Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1315

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A923445. Enqlish-Spanish phamacy "siq" guide. By Delia Hartin. 8 p. Delia Hartin; lDec77; 4923445.

»923446. The Coming of Christ, December 25, 1977. By Harvoll* pseud, of Hillias Charles Becni. 1 p. C H. C. Beaoi; 12Dec77; A923446.

A923447. Books and kids belong together. By Claire Suzanne Bhitiore. 72 p. NH: malor editorial revisions 6 additional telt. Claire Suzanne (Sue) ihitaore; 23llo>77; »923447.

t923448. Plopped placeient. By Michael Stuart Chesler. 1 v. O Hichael Chesler; 9Dec77: »923448.

19231449. The Tiger that had a toothache. Hritten e illustrated by Gerald Seid, Jr. 1 v. You 'Q ae Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 15So»77: A923449.

4923450. The Girl uho didn't like baths. Uritteu G illustrated by Shannon Nettletoo. 1 v. You *D He Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 15No»77; 1923450.

4923451. Nhiskers, the alley cat, takes a trip, iritten 6 illustrated by Jennifer Leonard. 1 V. you *n ae Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 12Dec77; 4923451.

4923452. 4n Incredible day in the woods. Britten 6 illustrated by lori HcJfee. 1 v. You 'n He Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 12Dec77: 4923452.

4923453. The Spooky house. written e illustrated by aelanie Hinkle. 1 v. C You 'n He Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 12Dec77: 4923453.

4923454. George, the green monkey. Britten 6 illustrated by 4ngie Bracero. 1 v. You 'n He Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 12Dec77; 4923454.

4923455. Stoneface. Britten 6 illustrated by Bichard Krelci. 1 v. You 'n He Books, a division of General Publishing Company; 12Dec77; 4923455.

4923456. 4rchives and manuscripts: surveys. By John 4. Fleckner. 26 p. e Society of 4merican 4rchivists: 1Nov77; 4923456.

4923457. 4rchives and manuscripts: arrangement aad description. By David B. Gracy 2nd. 49 p. O Society of 4merican 4rchivists: 1Nov77: 4923457.

A923458. 4rchives and manuscripts: appraisal and accessioning. By Haynard J. Brichford. 24 p. O Society of 4merican 4rchivists; 1Nov77; 4923458.

4923459. Archives and manuscripts: reference and access. By Sue E. Holbert. 30 p. e Society of American Archivists; mov77; A923459.

A923460. Archives and manuscripts: security. By Timothy Balch. 30 p. Society of American 4rchivists: 1Nov77; 4923460.

4923461. Count with me from 1 to 10. Created by Donald gay Havthorne, illustrated by Karen davtborne. 10 p. O Donald Eay Hawthorne; 8Dec77; A923461.

A923462. NSPA 32nd annual report. 56 p. National Society of Public Accoautants; 9Dec77; 4923462.

4923463. Geodesic domes: world's most efficient buildings. Conceived by B. Buckminster Fuller, developed by Pease Boodwork Company. 15 p. Appl. au: Geodesic Domes, Inc. Geodesic Domes, Inc.; 1Dec77; A923463.

A923464. Tezt-To-Tapes. 5 p. Appl. au: David Black, Robert L. Jones John Badford. Text-To-Tapes; 19»ov77; A923464.

A923465. Valley Baptist Hedical center Food Service Department diet manual. 1 v. Appl. au: VBHC Beqistered Dietitians. Valley Baptist Hedical Center Beqistered Dietitians; 31Har77; A923465.

A923466. Burleson, Crowley, Sansfield, TX, telephone directory, December 1977. Q Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 8Dec77; A923466.

A923467. Edna, TX, telephone directory, December 1977. e Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 8Dec77; A923467.

A923468. Stockdale, TX, telephone directory, December 1977. Central Telephone Company: 7Dec77; A92345B.

A923469. Lonqview, TX, telephone directory, December 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 8Dec77; A923469.

A923470. Oldham County, KY, telephone directory, e Hetro Publishinq Company; 30Nov77; A923470.

A923471. Nothinq will stop me from running. By Susan Harie, pseud, of Susan H. Guaneli. 1 V. e Susan H. Guaneli; 7Mov77; A923471.

A923472. Enerqy for development; Third Borld options. By Denis Hayes. 43 p. (Borldwatch paper, 13) Appl. au: Borldwatch Institute. Borldwatch Institute; 10Dec77; A923472.

A923473. Perspectives on anthropology, 1976. Edited by Anthony F. C. Ballace, general editor, 6 other editors. 161 p. Q 4merican 4ntbropoloqical 4ssociatlon; 30NOV77; 4923473.

4923474. Abstracts of the 76th annual meetinq; Houston, Bov. 29-Dec. 3, 1977. 220 p. Add. ti: Abstracts: 1977 annual meetinq. 4merican 4nthropoloqical 4ssociatioQ; 10I1OV77: 4923474.

4923475. Chicago buildinqs and how they qrew; teacher's manual. Britten G produced by Hargaret HcD. Taylor. Appl. au: Board of Education of the City of Chicago. Board of Education of the City of Chicago: 27aay77 (in notice: 1976); A923475.

A923476. Curriculum guide for TESL for Chinese students. 214 p. O Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 22Sep77 (io notice: 1976); A923476.

A923477. Community organizing. Eandbook no. 2. Editors: Heq Campbell, lina Newhouser C Bade Bathke, graphics: George D' Elena, Steve Bachmann £ Lina Newhouser. 40 p. Appl. au: 4rkansas Institute for Social Justice, Inc. Arkansas Institute for Social Justice, Inc.; 1SSep77; A923477.

A923478. The Bight one. By James E. Scalise. 1 p. O James £. Scalise (in notice: Jim Scalise); 20Nov77; A923478.

A923479. One way street. By James E. Scalise. 1 p. O James E. Scalise (in notice: Jim Scalise); 20Nov77; A923479.

A923480. Big savings. 1 v. Appl. au: Bernard B. Binston. 4merica*s Hobby Center, Inc.; 6Dec77; 4923480.

A923481. Hodel 1144 four-channel Dura-Vue V scope; service manual. 100 p. American Optical Corporation; 310ct77; A923481.

A923482. Principles and applications of health supports; a continuing education course for pharmacists. Prepared by Junq Products, Inc. 28 p. Junq Products, Inc.; 11Dec77; A923482.

A923483. Going out there. 1 v. Appl. au: Patrick Henry Cooper. O Patrick Henry Cooper; 9Dec77: A923483.

A923484. The Colorado Springs rock bit plant; employees' handbook. 34 p. O The Timken company; 15Sep77: A923484.

A9234B5. Smoother financial sledding awaits the married couple that plans wisely now! 7 p. (Estate and Tax Topics, Dec. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire. Inc.; 25Hov77; A923485.

A923486. Dneipected spills may lie in wait for couples that put too much of their property in joint names. Folder. (Mew Directions in financial planning, Dec. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 25hov77; A923486.

A923487. Tax Trends, December 1977. 7 p. Kennedy Sinclaire. Inc.; 25Nov77; A923487.

A923488. Pension and Profit Sharing Planning, December 1977. Folder i5 p.) O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 25llov77; A923488.

A923489. Bow much will your family have to pay for your executor's education in estate settlement? Folder (5 p.) (Tax Talks, Dec. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 25HOV77; 4923489.

4923490. Here are some timely tax tips that could save you some money. By Norman fi. Lubin. Folder. 4ppl. au: Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 25Nov77; 4923490.


What you don't know about our tax


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