Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1343

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JUL-DEC. 1977

i924560 (con.) for Hoien's Besources, Inc.; inay77; i9214 560.

»924561. Tbe Chicken soup book. By Leonore Fleischer. 126 p- Leonore Pieiscber: 301IOY77: »92'1561.

»92aS62. The Hisdoa of the Gita. By Svaai Pranananda. 159 p. Snaai Pcanananda; nDec77; »92a562.

49214 563. Poeis by Penvoaen. tn anthology of poetry by aeabers of Northern California Branches of the National League of Aaerican Pemfoaen, Inc., editor: Catherine C. Elvood, illustrator: Greer Nencoab. 118 p. NO: illus. e Ult poeas. Ulice N. Kennedy, pres., Palo ilto Branch, the National League of Aaerican Penvoaen. inc.: 150ct77; »92'1563.

A92456V. laon Carter Huseua of Hestern Irt: catalogue of the collection, 1972. Editor: Peter H. Bassrick. 600 p. NB: text, coapilation, reproduction of pictorial aatter. Aaon Carter Huseua of Bestern Art; 13Hay7it (in notice: 1973| ; 19245611.

1921565. Frederic Beaington: an essay and catalogue to accoapany a retrospective exhibition of the »ork of Frederic Beaington. By Peter a. Hassrick. 08 p. NH: text, coapilation £ reproduction of pictorial aaterial. C iaon Carter Buseua of Bestern Art; 25Jan73; A92I1565.

A924566. Amon Carter Hoseua 1961-1977. ll7 p. Afflon Carter Huseua of Bestern Art; 250ct77: A9 24566.

A92a567. Guidelines for doaestic agented/ag- reeaent credits. 1 y. Bobert Morris Associates; 140ct77; A924567.

A924568. Hoi to use the Soil Blender, aulti- purpose garden tool. 11 p. Appl. au: Detroit Tool Hetal Products Coapany. Garden Haid, Inc.; 25Har76: 1924568.

A924S69. Beer tasting and evaluation for the aaateur; the art of beer tasting and coaparative iudginq. By otto Fred Eckhardt, Kith Jiaay Itsuo Takita. 16 p. O Fred Eckhardt: 7Dec77 : A924569.

A924570. tersos de eiilio, 1971-1976. By Ova A. Clavilo. 3. ed. 63 p. Ova A. Clavilo; 4NOV77; A924570.

A924571. Nevitol. 16 p. Appl. au: John A. Kaasen. NH: additions. O John A. Kaasen; 161)ov77: A924571.

A924572. The Ananas today: seven historic lova villages. 1 v. NH: additions S revisions. Aaana Society; 24Jun74; A924572.

A924573. Bords in pain: meditations on the last words of Jesus. By John Bright. 79 p. 1st pub. in 1961. NH: revisions 6 additions. C Ave Haria Press: 2Dec77 (in notice: 1978); A924573.

A924574. aore abundant life. By Barold Stogsdill. 104 p. Harold Stogsdill; 30NOV77; A924574.

A924575. Uhen the angels laughed. Eddie Svieson tells his story iiith Ho»ard Norton. 126 p. Logos International; 21Nov77; A924575. . Thanks Lord, 1 needed that! By Charlene Potterbaua. 155 p. O Logos Interna- tional; 28BOV77; A924576.

A924577. Gebuildinq a Galis heavy-duty roof drill lot; bulletin. Issued by Lee Engineering Division, Consolidation Coal Coapany. 13 p. Appl. au: HaHley Herrihev. e Consolidation Coal Coapany: 21Nov77; A924577.

A924578. Harvard Business School cases: 4-178-097, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. President and Fellows of Harvard College; 13Sep77; A924578.

A924579. Harvard Business School cases: 4-178-079, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard University Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O President and Fellows of Harvard College; 9Sep77; A924579.

