Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1394

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A926587 - A926623
JUL-DEC. 1977

49 26 586 (con.) e Hytrol Conveyor Company, Inc.; 210ct77: 4926586.

4926 587. Saint Louis area health care services directory and pictorial roster of physicians. 1977/1978. 226 p. C Saint Louis nedical Service Bureau, Inc.; 18liov77: A926587.

4926588. Selected receipts. Hiss Parloa's 1880 new cook book. By Haria Parloa. 33 p. Add. ti; Selected receipts froa Hiss Parloa's 1880 new cook book. Appl. au; Baiter C. Brzoza. NH: additions, compilation 6 revisions, e Parknay Classics, solely ovued by Baiter c. Brzoza; 21Nov77: 4926588.

4926589. The Mystery of who spilled the syrup. Author: Roberta Susan Berry, editor: Jim Schnabel, illustrator; Bobby Berry. 25 p. O Elaine G. Schnabel; 28i)ov77: 4926589.

4926590. Survey of senior citizen publications, tloveaber 1977. By Leonard J. Hansen. 5 p. O Leonard J. Hansen & Senior Rorld Publications, Inc.; 1'(Nov77; 4926590.

A926591. Business aerqers and acquisitions for cons true tion /speci al ty con tr acti ng , enqineerinq an^ design firms. 7 p. Appl. au: V. B. Castellani. O V. B. Castellani and Company, Inc.; 20oct77: 4926591.

4926592. The Organization of a groHiaq adult Bible class. By Clell A. Keuell. SO p. clell 4. Nevell: 20Hay77; A9 26592.

4926593. Don't risk your child's life! Foldes. NH: revisions. 6 Physicans for 4utoaotive Safety; 164ug77: 4926593.

4926594. The Swiss Texans. 23 p. e The University of T«itas at San Antonio, Institute of Teian Cultures; 3Hov77; A926594.

A926535. The Risconsis design for reading skill development, teacher's resource file: comprehension. Developed by evaluation staff and reading project staff, Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning, Oniversity of Wisconsin, under the direction of Rayne Otto. Sheets (9142 p.), vail chart 6 folders in box. Appl. au: The Board of Regents of the Oniversity of Hisconsin System. S The Board of Regents of the Dniversity of Hisconsin System (in notice: The Board of Regents of the Oniversity of Wisconsin system for the Hisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning); 284pr77; 4926595.

4926596. The Anthropology of dance. By 4nya Peterson Royce. 238 p. 6 Anya Peterson RoTce; 30NOV77: 4926596.

4926597. strategy + structure = performance; the strategic planning imperative. Edited by Hans B. Thorelli. 310 p. 4ppl. states all new except chap. 3 6 14, which were prev. pub. C Indiana Oniversity Press; 30Sep77; 4926597.

A926598. 4n Emerging entertainment: the drama of the American people to 1828. By Halter J. Heserve. 3U2 p. C Indiana Oniversity Press; 30HOV77: 4926598.

4926599. Pidgin and Creole Ixnguistics. Edited by 41bert Valdman. 399 p. Indiana Oniversity Press; 30Nov77; 4926599.

4926600. Indiana University oidwestern pioneer. Vol. 3: years of fulfillment. By Thomas D. Clark. 678 p. Indiana Oniversity Press; 25Nov77; 4926600.

4926601. Hhat will have happened: a philosophical and technical essay on mystery stories. By Robert Champigny. 183 p. 6 Robert Champiqny; 3ai;ov77: 49266Q1.

4926602. Indiana University midwestern pioneer. Vol. 4; historical documents since 1816. By Thomas 0. Clark. 803 p. KM: compilation, editorial revision e additional text. 6 Indiana Oniversity: 25Hov77; 4926602.

A928603. siffliotic and signifies: the corres- pondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria iady Helby. By Charles Santiago Sanders Peirce & Victoria Alexandrina Haria Louisa Stuart-Hortley Helby-Gregory, edited by Charles S. Hardwick, with the assistance of James Cook. 201 p. NH: compilation & additions. @ Indiana Oniversity Press; 211Iov77; A926603.

4926604. The Hritings of Elliott Carter: an American composer looks at modern music. By Elliot Cook Carter, Jr., compiled, edited 5 annotated by Else Stone 6 Kurt Stone. 390 p. NH: abridgement, compilation, editorial revision, front & back matter. Q Indiana University Press; 310ct77; 4926604.

