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JUL-DEC. 1977

A875306. Athlon' s Big Eigbt. Vol. 1: Io«a. Contribating editors: Bill Beck 6 others. 159 p. Add. ti: Athlon* s Io«a — Big Eight football. Appl. au: Athlon Publications, Inc. e Athlon Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77: A875306.

S875307. Dinosaurs; teachers guide. 10 p. £ sheets. ("Come uith He" science series) Appl. au: Patricia Perea (Pat Perea) e Pat perea: 15Jun77; A875307.

A875308. The naes reading guide. The New A (ai) B (bee) C (see) book. 2 v. Appl. au: Josephine padilla Haes. NM: revisions. Josephine Padilla Haes; 10nar77; A875308.

A875309. The Job seeker's workbook. Revised by Career Hedia for the Handica ppped. Saint Paul Technical Vocational Insititute. 37 p. Add. ti: Job seeking skills workbook. Based on The Job hunters workbook. Appl. au: Hulti Resource Center, Inc. NM: editorial revision, Hulti Resource Center, Inc. : 1Apr77; A875309..

A875310. Job seeking skills: instructing applicants. Revised for use with hearing iBpaired applicants by Career Media for the Handicappped, Saint Paul Technical Vocational Insititute. 1 v. Appl. au: Mdlti Resource Center, Inc. NH: editorial revision. nulti Resource Center, Inc.; 1Apr77: A875310.

A875311. Moving head disk systea. Hay 1977. 1 v. Coaputer Autoaation, Inc.; 27May77; A875311.

A875312. Introduction to foster parenting. Kit. NM: additions 6 coapilation. Child Welfare League of Aaerica, Inc.; 15Aug77: A875312.

A875313. Statistical coaputer prograas guide. Written by Bob Morss (Robert Michael Morss) Htl p. C Bob Morss; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976): A875313.

A8753ia. Reflections froa Valhallah (on God, civilisation and the buaan faaily) By proaetheus, pseud, of Herbert Daniel Staffieri. 320 p. Portions froa Magic, science of the future, for coaparison, by Joseph Goodvage & others. Herbert Daniel Staffieri; 23Mar77; A8753114.

A875315. New MCAT identification card, 1977. Q Association of Aaerican Medical Colleges: 26Jan77; A875315.

A875316. Announceaent of the ACT research services for colleges and universities'. Dec. 1976 ed. 32 p. The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 3Dec76 ; A875316.

A875317. Collegiate enrollaents in the 0-S,, 1976-77; statistics, interpretation & trends in U-year 6 related institutions. ACT special report 19. By Garland G. Parker. 101 p. Appl. au: The Aaerican College Testing Prograa. O The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 19&pr77; A875317.

A8753ie. Collegiate enrollaents in Aaerican 2-vear institutions, 1976-77; statistics, interpretations E trends. ACT special report 20. By Garland G. Parker. 63 p. Appl. au: The Aaerican College Testing Prograa. The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 26Apr77; A875318.

A875319. Innovations in continuing education. 125 p. O National University Extension Association 6 The Aaerican College Testing Prograa: 1'tMar77; A875319.

A875320. What's really basic in the language arts? A report on ACT'S 1976 Invitational Language Arts Conference. By Benee H. Huntley, prepared by The Research and Developaent Division, The Aaerican college Testing Prograa. 43 p. Appl. au: The Aaerican College Testing Prograa. The American College Testing Prograa; «Peb77; A875320.

A875321. Handbook for the ACT career planning prograa: helping students explore options. Prepared by The Research and Developaent Division, The American College Testing Program. 1977 ed. 93 p. Appl. au: The American College Testing Prograa. The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 17Peb77; A875321.

A875322. Development and validation of sex- balanced interest inventory scales. By G. R. Hanson, D. J. Prediger 6 E. H. Schussel, prepared by The Research and Developaent Division, The Aaerican College Testing Prograa. 36 p. (ACT research report, no. 78, Mar. 1977) Appl. au: The Aaerican College Testing Prograa. O The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 25Mar77: A875322.

A875323. Taking the ACT assessaent: Nestern region (states Best of the Mississippi) 1977-78 ed. 32 p. The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 20Hay77; A875323.

