Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/139

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A875850 - A875892
JUL-DEC. 1977

A8758a9 (con.) 112 p. an: coipilatlon & neu lusical arranqeaeots for guitar. iaiter Kane Publications, Inc.« a division of Halter Kane and Son, Inc.; 30Sep76; i8758H9.

1875850. Sales planning. Horksbop 1. And other titles. Hultiple volu»es. O Glen/- Oouqlas, Inc.; 12Har76 (in notice: 1975): S875850.

A875851. Heritage of our flag. By B. Kii Oriqqers. Kit. HH: coapilation & additional illus. Visualcraft, Inc. ; 10Aug7a (in notice on copies: 1970, 1971): A875851.

A875852. Chenistrv laboratory safety trans- parencies. Author: Jaaes B. Irvinq. Kit. BH: new text & illus. Tisualcraft, Inc. ; 15Dec71 (in notice on copies: 1970, 1971); AB75852.

A875853. About Haiiaii's volcanoes. By L. B. McBride, revised by Madaie Pele. 48 p. BH: additions. O The Petroglyph Press, Ltd.: 1Har77; A875853.

A87585I4. God*s peace. Be stilll Badio nessaqes by Ben Baden. 20 p. (Changed lives) Ben Haden; 20Juo77: A87S85U.

A875855. You coie. Getting it all together. Badio nessaqes by Ben Haden. 20 p. (Changed lives) C Ben Haden; 18llay77; A875855.

A875856. Look out for the aountain. LiJceness. Badio aessages by Ben Haden. 20 p. (Changed lives) 6 Ben Haden; 8Jud77; A875855.

A875857. Aaerican hospital foraulary service. 3rd 1977 suppl.. Hay 1977. Sheets. American Society of Hospital Phar- macists, Inc.; 31Hay77; A875857.

A875858. Hew ground. Co-edited by Donald Aslcins e David Horris. 208 p. Southern Appalachian Hriters' Co-operative a. k. a. SAHC e, Mountain Beviea; 1SJun77: A875858.

A875859. Hi and dry: nature's way of food preservation. By Harlan D. Fredericks. 93 p. O Harlan D. FrederiOcs; 16Jul77: A875859.

A875860. Follou ae. Coapiled & edited by Hilliaa Kenneth Cuaaing. 120 p. US: translation & coapilation. Hilliaa Kenneth Cuaaing; 11JU177: A875860.

4875861. Hail order helps and hints including how to narket your idea, product or service. By Dorothy Stagner. 30 p. VH: additions £ coapilation. C Dorothy Stagner; 15JU177: A87586 1.

A875862. South Street: the story of the "street of ships** in pictures and Hords. Hritten by Lynne Valler, photography by Toa Grill. 2U p. Appl. au: Photofile, Ltd. Photofile, Ltd.; 7Jun77; 1875862.

A875863. PVC pipe technology serving the sever industry. 17 p. C Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association; 9Har77: A875863.

A875e6l|. P?C pipe technology serving the water industry. 13 p. O Bni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association; 8Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A875861t.

A875865. The Children and other poeas. By Gladys uibking, with illus. by Jill Brovne. 72 p. Portions prev. pub. in Chicago tribune e others. BH: coapilation. The Golden Quill Press: 27Hay77: A875865.

A875866. A Book of praises. By Ellis ovesen. 64 p. NH: coapilation. O The Golden Quill Press; 20Jun77; A875866.

A875867. A History of the Prlotte faaily of France, Quebec, and Illinois. By Geraldine I. Pilotte. 166 p. Add. ti: A Pilotte faaily history, 1644-1900. O Geraldine I. Pilotte; 15Jul77; A875867.

A875868. The Second annual report of nanageaent coapensation in Calirornra, 1977. 477 p. Appl. au: David J. Thoasen. Coapen- sation Institute: 30Jun77; A875868.

A87S869. First aid in emergency care- By Guy Steven Parcel. 312 p. O The C. ». Hosby Coapany; 27Jun77; A875869.

A875870. Total quality control in the clinical laboratory. By Huraii oharan. 242 p. The C. V. Hosby Coapany; 29Jun77; A875870.

A875a71. Instructor*s guide and test aanual to accoapany the fourth edition of Plant biology: a concise introduction. By Boss H. Arnett, Jr. & George P. Bazinet, Jr. 55 p. The C. f. flosby Coapany; 30Jun77; A875871.

