Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1386

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A926261 - A926306
JUL-DEC. 1977

A9 26 260 (coo.) © Loyola JaiversitT Press; Huq77; A926260.

A92e261. A S*irrinq experience iii cooking and entertaining, compiled & edited by Pat Miller. 215 p. Appl. au: Dojien's Library Association. goaen's Library Asso- ciation, Oniversity of Denver (Colorado Seninary) : 6Sep77; A?26261.

A9 26262. Defense investiqator 's qaide. 69 p. Appl. au: John H. Spith. Q John R. Snith; 15Dec77: A926262.

A926263. Composition and lanquaqe* a four-year course: a currlcalun guide in English for secondary schools; norking draft. 87 p. 6 Board of Education of the city of Chicago; 1Hov77: A926263.

&926261(. Saryey of medical technology. By Hoger Killiam Coitey. 230 p. & The C. V. Hosby Company; 5Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; A92626I4.

A9 26265. Salary survey seventy seven. 1 v. Hestern Hanagement Group; 7Dec77; A926265.

1926266. Oregon history. 1 y. Appl. au: Larry D. Hade. Bible Temple, Inc.; 10Hot77; A926 266.

A926257. African, a photographic essay on black women of Ghana and Higeria. Iritten S photographed by Joseph Franklin. 137 p. O Joseph Pranklin; 15Nov77; A926267.

A926268. Betention and preservation of records Kith destruction schedules. 9th ed. 81 p. e Becord Controls, Inc.; 2Dec77; A926268.

A926269. Hississippi images unlimited. By Helba Shovah Bowman G Stanford Bowman. 1 v. e Images Onlimited; 1iiBec77: A92b269.

A926270. Tenth prosaic« By Vernon Edgar. 6 p. e Vernon Edgar; 1itDec77; A926270.

A926271. Profiles of state associations, 1977-78. A cooperative pro-ject of the National Education Association C the National Council of state Education Associations. 16 p. O national Council of State Education Associations; 9Dec77; A926271.

A926272. Directory of Mew Jersey foundations. Compiled by Janet A. Mitchell e Mary B. nurrin. 8t p. O Janet A. Mitchell; 30NOV77; A926272.

A926273. The Family training proqram manual: the home point system. By Edward B. Christophersen, Susan fiainey Barnard G James D. Barnard. 21 p. O Edward B. Christophersen, Susan Bainey Barnard & Janes D. Barnard; 7Dec77; A926273.

A92627«. The Family training program manual: the home chip system. By Edward B. Chris- tophersen, Susan Bainey Barnard 6 James D. Barnard. 13 p. Edward B. Christop- hersen, Susan Eainey Barnard G James D. Barnard; 7Dec77; 19262714.

A926 275. Transportation survival manual. By Bobert A. Baker. 39 p. iiM: compilation, additions & revisions. 6 Bobert A. Baker; 8Dec77; A926275.

A926276. HSU shadows; summer term. By Gordon B. Carleton. 1 v. 6 Gordon Carleton; 22Jun77; A926276.

A926277. Schiessportschule dialogues 1. 124 p. Q Onited States Homen*s International Eifie organization; 5Dec77; A926277.

A926278. Hope which faith inspires. 9 p Appl. au: Ora iilbert Eads. O Ora lilbert Eads; 17Dec77; A92627a.

A926279. Secretes del Jai-alai; un analisis estadistico del Jai-alai. By P. L. Andersen. 18 p. Q P. L. Andersen; 15Dec77; A926279.

A9262a0. Aerospace. By Joseph U. Hughes, Jr, fi James S. Priamos. 2it'l p. O Joseph U. Hughes, Jr. £ James S. Prianos Produc- tions, Inc.; 6Dec77; A926280.

A926281. The Son who was older than his father. By Joseph E. Hughes, Jr. 163 p. NH: additions G revisions. 6 Joseph H. Hughes, Jr.; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A926281.

A926282. Hife beating; a selected, annotated bibliography. By Pamela F. Howard. 57 p. Current Bibliography Series; ' 1Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; A926282.

