Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1388

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JUL-DEC. 1977

»9263«B (con.) Campbell Eobertson. 28 p. C Caapbell Robertson: 16Dec77: i9263<18. aomen in 1azz. A survey by Frank Driqqs. 24 p. Stash Records, Inc.; 16Dec77: &9263U9.

1926350. Sithout the aid of mirrors. Hditor: Genevieve Sarqent, co-editors: Jeao Haaphrey Chaillie 6 Diane Chapaan. 83 p. Some poeas oriqinally appeared in A King o£ Eountains S others. BS: poeas 6 illus. Aciiona Stgte Poetry Society; 19Nov77; A926350.

A926351. The iinter folk. By G. ialton R-illiaos, illustrated by John Kollock. 87 p. e G. Walton williaas 6 Johft Kollock; 28Sep77; A926351.

a9 26352. Bontana in the Bars. Coapiled for the American Leqion of Hontana by Chester K. Shore. 301 p. e The Aaerican teqion of Hontana: 1Dec77; A926352.

A926353. Guidance aaterial for developing oblectives by departments and activities areas. Pt. 2. Issued by office of the Chancellor, Beqional Colleges Systea, University of Puerto Eico. 19 p. Appl. au: Sheppard B. Koainars. O Sheppard B. Koainars: 15Sep77; A926353.

A926354. Saall-qrdup aethods. So. 1, Jan. 1977. By Ed»ard Bhudy. i(8 p. western Hew Beiico Oniversity; 3Jan77: A926354.

A926355. The Acceptance of solar heating and cooling in the housing industry of Hen Henico. »o. 1, Sept. 1976. By Craig B. lundahl. James Calvert Scott 6 David B. Dennis. 279 p. S Hestern »e« Heiico University: 1Sep76: A926355.

A926356. The Aragonese version of Guido Delle Colonne's Historia destr uctionis troiae: critical text. No. 2, Feb. 1977. By Evangeline V. Parker. 268 p. western He« Bexico Oniversity; 1Feb77; A926356-

A926357. A Laboratory aanual for forensic science. By George Walton- 1 v. Prev. pub. 1975. NH: editorial revisions 6 additional text. Western Hen Bexico nniversity; 15Aaq77; A926357.

A926358. A Laboratory aanual for forensic science. By George Ualton. 1 v. e Western He* Bexico Oniversity; 15iug75; A926353.

4926359. Ode to Georgia. By Carolyn osher Cooper. 5 p. Carolyn osher Cooper; 15Dec77: A926359.

A926 360. Instructions for use: Neutron, sales promotion qaae. Folder. Appl. au: Henry a. Eilers. C Henry H. Eilers; 1SDec77; A926360.

A926361. From prairie aarble to streets of qold. By Grace M. Powell Pladseth. 151 p. Grace N. Powell Fladseth; 6Dec77; A926361.

A926362. process automation systems. Issued by Johnson Controls, Inc. Systems Engineering and Construction Division. lip. Appl. au: Johnson controls. Inc. 6 Johnson Controls, Inc.; 7Dec77; A926362.

A926363. Code of ordinances, city of Gibraltar, Michigan: adopted Sept. 12, 1977, effective Nov. 12, 1977. 1 v. e Hunicipal Code Corporation; 1Dec77; A926363.

A926364. Canal Zone code. Vol. 1-3, titles 1-8, 1976 cuBUlative pocket suppl. for use in 1977 fc 1978. 1 p. 6 3 V. Appl. au: Equity Publishing corporation. O The Governor of the canal zone for the Canal zone Government; 21iov77; A926361.

1926365. American Saaoa reports. Vol. 2: 1938-1951. 718 p. Appl. au: Equity Publishing Corporation. NB: headnotes, tables S digest. The Government of American Samoa; 21Hov77; A926365.

A926366. Session laws of the Virgin Islands, 1976. Edited by Equity Publishing Corporation. 561 p. Add. ti: Virgin Islands session laws. The Lieutenant Governor for the Governaent of the Virgin Islands; 1UNov77; A926366.

A926367. Eighteenth-century views of Bethlehem: the town as seen in prints, "lofty buildings in this presumptive wilderness." By Salvatore G. Cilella, Jr. 1 v. Oaks Printing Coapany: 1Dec77; A926367.