4924580. Harvard Business School cases: 4-178-052, and others. Multiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard University Graduate School of Business Adainistrati-in. President and Fellows of Harvard College; 6Sep77; A924580.

A924581. Harvard Business School cases: 4-177-252, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O President and Fellows of Harvard College; 2Sep77; A924581.

A924582. Harvard Business School cases: 9-378-071, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O President and Fellows of Harvard College; 16Sep77 ; A924582.

A924583. Harvard Business School cases: 1-378-098, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. e President and Fellows of Harvard College; 20Sep77; A924583.

A924584. Hurrah for the process: studies in Philippians. By Bruce HacOougall. 91 p. Pord, Inc.; 250ct77; A924584.

A924585. Stages: the art of living the expected. By John B. claypool. 90 p. Bord, Inc.; 3NOV77; A924585.

A92458e. An Onconplicated guide to becoainq a super-parent. By Joy Bilt. 131 p. O Bord, Inc.; 250ct77; A924586.

4924587. Soaeone special. By Harilee Zdenek, photographed by Harilee Zdenek. 1 v. Harilee Zdenek; 10Nov77; A924587.

A924588. Outside Disneyland: practical Chris- tianity for real-life hassles. By Jay Kesler 6 Tia Stafford. 171 p. 6 kord. Inc.; 20Sep77; A924588.

A924589. Every pastor needs a pastor. By Louis HcBurney. 156 p. Bord, Inc.; 180ct77; A924589.

A924590. How to find coafort in the Bible. By Herbert Lockyer. 160 p. Bord, Inc. ; 180ct77; A924590.

A924591. Sitting by ay laughing fire. By Buth Bell Grahaa. 245 p. Buth Bell Grahaa; 120ct77: A924b91.

A924592. Bevelations on Bevelation: new sounds froB old syabols. By Douglas Ezell. 124 p. Bord, Inc.; 101lov77; A924592.

A924593. Please love ae: one woaan's silent plea for the airacle of intiaacy. By Keith Hiller. 316 p. Keith Hillcr; 11Nov77: A924593.

A924544. Too tough for God. By Jerry Golden. 128, p. O Bord, Inc.; 50ct77; A924594.

A924595. Coaaentary on Jereaiah: the word, the words and the world. By Andrea B. Blackwood, Jr. 326 p. O Bord, Inc.; 10Aug77; A924595.

A924596. Binning words; devotions for athletes. By Curtis French. 157 p. O Bord, Inc.; 120ct77; A924596.

A924597. Thessalonians: life that's radically Christian. By David Allan Bubbard. 99 p. O Bord, Inc.; 2Nov77; A924597.

A924598. Green guide revision. Vol. 2, section D: truck cranes. Bar. 1977 revision. 316 p. O Eguipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15Har77; A924598.

A924599. Green guide for electric lift trucks; towaotor section. Aug. 1977 revision. 14 p. Eguipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15Auq77: A924599.

A924600. Green guide revision. Vol. 1, section 14: Botor scrapers. Aug. 1977 revision. 162 p. Eguipaent Guide-Book Company; 15Aug77; A924600.

A924601. Off-highway trucks and trailers value guide revision. Section 9: haul units-coal hauler. Aug. 1977 revision. 20 p. O Eguipaent Guido-Book Coapany: 15Aug77; A924601.

A924602. Green guide for lift trucks: chaap section. Sept. 1977 revision. 40 p. O Eguipaent Guide-Book Coapany: 15Sep77; A924602.

A924603. Rental rate blue book revision. Section 7: concrete. Aug. 1977 revision. 44 p. O Eguipaent Guide-Book Coapany; 15Aug77; A92460 3.

A924604. Green guide revision. Vol. 2, section O: road aaintenance. June 1977 revision. 80 p. Eguipaent Guide-Book Coapaoy; 15JU177; A924604.

A9 24 605. Green guide revision. Vol. 2, section

L: concrete mixers. June 1977 revisions.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.