A87532U. Taking the ACT assessment: Eastern region (states east of the Mississippi) 1977-78 ed. 32 p. The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 20May77; A87532U.

A875325. Announceaent for the new MCAT: new Medical college adaission test, 1977. 23 p. Association of American Medical Colleges: 26Jan77; A87532S.

A875326. New BCAT supervisor's manual: ins- tructions for the administration of the new Medical college adaission test. Apr. 1977 ed. 21 p. The Aaerican College Testing Prograa: litFeb77; A875326.

A875327. Chicago educational developaent test student report. Folder (3 p.) The Aaerican College Testing Prograa; 23Bar77; A875327.

A875328. College planning/search book. Coapiled by the Aaerican College Testing Prograa. 1976-77 ed. 236 p. The Aaerican College Testing Program; 50ct76: A875328.

A875329. Custom prograamed aaintenance. Publication no. 2063C. 12 p. Appl. au: Johnson Controls, Inc. C Johnson Controls, Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson Controls, Inc. ; 10Jun77; A875329.

A875330. Courts and the juvenile offender. 2* p. Appl. au: Uilliaa H. Sheridan. C National Aaerican Indian Court Judges Association, Inc.: 25Jan77: A875330.

A875331. Help yourself to happiness in aarriage through this set of preaarital counseling inventories; a technique for self counseling. By Autry Brown. 1 v. Prev. reg. 1974 NH: revisions 6 additions. Autry Brown; 1Apr77; A875331.

A875332. Lake aanageaent case study: Hestlake Village, California. Technical bulletin 73. By williaa A. Hanson & Prans Bigelow. 113 p. ULI, The Urban Land Institute; 2'tJun77; A875332.

A875333. Private-aarket housing renovation in older urban areas. OLI research report no. 26. By J. Thoaas Black, Allan Borut e Robert Dubinsky. ti p. OLI, The Urban land Institute; 30Jun77; A875333.

A87533II. Making aoney with printing and publishing secrets. 39 p. Appl. au; Donald E. Loebel, sole owner/Doaar Enterprises. Doaar Enterprises; 1Jul77: A875334.

A875335. Cape Cod, HA, telephone directory, July 1977, with Hyannis area yellow pages. O New England Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 2«Jun77: A875335.

A875336. The Blewett systea of cigarette saoking control. By U. K. Blewett. 1 p. OH. K. Blewett; 16Bay77; A875336.

A875337. Siaplified chart construction for students o£ astrology. By Pathena, pseud, of Dorothy Murphy. 54 p. Morningland, Inc.; lPeb77; A87S337.

A875338. Ophthalaic equipment annual, 1977. 130 p. O Advisory Enterprises, Inc. ; 1Dec76; A875338.

A875340. 1 don't own you so I can't give you aaay. By Florence Irene Hitchell, photos. by Bob Howe. 80 p. NH: photos. Irene Hitchell; 1Hay77: A875340.

A875341. Be are the aorning. By Florence Irene Mitchell, photos, by Giant Cohen, cover photo, e photos, of the author: S. Marc Zwirn. 1 11 p. O on photos.; Irene Mitchell: 1Hay77; A875341.

A875342. Ply free, ay love. By Thoaas Bass, photos, by S. Marc Zwirn. 108 p. Make Peace Books, Ltd. (in notice: Makepeace Books, Ltd.); 21May77; A875342.

A875343. Trouble shooter for the aultilith presses; a study of the aechanical 6 operational probleas of the aultilith offset presses. By Jose Cuellar a.k.a. Joseph Sellar. 192 p. Appl. au: Reliable Duplicator Service. NH: editorial revision, additional text 6 all pictorial aatter. Grady Jenkins; 2llay77; A875343.

A875344. Travel aaster, spring/suaaer '77; effective until Sept. '77. Editor: Cyrus Bernstein, associate editor: Fredric J. Kraver, assistant editor: Joyce Cicero, directory coapilers: Ann Felice 6 others, art director: Moraan Brenner. 782 p.

Appl. au: Arthur I. Rabb £ Robert J.


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