A875872. Food and nutrition 299-136: food for young children; study guide. Instructor: Char Eleeue Haass. 1 v. O Char Eleene Haass; 10Jul77: A875872.

A875873. A Child's book of concepts. 1 v. Appl. au: Toni Bentfeld, Cynthia Von Keyserling, Barbara Boots & Joan Bothwell. Toni Bentfeld, Joan Bothvell, Cynthia Ton Keyserling £ Barbara Boots; 18Apr77; A875873.

A875874. AEDS handbook and directory, Harch 1, 1977. 26 p. Association for Edu- cational Data Systeas, Inc.; 1Har77; A875874.

A875875. you and CB: CB rules explained as never before! By Crown Publishing and Associates. 90 p. Appl. au: Crovn Publishing Coapany. HH: pictorial aatter & soae coaaents on rules. Crovn Publishing Coapany: 15JU177; A875875.

A875876. Goldstein-schvartz green sheet. Bo. 18. 19 p. Goldstein-schvartz; 1Juu77: 1875876,

A875877. Systeaatic problea solving. 85 p. Add. ti: S.P.S. BH: editorial revision, abridgaent, updating £ additions. The stanvick Corporation; 7Jun77; A875877.

A875878. Around Austin, 1977-1978: a seventeen Bonth coaaunity calendar. Editor: Anna Buth Eads, cover design £ illus. by Peggy J. Hoore. Add. ti: Around Austin — a coaaunity calendar. Appl. au : Assistance League of Austin, loc. O Assistance League of Austin, Inc.; 14Jul77; A875878.

A875879. The Parable of the nectarine trees (for the very young, and not so very young) 4 p. Appl. au: Herbert G. Lehaann. Herbert G. Lehaann; 15Jul77: A875879.

A87Se80. The Kangaroo court express. By Doralester Bobinson. 144 p. Doralester Bobinsou; 16Jul77; A875880.

1875881. Iniaal career poster kit. Sheets. Ippl. au: Jane Chaabers E Delores Karvoski. Jan-Del; 22ipr77; A875881.

1875882. 1 Prisoner's prayer. 1 p. Appl. au: Larry G. Bhite. Larry G. Bhite; 11JU177; A875882.

A875883. Field test aanual. By Thaddeus E. Brovn £ Joe H. Payne. Sheets. Prev. pub. 13Hay77. BH: revisions. O Industrial Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc.; 20Jun77; A875e83.

A875884. Field test manual. By Thaddeus E. Brovn £ Joe H. Payne. 1 v. C Industrial Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc.; 13Hay77; A875884.

1875885. fiaapart security systeas. 1 v. Add. ti: Baapart security systeas brochure. Ba apart Industries, Inc.; 2Hay77: A875885.

A875886. Hi-performance hose and fittings. 36 p. O Bonco Corporation: 9Jun77; A875886.

A875887. International Coaaission for Hllitary History ACTA. Bo. 2: the Uashington neeting, lug. 1975. Edited by Bobin Highaa £ Jacob B. Kipp. 198 p. Papers froa the 14th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Hasbington, DC; English, Geraan £ French. Hilitary Affairs/Aerospace Historian Publishing; 13Apr77; A875887.

1875888. Soae changes in the systea of ast- ronoaical constants, and revision of the potsdaa gravity standard, resulting froa satellite geodesy, 1958 to 1964. Article no. 1. sheets (10 p.) Appl. au: Theodore E. Schulte. BH: coapilation £ additional text. Theodore E. schulte; 7Jul77; 1875888.

A875889. Articulation: the gallery gaae. Cards in folder. Ippl. au: Hary Erickson fi Eldon Katter. Hary Errckson £ Eldon Katter; 21Jun77; 1875889.

1875890. A Guidebook on hov to get (and keep!) good product lines for manufacturers* representatives, distributors, and their principals. 80 p. Appl- au: Henry Lavin. Henry Lavin Associates, Inc. ; 10Hay77: 1875890.

1875891. Hacreations. By Thelaa Lee. 23 p. O Lee Originals: 31Hay77; 1875891.

1875892. Betireaent proceedings, 1976; papers

presented at the 70th Innual HFOl


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