e Jagdeesh Chandra Kalla; 15Hov77: 4920635.

4920636. Comparative histology of the scoleces of three caryophyllid tapeworms: relationship to pathology and site selection in the host intestine- By Eugene Georqe Hayunga. Microfilm. 6 Eugene Georqe Hayunga; 15NOV77: A920636.

4920637. The Socialization of beginning elementary teachers. By Helvin M. Chafetz. Microfilm. Melvin M. Chafetz; 15KOV77; A920637.

A920638. Seneca's Oedipus as drama; Seneca and Sophocles on the opedipus legend. By Galen Hayes Graham. Microfilm. 6 Galen Hayes Graham: 15Nov77: 4920638.

4920639. 4n 4ssessment of the use of personal development courses in manpower training programs. By James Glenn Bumstead. Microfilm. 6 James Glenn Bumstead: 15NOV77: 4920639.

4920640. The Communicative constitution of information: talk and how talk works. By Donna Marie Jurick. Microfilm. 6 Donna Marie Jurick; 15Nov77: 4920640.

4920641. Development and assessment of a curriculum in child care occupations. By Thelma Kathleen Kraft. Microfilm. e Thelma Kathleen Kraft; 15Nov77; 4920641.

4920642. The Impact of male absenteeism on the structure and organization of the military family. By Janie Gertrude Bienerth. Microfilm. © Janice Gertrude Bienerth; 151IOV77; A920642.

4920643. The Influence of sex, size and tripolyphosphate treatment on the shelf-life of summer season freshwater drum (4plodinotus grunniens) fillets. By Teung Fook chin. Microfilm. @ Teung Fook Chin; 15Nov77; 4920643.

4920644. Belationship of recruiter behavior, perceived similarity, and prior infor- mation to applicants' assessments of the campus recruitment interview. By Barbara Laurie Karol. Microfilm. @ Barbara Laurie Karol; 15Nov77; 4920644.

A920645. The Effects of color and sound on cognitive and affective responses to video presentations. By Stanley Robert Alten. Microfilm. Stanley Robert Alten; 15NOV77; 4920645.

A920646. Forensic psychiatric examinations in the community and the institution; an analysis of differential costs and client characteristics in Ohio. By Eric Halfred Carlson. Microfilm. © Eric Halfred Carlson: 15Nov77; 4920646.

A920647. The Methods of repeated rank reduction and multiple correction for the numerical solution of the Fredholm integral equations of the second kfnd. By Kanat Durgun. Microfilm. © Kanat Durgun; 15BOV77 (in notice; 1976) ; A920647.

A920648. The Concept of happiness; an essay in political and social theory. By David Paul Ericson. Microfilm. © David Paul Ericson; 15Nov77; 4920648.

4920649. The Public foreign policy behavior of heads of government; the character of leader behavior and its effect on the behavior of other decision-makers. By Gerald Lee Hutchins. Microfilm. C Gerald Lee Hutchins; 15NOV77; 4920649.

4920650. Structured programming; visuals (revised) 1975. 3rd ed. Sheets (206 p.) in folder. © Yourdon, Inc. ; 18Mar75: 4920650.

4920651. Structured analysis. 3rd ed. Sheets (144 p.) in foJ.der. © yourdon. Inc.; 21Jan76 (in notice: 1975); 4920651.

4920652. Straws in the wind. By Betsy Craig, illus, by Barbara Covich, Jo 4nn 4nderson £ Laurie Orange, editor; Marcille Nelson. 35 p. 4ppl. au: Chapter E B, P.E.O. Sisterhood. © chapter B B, P.E.O. sisterhood; 2Dec77; A920652.

A920653. Baxter's Eurailpass travel guide. By Bobert G. Baxter, illus. by Alice Muller. 1977-1978 ed. 503 p. © Bobert G. Baxter; 15Jan77; 4920653.

4920654. Conquering the hosts of hell: an open triumph. By Hin Horlcy (Hinfred a.

A920655. Poems that preach. By Earl L. Duck. 1 V. Earl L. Duck; 14Nov77; A920655.

A920656. The Surgeon General's collection. By Arn Henderson. 63 p. BM: additional poems. @ Arn Henderson; 31Dec76; 4920656.

4920657. Rhymes of affection. By Bobert M. Pine. 1 V. e Bobert M. Pine; 22Nov77; 4920657.

4920658. Ninety-nine for Dov Dov and other stories. By yona Heinberg, drawings by Esther Lefkowitz. 31 p. © Yona Heinberg; 15NOV77; 4920658.

A920659. You wouldn't lielieve it, but it's true. 10 p. Appl. au: Joseph Khoroshansky. © Joseph Khoroshansky; 30Nov77: A920659.

A920660. Enjoy your own party cookbook. B-y Mimi Spaulding (Elizabeth H. Spaulding) 61 p. e Mimi Spaulding: 23Nov77; A920660.

A9 20661. For those who cannot sleep. Poem by Buth Ikeler/Hountaingrove, drawings by Chrystos. 82 p. Appl. au: Jean Tangeman/Mountaingrove. Some poems prev. appeared in 4phra G others. NM: introd. £ additions. © New ijoman Press; 31May77; A920661.

A920662. Directory of active buyers. Series D, no. 1. 1 V. Appl. au: Baymond C. Miles. © Vermont Southern Corporatxon; 26Nov77; A9 20662.

A920663. Don^t judge this book by its cover or you'll be sorree! By Dean F. V. Du Vail. 28 p. Du Vail Press Financial Publications; 1Nov77: A920663.

A920 664. French onion sou ). 1 p. Appl. s Angela Stenger. € Angela Stenger; 15NOV77; A920664.

4920665. Holy Cross basketball handbook, 1977-78. Editor; Michael H. Shanahan, general manager; John M. Tiroletto. 48 p. 6 The Source; 29NOV77: 4920665.

4920666. Plant champions; or, 4 Tour de force of the vegetable ]d.ngdom. By Michael Jerome Shields. 1 I. © Michael Jerome Shields; 12NOV77; 4920666.

4920667. 4natoBy of orofacial structures- By Richard ffilliam Brand & Donald Edward Isselhard. 374 p. O The C. V- Mosby Company; 22Nov77; 4920667.

4920668. Neuro-ophthalmology; symposium of the University of Miami and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Vol. 9. Edited by Joel Stephen Glaser. 275 p. © The C. V. Mosby Company; 22Nov77; 4920668.

4920669. The Hip; proceedings of the fifth open scientific meeting of the Hip Society, 1977. 291 p. e The C. V. Mosby Company; 22NOV77: 4920669.


Dare to be brave. By Frank Orpe £ Jean


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