Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1428

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A927987 - A928028
JUL-DEC. 1977

S927987. Star Trek: the city on the edge of forever- iritten by Harlan Ellison* author of Fotonovel: nandala ProdactioDS, Inc. 1 T. Adapted from the television series created by Gene Roddenberry, © Paramount Pictures Corporation; 1i(Oct77: S927987.

A927988. Star Trek: where no man has gone before. Uritten by Samuel A. Peeples. author of Fotonovel: Handala productions. Inc. 1 v. Adapted from the television series created by Gene Roddenberry. 6 on Fotonovel package; Paramount Pictures Corporation; 1110ct77; A927988.

A927989. No escape from love. By Barbara Cartland. 153 p. Barbara Cartland; 1ilOct77; A927989.

A927990. The Steady game. By Hanolo Orantes, with Barry Tarshis, insert photos, by Phil Bath. 117 p. e Banolo orantes 6 Barry Tarshis; 12Aug77; A927990.

A927991. Han and maid. By Elinor Glyn, condensed by Barbara Cartland. 18 2 p. (Barbara Cartland' s Library of love) on introd. ; Barbara Cartland: 1'40ct77; A927991.

A927992. The Love pirate. By Barbara Cartland. 167 p. e Barbara Cartland: 12Aug77; A927992.

A927993. The Bust-out king. By Avery Corsan. 212 p. Albert S. Buddy Productions, Inc.: 1<tOct77; A927993.

A927994. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Libra, September 22-October 23. 211 p. 6 Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A927994.

A927995. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Aquarius, January 20-Pebruary 18. 218 p. Q Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A927995.

A927996. Llewellyn's personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Sagit- tarius, November 22-December 22. 213 p- Add. ti; Llewellyn's Guide and astro- logical almanac for 1978: Sagittarius. Q Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; S927996.

A927997. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Gemini, Hay 21-June 21. 218 p. Add. ti: Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological guide for 1978: Gemini, e Llewellyn Publications: 13Jun77: A927997.

A927998. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Capricorn, December 22-January 20. 217 p. Add. ti: Llewellyn's Guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Capricorn. Llewellyn Publications: 13Jun77: A927998.

A927999. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Scorpio, October 23-November 22. 217 p. O Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A927999.

A928000. Llewellyn' Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Leo, July 23 -August 23. 215 p. 9 Llewellyn Publications: 13Jun77; A928000.

A928001. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Cancer, June 21-July 23. 21U p. Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A928001.

A928002. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Pisces, February IB-March 21. 218 p. e Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77; A928002.

A928003. Llewellyn's Personal guide and astrological almanac for 1978: Taurus, April 20-May 21. 218 p. Llewellyn Publications; 13Jun77: A928003.

A928001(. Hovies on TV. Edited by Steven a. Scheuer. 1978-79 ed. 816 p. Formerly pub. as TV key movie guide & others. e Bantam Books, Inc.; 140ct77; A928004.

A928005. Bock Java. By Joe Bitter 6 Allan Safarik, illustrated by Sanford Kossin. 63 p. Appl. au: Bantam Books, Inc. on illus. ; Bantam Books, Inc.; 12Sep77; A928005.

A928006. True grits. Written by Rosa Tusa, cartoons by Sam C. Bawls. 50 p. Rosa Tusa E Sam C. Rawls; 1l»Oct77; A928006.

A928007. Robin HacNaughton' s Guide to the complete Cancer personality (June 22-July 23) 183 p. Add. ti: Introducing Robin MacHaughton's guide to the complete Cancer personality. Bantam Books, Inc.; 15JU177; A928007.

A928008. Robin BacNaughton's Guide to the complete Sagittarius personality (November 23-December 21) 182 p. Add. ti: Introducing Robin BacNaughton's guide to the complete Sagittarius personality, e Bantam Books, Inc.; 1SJul77: A928008.

A928009, Robin BacNaughton's Guide to the complete Leo personality (July 24-August 23) 183 p. Add. ti: Introducing Bobin BacNaughton's guide to the complete Leo personality. Q Bantam Books, Inc.; 15JU177: A928009.

A928010. Baking love during pregnancy. By Elisabeth Bing & Libby Colman, drawings by David Passalacgua. 165 p. 6 Elisabeth Bing & Libby Colman; 12Sep77; A928010.

A928011. Baking love during pregnancy. By Elisabeth Bing £ Libby Colman, drawings by David Passalacgua. 165 p. Appl. au: Bantam Books, Inc. Q on illus.; Bantam Books, Inc.; 12Sep77; A928011.

A928012. Star Trek intragalactic puzzles. Created by James Razzi. 128 p. Based on the television series created by Gene Roddenberry. Appl. au: Bantam Books, Inc. @ Paramount Pictures Corporation; iaoct77; A928012.

A928013. old fashioned recipe book: an enc- yclopedia of country living. By Carla Emery, illustrated by Cindy Davis. 529 p. Add. ti: Carla Emery's old fashioned recipe book. Q on updated fi revised material: Carla Emery; 1'(Oct77; A928013.

A928014. Portraits of the American Jew; an anthology of short stories by American Jewish writers. Edited by Hax Nadel. 256 p. NB: additional text, editing 6 compilation. 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 180ct77; A92801«.

A928015. 11th year mathematics. By Stanley H. Kaplan & Bax Peters. 1 v. (Barron's Regents exams and answers) NB: additions. @ Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 160ec77; A928015.

A928016. Comprehensive English (3 and 4 years) By Samuel Kostoan. 1 . v. (Barron's Regents exams and answers) NB: additions. Q Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 16Dec77; A928016.

A928017. French level 3 (comprehensive French) By Christopher Kendris e Baxim Mewmark. 1 V. (Barron's Begents exams and answers) NB: additions. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 16Dec77; A928017.

A928018. Queen of the looking-glass. By Annie Laurie BcAllister, pseud, of Bruce Cassiday. 219 p. C Bruce Cassiday: 140ec77 (in notice: 1978); A92e018.

A928019. Barchers of Valhalla. By Robert E. Howard with a special introd. by Fritz Leiber. 215 p. Appl. au: Glenn Lord, employer for hire of Robert E. Howard. NB: compilation, additional text S introd. Glenn Lord; 14Dec77 (in notice: 1978); A928019.

A928020. Handbook for new parents. By Alvin N. Eden. 166 p. Some material prev. pub. in American baby. NB: additional text & compilation. Alvin N. Eden; 140ec77 (in notice: 1978); A928020.

A928021. The Insiders' guide to the colleges, compiled 6 edited by the staff of The Yale Daily News. 1978-79 ed. 404 p. Yale Daily News; 14Dec77 (in notice: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978); A928021.

A928022. The SamSaver. 1 v. O General Drafting Company, Inc.; 15Nov77; A928022.

A928023. Heird heroes. Vol. 8. Editor: Byron Preiss. 281 p. Appl. au: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc., employer for hire. © Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc. ; 15NOV77; A928023.

A928024. Elena. By Harilyn Granbeck. 447 p. O Barilyn Granbeck; 15Nov77; A928024.

A928025. The Blood of October. By David Lippincott. 257 p. © David Lippincott; 6Dec77; A928025.

A928026. The April Robin murders. By Craig Rice £ Ed HcBain. 200 p. © on Note to the reader; Ed BcBain; 6Dec77; A928026.

A928027. Gateway to love. By Arlene Hale. 184 p. O Arlene Hale; 6Dec77; A928027.

A928028. Encounter cases from Flying saucer review. Edited by Charles Bowen. 220 p. Appl. au: Flying Saucer Review Bagazine,

employer for hire. NB: introd.


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