Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/134

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A87S66I (con.) T. kppl. au: Tcoll Associates. O Iiroll Associatos; 200ct7it; A875661.

A875602. Lot's discover "T" iioirds; a Troii picture dictionary. Hritten bj Robyu Supranor, pictures by Paul Ilau)i. t v. Appl. au: Troil Associates. O Troii Associates; 200ct7it; A875t)62.

A875663. Let's discover "IHV Nords; a Troll picture dictionary. Uritteu by Robyn Supraner, pictures by Paul llauli. 1 v. Appl. au: Troll Associates. O Troll Associates; 20Oct7«; A87506J.

A8756t>i|. Let's discover "H-X-Y-Z" vords; a Troll picture dictionary. Uritten by Hobya Supraner, pictures by Louise Gordon. 1 v. Appl. au: Troll Associates. O Troll Associates; 200ct7H; KSlSbbl.

A875665. Blood stained alleyways. By Christopher Starr, pseud, of Jeffrey Bcushsl. 24 p. Christopher Starr; 30Jun77; A875665.

A87S6b6. Ouc native plants: plants of Dane County and where to find thea. By Victoria Nuzio. 113 p. Prev. req. 16Say77. NS: additions B editorial revisioD. Victoria Nuzzo; 1Jul77; A875666.

A875667. 2-3-t downs. 50 cards. Appl. au: Hilliau D. Godwin. Hilliaa a. Godwin; 1JU177: A875b67.

A!)75bt)8. 1st down. 50 cards. Appl. au: trilliaa D. Godwin. C Milliaa D. Godwin; 1Jul77; A875668.

A875669. Hhittlinq siaplified. By Herb Beinecke (Herbert Villiaa Beinecke) 55 p. Herb EeinecXe; 2Jul77; A875669.

A875670. Binky, the happy squirrel and other stories and poeas. By Katheryn Eckles. illustrated by Fan Stake. 1 v. Add. tr: Binky, the happy squirrel and all his friends: grandaa's stories and poeas. on text; Katheryn Eckles; 12Jul77; A875670.

A875671. Law offices of Frost, Seorqe and Hurray: group legal services plan. Folder. Appl. au: John J. Georqe, Jaaes J. Hurray & Sobert a. Frost. C Frost, George and Hurray; 2ilJun77; A87567I.

A875672. Lane Adaas: Bow coae it's taklnq ae so long to qet better?; a discussion guide. By John B. Sobertson S Hary 1. Robertson. 31 p. Xynddle House Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77; A875672.

A875673. Saall business advertisinq aade profitable! Sheets (2 p.) (Advantage newsletter) Appl. au; Jaaes Robert Siver. O Advantage; 1Jul77; A875673.

1875674. Cookinq with Genuy. Folder. NS: pictorial treataent. The Genesee Brewing Coapany, Inc.; 29Jun77; A875671I.

A875675. Rosenthal and Coapany London aetals options addendua to suaaary disclosure stateaent. Folder. Rosenthal and Coapany; 2itJun77: Ad75675.

A875C71.. Ground to air syabols. Folder. Appl. au: Stephen Id. Sevits. O Stephen H. Sevits d.b.a. Uneeda Wholesale (in notice: Stephen U. Sevits); 1911ay77; A87S676.

A875677. Castle Metals; stock catalogue. 1 v. Appl. au: A. H. Castle and Coapany (Castle Hetals) A. a. Castle and Coapany; 5JU177; A875677.

A875b78. Building the Herreshoff dinghy: the aanufacturer's aethod. By Barry Thoaas. 50 p. aystic Seaport, Inc. ; 1KJul77; A875o78.

A87bo79. Julia. Poeas by Susan Briqht, drawings by Jia Nelson. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in Lucille & Travois. NH: additions. O Uinqs Press; 1bJun77: A875679.

A875b80. The Nuabers gaae in circulation proaotion. By Robert c. Easter. 87 p. O Robert C. Easter; 20Jun77; A875680.

A875681. Differentiation and carcinogenesis. Edited by Caraxa Borek, Cecilia H. Feuoglio £ Donald Nest King. 323 p. (Cancer biology, 4) (Advances in pathobiology, vol. 6) The publication of the conference on Differentiation in Cell Biology held at the Given Institute of Pathobiology of the University of Colorado in Apen, Aug. 1976, O Stratton Inter- continental Hedical Book Corporation; 28Jun77; A875b81.