A926368. Flickering meaories. 118 p. (Folklore in the Bear Lake Valley, vol. 2) Appl. au; Bonnie Thompson, e Bonnie Thompson; 6Dec77; A926368.

A926369. The Encyclopedia of household hints and dollar stretchers. By Michael Gore, revised 6 with new material added by the J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company, a division of Doubleday and Company, Inc. 172 p. NB: revisions £ additions. © J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company; 15Aug77; A926369.

A926370. Sexton desk diary. 1978. 256 p. Appl. au: Eichard Dell. John Sexton and coapany: 1Nov77; A926370.

A926371. The New complete medical and health encyclopedia. Vol. 1-1. Edited by aichard J. wagman 6 the J. G. Ferguson editorial staff. Portions prev. pub. as The Complete illustrated book of better health 6 The Illustrated encyclopedia of better health. NB-. revision 6 new material. O J. G. Ferguson publishing coapany; 1Aug77: A926371.

A926372. A Visit to the past. By Calmat A. BcCune. 18 p. Calaar A. BcCune; 130ct77; A926372.

A926373. The woman who pleases God; supplement for college level credit. By Fay Smart 6 Jean Young. 23 p. 8 Eamaus Bible School; 310ct77; A926373.

A926371. "Students are also citizens," first amendment rights of students. A lawyer lesson plan, prepared by Scott 6 Bacey, a student's lesson plan £ a teacher's lesson plan, prepared by Estelle Howard £ Eichard Weintraub. 1 v. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. S Coastitutionai Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; A926371.

A926375. "Finders keepers," property rights of a finder. A lawyer lesson plan, prepared by Bruce L. Gitelson, a student's lesson plan & a teacher's lesson plan, prepared by EStelle Howard S Bichard Weintraub. 1 ». Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foun- dation, e Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1>lov77; A926375.

A926376. "Spare the rod," due process re school discipline. A lawyer lesson plan, prepared by David Altschul, a student's lesson plan E a teacher's lesson plan, prepared by Estelle Howard 6 Eichard Weintraub. 1 v. Appl. au: Constitutional Eights Foundation. O coifstitutional Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; A926376.

A9 26 377. Stop killing yourself and our children with additives; a plain English health book for living in our modern world. By Loris B. caulfield. 112 p. O Loris B. Caulfield; 21Nov77; A926377.

A9 26 378. Questions and answers on bankruptcy. 1 V. 6 Business Eesearch Associates. Inc. ; 15Dec77; A926378.

A926379. How and when to select an attorney. 6 p. Business Eesearch Associates, Inc. ; 15Dec77; A926379.

A926380. Piatt Saco Lowell builder instruction aanual: Spinnster model SEB spinning frame. 1 v. Piatt Saco Lowell Corporation; 16Dec77; A926380.

A926381. "Gateway," deportation. A lawyer lesson plan, prepared by Doris Katagiri, a student's lesson plan £ a teacher's lesson plan, prepared by Estelle Howard E aichard Weintraub. 1 v. Appl- au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; A926381-

A926382- How to have an individual retirement plan and not be "ripped gff". By James A. Hayden 2nd. 101 p. Jaaes A. Hayden 2nd; 310ct77; A926382.

A9 26383. The Criminal justice periodical index. Bay 1977. 152 p. Appl- au: Indexing Services, Oniversity flicrofilas Inter- national. O Oniversity Bicrofilms International; 310ct77: A926383.

A926381. Supervisory and middle management salary survey, 1977. 109 p. Appl. an: Merchants and Manufacturers Association (B and B Association) B and M Association; 15Jun77; A926381.

A926385. A Suggested outline for study: limitation — insecurity — inhibition. 6 p. Appl. au: Bobert J. Baran. e Oniversal society foe the Expansion of Human Dimensions; 5Dec77; A926385.

A926386. Data processing for the new age; student syllabus, number 223020. By Marvin W. Ilempel 6 Helen Solea. 155 p. Add- ti: Student syllabus for Data processing for the new age. National Book Coapany, a division of Educational Besearch Associates, Inc.; 2Dec77 ; A926386.

A926387. A Beginnet's guide to aaking profits collecting selected 0. S. postage stamps. By Edward E. Beaver. 31 p. e Edaard E.

Beaver; 16Nov77; A926387.


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