A926605. Student diagnosis, placement, and prescription: a criterion-referenced approach. By Roger B. Horner. 237 p. Document 3 originally appeared in Designing curriculum for educational accountability. 6 Indiana Oniversity Press; 21Nov77; A926605.

A926606. 4 Bolls tonecraft anthology. By Hary Bollstonecraf t, edited with an introd. by Janet H. Todd. 269 p. HH: compilation, abridgement, editorial revision, introd., headnotes, etc. Q Indiana Oniversity Press; 310ct77; 4926606.

4926607. Current issues in linguistic theory. Edited by Soger Hllliam Cole. 30J p. @ Indiana Oniversity press; 31Auq77; 4926607.

4926608. Battle for 4frica. By Brother 4ndrew Van Der Bijl a.k.a. Brother Andrew, with Charles Paul Conn. 156 p. Brother Andrew Van Der Bijl, a.k.a. Brother Andrew; 140ct77: A926608.

A926609. The Seaweed handbook; an illustrated guide to seaweeds from Horth Carolina to the Arctic. By Thomas F. Lee, illustrated by Hendy Bebster. 217 p. Thomas F. Lee; 15Sep77; A926609.

4926610. Exposicion revisada de la taquigrafia Gregg. Por Ana Haria O'Neill, Celeste o'Heill De Pumarada, Sarah Mercedes Gonzalez & Olga Huniz De Vela. 229 p. NH: organization of lessons, presentation of old S new principles, exercises & letters, lists of words, explanations £ additions. 8 Ana Haria O'Neill, Sarah fl. Gonzalez, Celeste O'H. De Pumarada & olga H. De Vela; 8Nov74; 4926610.

4926611. La Graiatica en la transcripciou. By Celeste O'Neill De Pumarada. 9. ed. 300 p. O celeste O'Heill De Pumarada; 27Feb76; A926611.

A926612. Studies in international law. By Stuart 5. Halawer, pref. by George Z. Zaphiriou. 2na ed. 388 p. e Stuart S. Halawer; 1Ho»77; A928612.

A926613. Imposed treaties and international law. By Stuart S. Halawer, foreword by Richard R. Baxter. 187 p. NN: new foreword, new index G tables. Stuart S. Halawer: 10ct77; 4926613.

A92&61it. National playwrights directory. Edited by Phyllis Johnson Kaye. 374 p. Appl. au: O'Neill Theater Center. ?hyllis Johnson Kaye S O'Neill Theater Center; 250ct77; A926614.

4926615. Superintendent of Documents classi- fication number index to the cumulative subject guide to O.S. Government bibliographies, 1924-1973. Compiled by Edna 4. Kancly, with an introd. by Joseph Horehead. 334 p. 4ppl. au; Hllliam Buchanan. Carrollton Press, Inc.; 29Sep77; A926615,

A926616. The Hasks of orthodoxy: folk gravestone carving in Plymouth County, Hassachusetts, 1689-1805. By Peter Benes. 273 p. NH: text 6 compilation of illus. Peter Benes; 14Nov77; A926616.

4928617. Genealogy of John Brown of Hampton, New Hampshire. By Harguerite Hillette Brown. 465 p. Hillside Publishing Company: 3Sep77; 4926617.

4926618. Langfords in America: sketches on early arrivals and migrations, genealogical recordings on descendants from early Saluda River, South Carolina families ... 1773-1975, some related families: Holley, Haters, Shealy, limms, Robertson. By George -Sfaealy Langford. 205 p. Add. ti: Sketches about the Langfords. NH: research, compilation & bibliography. e George S, Langford; 12Dec77; 4926618.

A926619. The Photograph as symbol. By Hynn Bullock a.k.a. Percy H. Bullock. 1 v. 9 Edna J. Bullock; 18Dec76; 4926619.

A926620. Ya te vas? Spanish reading keys. By Dolores Bbse Amato & Rogelio Lopez Del Bosgue. 144 p. 9 The Economy Company; 9Hay77; 4926620.

A926621. H^sta luego! Spanish reading keys. By Dolores Rose Amato S Bogelio Lopez Del posgue. 144 p. The Economy Company; 23NOV77; A926621.

A926622. COmo estas? Spanish reading keys. By Dolores Rose Amato G Rogelio Lopez Del Bosque. 64 p. O The Economy Company; 1Jan77: 4926622.

4926623. Vas bien! Spanish reading keys. By Dolores Rose Amato G Rogelio Lop^z Del Bosgue. 64 p. 6 The Economy Company;

1fJan77; 4926623.


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