A875682. Group therapy, 197 7; an overview. Editors: Lewis R. Uolberg S Harvin L. Aronson, guest editor: Arlene B. Holberg. 298 p. Stratton Intercontinental aedical Book corporation; 17Jun77; A875082.

A875b83. Just a few to eat; a coapilation of peach recipes. By Ann C. Felton, illustrated by Lea Truesdel. 76 p. NH: coapilation of original S reconstructed recipes. Ann C. Feltoa; 24Juo77: A875b83.

A875ba4. The Hritinqs of Henry Cowell: a descriptive bibliography. By Bruce Saylor. 42 p. O Bruce Saylor; 1Jul77; Aa75684.

A875b85. How to aake your own beef jerky. 15 p. Appl. au: Aaanda H. Uheeler (Handi Uheeler) Patchwork Publications; 15Jun77; A875b85.

A87568b. Giving up all for Jesus; children's Geaeindestuude, held by Beini Arnold and Andreas Beier, Bar. 14. 1976. No. 64. b p. Plough Publishing House of the Hoodcrest Service Conaittee, Inc.; 18Har7b; A875b86.

A875687. Uho's knocking there? Translators: Society of Brothers, illustrator: aaria Arnold aaendel. 1 v. Translatioo froa Her klopfet an? BH: translation S illus. O Plough Publishing Bouse of the ioodcrest Service Coaaittee, Inc.; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A875b87.

A875b88. Through the barrier. The Collected papers of Edqar A. Ostrander. 1 v. NB: additional text S drawings. O Edgar A. Ostrander; 7Jul77; A875688.

A87S689. Chaucer. Coapiled by Albert C. Baugh. 2ad ed. 161 p. O AUH Publishing Corporation; 1i(Jua77; A875689.

A875690. Linguistics and English linguistics. Coapiled by Harold B. Allen. 2ud ed. 184 p. O AHB Publishing Corporation; 20Jun77: A87Sb90.

A875691. Aaerican constitutional developaent. Coapiled by Alpheus Thoaas Bason £ D. Grier Stephenson. Jr. 166 p. O AHB Publishing Corporation; 8Jul77; A875691.

A875692. Coaitatus: a jouEoal of Bedieval and Renaissance studies. Vol. 8, 1977. aanaging editor: Tauis Thorne £ other editors. 78 p. O Regents of the University of California; 24Jun77; A875692.

A875693. Ethnic serials at selected University of California libraries: a union list. Coapiled by ethnic aaterials librarians at participating libraries, edited by Barbara Kuhn Al-Bayati. Constance Bullock, Roberto Cabello-Argandona. Che-hwei Lin, Oscar L. Sias, general editor: Constance Bullock. 368 p. O The Regents of the University of California; 1aay77; A875693.

A875694. How I lost $180 (7) and a place to live. 1 V. Appl. au: Annette Shaw (A. Shaw) A. Shaw; 210ec76; Ae75694.

A875695. Oklahoaa Saall Claias Court. 13 p. Appl. au: Arlie Eugene Piguet. O Arlie Eugene figuet; t2Jul77; A875695.

A875696. Leadership design, educational day care centers resource guide for new adai- ttistrators. By Adrianne Leuore Rose S Linda Bay Couser. 1 v. (Educational day care adainistration: the developaent of a resource guide for new administrators, vol. 2) O Adrianne L. Rose £ Linda B. Couser; 22Bay77: Ae75696.

A875697. Aay Love to tbe rescue. By Toa acPartland (Thoaas J. acPartland) 8 p. loa acPartland; 8Jul77: A875697.

A675698. Suppleaent to Third edition/catalog "P", 100 p. O J. A. Sexauer, Inc.; 1Jul77: A875b98.

A875b99. Price list edition P, July 1, 1977. 36 p. O J. A. sexauer. Inc.; tJal77 (in notice: 1976); A875e99.

A875700. Church training and assessaent exercise. 1 V. Appl. au: Sidney L. Berry. Sid Berry and Associates. Inc. ; 25Juii77; A875700.

A875701. The Creative potential workshop; trainer's aanual. 1 v. Situation Hanageaent Systeas, Inc.; 27Bay77; A875701.

A875702. Finsia 4 aodeling systea coabining Finsia. Paus and Fortran 4. 90 p. Appl. au: Robert E. Craig. Robert E. Craig; 14Jun77; A875702.

A875703. A Procedure aanual for an (sic) university sports aedicine prograa.

uritten £ edited by Bill Halker £ Jack


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