Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1357

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A92S130 - A92S169
JUL-DEC. 1977

»425129 (con.) 1977. 1 V. Appl. an: Georqe Hatrjevicz. O Georqe HatTle*icz: 230ct77; A925129.

A925130. Procedure manual for dental office staff. 1 ». ippl. au: H. Hichael Haas d.b.a. Tra-Flike company. fi. flichael Baas d.b.a. Tra-Hlke company: 2 1Feb77: A925130.

A925131. Life-span developmental psychology: dialectical perspectives on experimental research. Edited by Nancy Datan & Hayne Varioq Beese. 367 p. Academic Press, Inc.: 5Dec77: 1925131.

A925132. Contributions to the psychopathology of schizophrenia. Edited by Brendan A. Hahec. 382 p. Selected reprints, Kith neH commentaries from Progress in experimental personality research. NH: neii material on p. 18-56, 92-96, 127-133. 164-167, 253-266, 311-317. Academic press. Inc.; I»0ct77; A925132.

A925133. Food, stamps, and income maintenance. By naurice Hacdonald. 155 p. (Institute for Research on Poverty poverty policy analysis series) C Beqents of the Oniversity of Hisconsia System on behalf of the Institute for Research on Poverty; 5Dec77: A925133.

A92513U. Treatise on analysis. Vol. 5. By Jean Alexandre Dieudonne, translated by I. G. Hacdonald. 243 p. (Pure and applied mathematics, vol. 10) Tranlation of Elements d*analyse. Ntf: translation. O Academic Press, Inc.; 120ct77: A9 25134.

A925135. Bioorqanic chemistry. Vol. 3: macro- & maltimulecular systems. Edited by Eugene E. Van Tamelen. 302 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 15Dec77: A925135.

A9 25136. The Livelihood of man. By Karl Polanyi, edited by Harry B. Pearson. 280 p. (Studies in social discontinuity) C Academic Press, Inc.; 10Nov77; 4925136.

A925137. Invariant variational principles. By John David Loqan. 172 p. (Hathematics in science and engioeeriuq, vol. 136) C Academic Press, Inc. ; 7Dec77; A925137.

A925138. International review of cytology. vol, 51. Edited by G. B. Bourne r. J. F. Danielli, assistant editor: K. 9. Jeon. 358 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 8Bec77; A925138.

A925139. Inteqer and mixed programming: theory and applications. By Arnold Kaufmann & Arnaud Uenry-Labordere, translated by Benry C. Sneyd. 379 p. (Hathematics in science and engineering, vol. 137) Translation of Hethodes et modeles de la recherche operationnelle« tome 3- UH; translation. Academic Press. Inc. ; 310ct77: A925139.

A925140. Conservation archaeology: a guide for cultural resource management studies. Edited by Hichael B. Schiffer C George J. Gumerman. 495 p. (Studies in archeology) O Academic Press, Inc.; 28Nov77; A92511I0.

a collection of papers dedicated to Ellis Kolchin. Edited by Hyman Bass, Phyllis J. Cassidy 6 Jerald Kovacic. 424 p. O Academic Press, Inc.; 310ct77; A925141.

A925142. Tzeltal folk zoology; the classification of discontinuities in nature. By Eugene S. Hunn. 368 p. (Language, thought, and culture: advances in the study of cognition) O Academic Press, Inc. ; 8Dec77: A925142.

A925143. Burma: military rule and the politics of stagnation. By Josef Silverstein. 224 p. Appl. au: George HcT. Kahin. NH: additional text 6 editorial revision. O Cornell Oniversity: 9Dec77; A925143.

A925144. Diplomatic studies in Latin and Gree)t documents from the Carolingian Age. By Luitpold Hallach. 396 p. HH: additional text e editorial revisions. Luitpold Bailach; 9Dec77; A925144.

A925145. Integrals and measures. By Bashelc P. Pfeffer. 259 p. (Pure and applied mathematics, 42) O Harcel Deliker, Inc.; 270ct77; A92514S.

A92514S. Nonparametric methods in communications. Edited by P. Papantoni-Kazakos £ Oimitri Kazakos. 293 p. (Electrical engineering and electronics, 2) 6 Harcel Oekker, Inc.; 23Nov77; A925146.

