Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1301

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A922858 - A922902
JUL-DEC. 1977

8922858. Cherokee eaiqration rolls, 1817-1835. Transcribed by Jack D. Baker. 67 p. O Jack D. Baker: 28Not77: A922858.

»922859. Biblioqraphy of research and speculation about coqniti»e space. By John Eliot. 1 f. Nfl: revision C additions. John Eliot: 30No»77: A922859.

4922860. Chenille bunpies. By Jean Hendrickson. 23 p. Craft Publications, Inc.; 30Noy77: A922860.

&922861. Paper aarquetry. Book 1, By Thoaas Louis Lee. 52 p. Connoisseur Stadio, Inc.: 12Sep77; »922861.

A922862. Tinsel art. Vol. 1: techniques, instructions 6 patterns. By Roberta Baffaelli. 47 p. Connoisseur Studio, Inc.: 19Jon77: A922862.

  • 9228e3.

Decoupaqe nouveau. By fluciel 0. Pasco. 17 p. Add. ti: The Connoisseur School of Decoupaqe and Decorative Crafts presents Decoupaqe nouveau. Connoisseur Studio, Inc.: 26Apr77; A922863.

A922864. Five beinq-»ith skills, notes for a workshop. By David South. 12 p. David South: 25IIOV77; A922864.

A922865. TBH vater outlets. aeatherly index HHO, cataloq no. HG-278, 1978. 16 p. TFB, Inc.; 5Dec77: A922865.

A922866. Oniversity ledical schools and the National Health Service. By Joseph H. Berrill. 31 p. C Joseph B. Merrill (in notice: Joe Herrill) : 11lov77; A922866.

4922867. Hodern ideas of evolution. By J. Uilliaa Daiison. edited by Williaa B. Shea e John F. Cornell vith a forevocd by Conrad P. Harrinqton e a critical introd. by Hilliaa B. Shea. 2i40 p. nh: introd. S additional text. C Heale Batson Acadeaic Publications, Inc.; 15Hay77; A922867.

A922868. Health purifiers and their eneaies. By Julius A. Both, vith the collaboration of Bichard B. Banson. 130 p. Heale latson Acadeaic Publications, Inc.; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1977): A922868.

A922869. Galileo's intellectual revolution, aiddle period, 1610-1632. By Billiaa B. Shea. 2nd ed. 20it p. Prev. pub. abroad 1972. Seale Batson Acadeaic Publi- cations, Inc.: 15Sep77: A922869.

A922870. The Virus; a history of the concept. By Sally Saith Huqhes. 1«0 p. Reale Batson Acadeaic Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77: A922870.

A922871. The Art of winninq qovernaent qrants. By Hovacd Hillaan. coauthor: Kathryn Hatale. 2it6 p. C Howard Hillaan; 15llo»77: A922871.

A922872. Tercentenary essays in honor of Andrea aarvell. Edited by Kenneth Priedenreich. 31« p. o Kenneth Friedenreich; 18Bov77; A922872.

A922873. 94 p. Appl. states all nea except portions prev. pub. in National aildlife. O Les Blacklock; 26Sep77: A922873.

A922874. Southwest Louisiana records: church and civil records. »ol. 11: 1873-187it. By Donald J. aebert. U23 p. NH: editing, coapilation £ rearranqeaent. Donald J. Hebert; 5Dec77; A922874.

A922875. The Art of vorld teas tennis. By Greg Boffaan. 138 p. Appl. states all text is new except p. 68-70 6 105-115. Borld Teaa Tennis Properties, Inc.; 30Jun77; A922875.

4922876. The Borld of stereographs. By Billiaa C. Darrah. 246 p. Billiaa C. Oaccah; 2Dec77: A922876.

4922877. proceedings of the National Electronics conference, 1977, yol. 31. Proceedings editor: Billiaa H. Tranter. 392 p. Conference held Oct. 10-12, 1977 in Chicago. Appl. au: B. J. Napolitan. O National Engineering Consortiua, Inc.; 10ct77; A922877.

A922876. Teacher's handbook for Biology: an inquiry into the nature of life, fourth edition. By Stanley L. Beinberg C Abrahaa Kalish. 1 V. NB: editorial revision, updating, additions & new photos. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 1Jan77; A92287B.

A922879. Action biology; teacher's guide. By Stanley L. Beinberg 6 Herbert J. Stoltze. 132 p. NH: revisions, additions e updating. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.: 1Jan77; A922879.

