Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1335

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A924217 - A924263
JUL-DEC. 1977

A924217. Huaao sexuality workbook. By Indcev H. Barclay. 22 1 p. C collegiate Publishinq, Inc.: 250ct76: »9211217.

A92421B. lour line into infinity. By LaVerne Gonzalez. 120 p. colleqiate Pub- lishinq. Inc.: 26Sep77: isauaiB.

i924219. Educational iapressions: selected readinqs. By Trevor J. Phillips 6 Halcolm B. Campbell. 1»2 p. NH: additional text e compilation. Colleqiate Publishinq, Inc.; 15Sep77: 4924219.

A924220. Introduction to rhetorical comauni- cation: a basic coursebook. By John J. Hakay. 383 p. HK : additional text 6 coipilation. Colleqiate Publishinq, Inc.: 100ct76: S924220.

A9211221. Introduction to theatre and fil». By Bonald G. Perrier. 125 p. O colleqiate Publishinq. Inc.: 10Sep77: i924221.

1924222. iorkbook in physical anthropology. By Leslie Sue Lieberman. 153 p. Col- leqiate Publishinq, Inc.; 20sep76: M24222.

4924223. Introduction to physical qeoqraphy. By John irnfield. 272 p. Colleqiate Publishinq. Inc.; 20Sep76: 4924223.

4924224. Ethical theories: syllabus. By Bollin i. Borkian. 37 p. Colleqiate Publishinq, Inc.: 1Sep77: A924224.

4924225. Saall group cooDunicat ion: a Horkbook. By yictor D. Ball. Jr. 139 p. O colleqiate Publishinq, Inc.: 144pr76: 4924225.

4924226. The Education of an educator: norkinq papers. Editor: Tho»as B. Lopez. 189 p. O Colleqiate Publishinq, Inc.; 15Sep77; 4924226.

4924227. Experiaents in organic cheaistry. By John Ed»in Dayidson. 113 p. colleqiate publishinq. Inc.; 154uq77: 4924227.

4924228. Speecb/coaaunication: a student aanual. By Bichard L. Beaver 2Dd. 364 p. Collegiate Publishinq, Inc.; 29Bar77 (in notice: 1976); 4924228.

4924229. Physical qeoqraphy and earth science: a proqraaed text re»iei» aanual. By Edward E. Lyon 6 Lowell I. Dillon. 281 p. Colleqiate Publishinq, Inc.; 15Sep76; 4924229.

4924230. Saaple quality control docuaents for local CP4 firms. 44 p. O Aaerican Institute of Certified Public 4ccountants, Inc.: 29»oy77; 4924230.

4924231. Coaaittee handbook, 1977/78. 133 p. 4aerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 12Dec77: 4924231.

4924232. Incotporat ing a business. 1 v. 4dd. ti: 4ICP4 continuing professional education. 4nerican Institute of Certified Public 4ccountants, Inc.; 14pr77: 4924232.

4924233. Betail auditing. 1 v. 4dd. ti: 41CP4 continuing professional education. NH: editorial revisions. American Institute of Certified Public 4ccountants, Inc. ; 14pr77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4924233.

4924234. Financing the small business. 1 v. Add. ti: 41CPA continuing professional education. HH: editorial revision. O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 2Jan76: 4924234.

A924235. Flowcharting — preparation and inter- pretation. 1 V. Add. ti: AICP4 continuing professional education. NM: editorial revisions. O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4924235. The CPA's role in federally assisted programs. 1 v. Add. ti: AICP4 continuing professional education. HH: editorial revisions. O American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 1Jul77; A924236.

1924237. Effective writing. 1 v. Add. ti: AICPA continuing pl^ofessional education. NM: editorial revision. O Aaerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. ; 1Sep76: A924237.

A924238. Chicago on foot; walking tours of Chicago's architecture. By Ira J. Bach. Completely rev.. 3rd ed. 392 p. C Ira J. Bach; 1€Jun77; 4924238.

4924239. Printed materials: topics 66-77. Kit- 4ppl. au; The Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. NH: general revision. 6 The Board of Begents of the University of Wisconsin system (in notice: The Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Bisconsin System for the Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning); 1Jul76; 4924239.

A924240. Printed materials: topics 78-90. Kit. Appl. au; The Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. O The Board of Begents of the Oniversity of Wisconsin System (in notice; The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System for the Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning) ; 1Aug76; 4924240.

4924241. Satan and the spirit world. By Pinis Jennings Dake. 32 p. Finis Jennings Dake; 18Jan55; 4924241.

4924242. The Truth about the baptisa in the Boly Spirit. By Pinis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Oake; 11Jan67; 4924242.

4924243. Why 4ntichrist will not rule 4aerica or be a world dictator. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennlnqs Dake; 9Har55; 4924243.

4924244. One hundred future earthly wonders. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 23Feb55; 4924244.

A924245. Why Russia will never conquer America or the whole world. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 16Feb55; A924245.

A924246. Immortality and where are the dead? By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Pinis Jennings Dake; BFeb55; A924246.

A924247. The Pre-Adamite world. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; lUanSS; A924247.

4924248. The Second coaing of Christ. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 10Bar55; 4924248.

4924249. Christian worker's handbook. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. Finis Jennings Dake; 29Har55; 4924249.

4924250. The Ages and dispensations. By Finis Jennings Dake. 48 p. Finis Jennings Dake; 23llar55; A924250.

A924251. Hew Testament teachings. By Finis Jennings Dake. 64 p. 6 Finis Jennings Dake; 17Har55; 4924251.

4924252. The Truth about hell. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 19Jan55; 4924252.

A924253. The Truth about heaven. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 26Jan55; A924253.

4924254. The Sabbath question. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. Finis Jennings Dake; 15Feb55; 4924254.

4924255. Who are the ten virgins? By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 9Sar55: 4924255.

4924256. The Two future world empires. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 8Mac55; A924256.

A924257. The Rapture of the church. By Finis Jennings Dake. 32 p. O Finis Jennings Dake; 15HarS5; A924257.

A924258. The Chair where terror sat. Edited by fiobert Weinberg. 96 p. (Weird menace, no. 3) Portions prev. pub. in Horror stories. June-July 1936 6 others. NH: compilation. O Robert Weinberg; 9Dcc77; A924258.

A924259. The Word of God a promise told. By James V. Salzwedel. 1 p. O Home Horavian Church; 10Dec7b; A924259.

A924260. Pet Prevent-a-Care. Animal Health Services; serving communities in California. FoJ der (4 p.) Appl. au: Victor a. Giammattei. 6 Animal Health Services; 7Hay77; 4924260.

A924261. Checklist for employment. By Richard H. Kuczrok. 1 p. Richard H. Kurzrok; 10Dec77; A924261.

4924262. criteria for divorce. By Bichard H. Kurzrok. 1 p. O Richard a. Kurzrok; 10Dec77; 4924262.


Criteria for purchase of house. By


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