A925147. Functional electrical stimulation: applications in neural prostheses. Edited by F. Terry Hambrecht £ James B. Besvick. 543 p. (Biomedical engineering and instrumentation series, vol. 3) O Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 30Nov77; A925147.

A925148. Clofibrate and related analogs; a comprehensive review. By Donald T. Ritiak, Hoaard Abraham Ira Meliman £ Dennis B. Pelier. 287 p. (aedicinal research series, vol. 7) Barcel Dekker, Inc.; 270ct77: A925148.

A925149. Dance out the answer; an autobiography. By La Men, pseud, of Bussell Heriwether Hughes, foreword by John Hartin. 194 p. Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 60ec77; A925149.

A925150. Bespiratory defense mechanisms. Pt. 2. Edited by Joseph D. Brain. Donald F. Proctor 6 Lynne H. Berd. 12^6 p. (Lung biology in health and disease, vol. 5) Barcel Dekker, Inc.; 6Dec77; A925150.

A925151. Hycotoxic fungi, mycotoxins, myco- toxicoses; an encyclopedic handbook. Vol. 1: mycotoxic fungi and chemistry of mycotoxins. Edited by Thomas D. Byllie 6 Lawrence G. Horebouse. 538 p. O Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 41(ov77; A925151.

A925152. The Horld of food. By Eva Hedved. 549 p. MH: editorial revision & additional text matter. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) : 20Har77; A925152.

A925153. Starting points in science; annotated teacher's ed. By Jeanne Dendick. 1 v. (Ginn science program) MH: annotations £ manual section. C Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation): 3Jan77; 4925153.

4925154. Starting points in science. By Jeanne Bendick. 127 p. (Ginn science program)

A925155. Hammond international world atlas. 192 p. MH: revisions £ updating. Hammond, Inc.; 260ct77 (in notice: 1976); A925155.

A925156. Harvey Stevens* The Southern almanac. By Harvey Stevens, pseud, of Harvey Bottenberg. 96 p. Portions prev. pub. in CBS news almanac. Harvey Stevens; 18HOV77; A925156.

A925157. Hammond star finder and home planetarium for the Northern Hemisphere. Designed by S. E. Stubbs, planet tables compiled by Hark B. Chartrand 3rd. Appl. au: Hammond, Inc. Hfl: new statistical tables £ updated text. e Hammond, Inc.; 10Aug77; A925157.

A925158. New world atlas: Hammond/Scholastic. 47 p. NH: updated C revised gazetteer, index £ updated maps. Hammond, Inc. ; 240ct77; 4925158.

A925159. Facts on File world atlas. 32 p. NH: new collection of updated naps. Hammond, Inc.; 4Nov77: A92S159.

A925160. Haps of the Oranges and Haplewood area. 19 p. NH: new layout £ additions. O Hammond, Inc.; 25»ov77; 4925160.

A925161. Hammond headline world atlas. 48 p. NH: revised £ updated gazetteer, index £ revised maps. O Hammond. Inc.; 16Nov77; A925161.

49 2516 2. Hocld atlas: Scholastic/Hammond. 48 p. NH: revised £ updated gazetteer, index £ revised maps. Hammond, Inc.; 18Nov77: A925162.

A925163. fiammond headline world atlas. 48 p. Add. ti: Hammond world atlas, deluxe edition. NH: revised £ updated gazetteer, index £ revised maps. Hammond, Inc.; 4NOV77; A925163.

A925164. The Honderful world of maps. By James F. Hadden. 63 p. Appl. au: Ijammond, Inc. NH: rearrangement of tables £ additions. Hammond, Inc.; 11Nov77; A925164.

A925165. Hammond ambassador world atlas. 480 p. NH: revisions £ updating. e Hammond, Inc.; 18Har77: A925165.

4925166. Hammond citation world atlas. 352 p. NH; revisions £ updating. Hammond. Int.; 25Sep77; A925166.

A925167. Hammond collectors edition world atlas. 352 p. NH: revisions £ updating. Hammond, Inc.; 26Sep77; A925167.

A925168. Hammond world atlas; classics ed. 352 p. NH: revisions £ updating. Hammond. Inc. ; 3Nov77; A925168.

A925169. Hammond standard world atlas, deluxe edition. 320 p. NH: rev. £ updated maps £ gazetteer-index. Hammond, Inc.;

14Dec77; A925169.


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