A922880. Tests for Our Aaerica; duplicator aasters. By Lawrence J. Pauline. 80 p. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 314nq77; A922880.

A922881. Activity book for our Aaerica; duplicator aasters. By Lawrence J. Pauline. 172 p. Allyn and Bacon, Inc.; 3Uuq77; 4922881.

4922882. Nationwide readership survey of new car dealers, conducted for 4utoBotive Sews by Erdos and Borgan, Inc. 12 p. 4ppl. au: crain Autoaotive Group, Inc. Crain 4utOBOtive Group, Inc.; 5Dec77; A922882.

A922883. Through the Christmas ball. By Hary Edna Townsend, £ Myrtle clairene, pseud, of Myrtle Secord, illus. by flyrtle clairene, pseud, of Myrtle Secord. 1 v. H. Edna Townsend e Myrtle Secord (in notice: Myrtle Clairene S B. Edna Townsend) : 21Nov77; 4922883.

4922884. Teacher's guide to Bine of aorning. Prepared by Grace Collins. 13 p. Appl. au: Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc. O Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc. : 2Nov77; A922884.

A922885. LC-11 specifications. 2 p. Aaerican Electronics, Inc. ; 170ct77; 4922885.

A922886. Bule for Claa. Folder. Appl. au: Frank Melf. Playgoer Gaaes; 1Dec77; A922886.

A922873. Meet ay psychiatrist. By Les Blacklock.

A922887. Autograph letters. aanuscripts. docuaents. Catalogue 131. 33 p. NH: additions 6 coapilation. O The Bendells, Inc.; 18NOV77; A922887.

A922888. An Introduction to short circuit currents. By John B. Karonika. 29 p. O John B. Karonika; 15Nov77; A922888.

A922889. Coaprehension: key to strands; profile card. 2 p. The Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Bisconsin Systea; 9Feb77; AS22889.

A922890. Genesis 2 newsbrief. Vol. 1, no. 6, gov. 1977. Folder. Appl. au: Brs. Kenneth B. Faraer. O Genesis 2. Inc.; 21NOV77; A922890.

4922891. aanual. 1 v. 4ppl. states all new except stock certificate C stock ledger. Scriveners, Inc.; 20Oct77; 4922891.

A922892. Guidelines for analytical toxicology prograas. Vol. 2. Editors: Jerry J. Thoaa, Paul B. Bondo & Irving Sunshine. 280 p. Appl. aa: CBC Press, Inc. CBC Press. Inc.: 28Nov77; A922892.

A922893. Current aspects of food colorants. Editor: Thoaas E. Furia. 93 p. Appl. au: CBC Press, Inc. CBC Press. Inc.; 28l!ov77; A922893.

A922894. Guidelines for analytical toxicology prograas. Vol. 1. Editors: Jerry J. Thoaa, Paul B. Bondo fi Irving Sunshine. 268 p. Appl. au: CSC Press, Inc. CBC Press, Inc.; 28Nov77; A922894.

4922895. Bacteria. Editors: 411en I. Laskin S Hubert A. Lechevalier. 2nd ed. 757 p. (CBC handbook of aicrobiology, vol. 1) Appl. au: CBC Press. Inc. CBC Press, Inc.: 29IIOV77; A922895.

4922896. Clinical aicrobiology. Vol. 2. Section editor: Alexander Von Graevenitz. 566 p. (CBC handbook series in clinical laboratory science, section E) 4ppl. au: CBC Press, Inc. CBC Press, Inc.; 30NOV77; A922896.

4922897. Old hoaes and buildings of Frederic- ksburg. By Elise Kowert, photography by Art Kowert. 205 p. O Elise Kowert; 3Dec77; 4922897.

4922898. Private independent schools, 1977. 30th ed. 777 p. Bunting and Lyon. Inc.; 84ug77; 4922898.

4922899. Clinical biocheaical and heaatological reference values in noraal experiaental aniaals. By Brij H. Mitruka 6 Howard B. Bawnsley, with special assistance froa Bharan V. Vadehra. 272 p. Basson Publishing US4, Inc.; 14Nov77; 4922899.

4922900. Dostoevsky in Bussian and world theatre. By Vladiair Seduro. 435 p. BH: new text & coapilation of photos. O vladiair Seduro; 6Dec77; 4922900.

4922901. Our aissile's aissing. By Robin Hooce. with Stan Gebler Davies. 290 p. ilobin Boore; 30Nov77; 4922901.


The Death disciple. By Bobin Moore &


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