A926283. Farewells are only beginnings. By George Betts, photos, by Maria Denarest. 1 V. e Celestial Arts; 21Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; A926283.

A926284. An Honest Discount: 10 band Stamps .off. 1 p. Appl. au: C. E. uellier, Prev. pub. ^Oct72. NM: additions. C. E. Hellier; 9Dec77; A926284.

A926285. Remember. By Lillian Goff Taylor. 78 p. NH: three fourths of the poems, compilation G editorial revisions, e Lillian Goff Taylor; 28Nov77; A926285.

A926286. Searle Ovulen, 0»ulen-21, Qvulen-28 brand of ethynodial diacetate with mestranol. 42 p. NM: editorial revision, e Searle and Company; 11Sep77; A926286.

AS26287. Searle Pro-Banthine for injection brand of propantheline bromide. Folder. NH: editorial revision. Searle and Company; lSSep77; A926287.

A926288. Searle Demulen, Demulen-28 brand of ethynodial diacetate with ethinyl estradiol. 41 p. NM: editorial revision. Searle and Companyi 11Sep77; A926288.

A926289. Cinco cosas importantes para considerar y hacer en bien de su familia en el futuro. 21 p. NM: editorial revision, e Searle and Company; 22Har77; A926289.

A926290. Clinical seoioar in cardiovascular medicine. By Victor Vertes. Folder. Appl. au: Searle and Company. Searle and Company; 2SHov77; A&26290.

A926 291. For 4 hypotonic duodenal visualization that can be clear as this film. Folder. e Searle and Company; 15Sep77; A926291.

A926 292. Film and lighting. Folder. © Searle and Company; 12Dec77; A926292.

A926293. Double eiFPosure. Folder. 6 3earle an^ Company;- 30Oct77; A926293.

A92629 4. Composition. Folder. Searle and company; 2mov77; A926294.

A926295. Retail outlets for the sale of distilled spirits, annual 1977; on and off premise report by states and counties during 1976. 107 p. e Distilled Spirits Cooncil of the Onited states. Inc. (Discus); 130ct77; A926295.

A926296. Summary of state laws and regulations relating to distilled spirits. 22nd ed., Jan. 1977. 95 p. 6 Distilled Spirits Council of the Onited States, Inc- (Discus) ; a5Apr77; A926296.

A926297. Distilled spirits industry: annual statistical review, 1976. Compiled G prepared by Division of Research and statistics. 54 p. Add. ti; Annual statistical review of the distilled spirits industry, 1976. 6 Distilled Spirits Council of the Onited States, Inc. (Discus); 23Aug77; A926297.

A926298. Apparent consumption of distilled spirits by mouths and by states, 1968-1976. 1 V. e Distilled Spirits Council of tte Onited States, Inc. (Discus) ; 18May77; 49Z6i98.

A926299. Apparent consumption of distilled spirits: by class and type, calendar year 1976. Folder. Distilled Spirits Council of the Onited States, Inc. (Discus); 19«ay77: 4926299.

A926300. I:alais area, HE, telephone directory, December 1977. O New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 15Dec77; 1926300.

A926301. Bachias area, ME, telephone directory, December 1977. New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 16Dec77: A926301.

A926 302. Fredericktown, MO, telephone directory, December 1977. 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Dec77; A926302.

A926303. Threaded crown finish for non-returnable battles. G.P.I. OHG. no. 5654. 1 p. Q Glass Packaging Institute (in notice: G.P. I. >; 27jln77; A926303.

A926304. Threaded crown finish for non-returnable bottles. G.P.I. DSG. no. 5555. 1 p. 6 Glass Packaging Institute (in notice: G.P. I. ); 27Jun77; 1926304.

A926305. Glass finish for child resistant closures. G.P.I. DHG. no. 9200. 1 p. O Glass Packaging Institute (in notice: G.P. I.); 22Har77; A9 26305.

1926 306. Top seal vacuum lug finish: sizes 43

through 48. G.P.I. DUG. no. 20102. 1 p.


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