Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1458

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A929213 - A929251
JUL-DEC. 1977

1929212 (con.) murdered, robbed, raped, or ripped off. By Vivo Bennett 6 Cricket Claqett. 217 p. vivo Bennett 6 cricket Claqett; 1Dec77; &929212.

A929213. Hinor tooth movement in children. By Joseph Hax Sim. 2nd ed. 493 p. S The C. V. Hosby Company: 1«Dec77: i929213.

A929214. Guide to Mexican amphisbaenians and crocodilians, biblioqraphic addendum 2. By Hobart a. Smith e Rozella B. Smith. 187 p. (Synopsis of the herpetofauna of Mexico, vol. 5) John Johnson; 30Oct77; A929214.

A929215. Hesperides and other poems. By Aqnes Yarnall. bas reliefs by Aqnes Yarnall, photos, by Bart Kinzel. 55 p. 1 poem prev. pub. in Hichiqan quarterly review. © Aqnes Yarnall: 16Dec77: A929215.

A929215. Effective manaqement: basic principles and practices. By Georqe A. Young- 339 p. e Georqe A. Younq; 15Dec77; A929216.

A9 29217. The Fuse at the Heuse. By Hartin Helissen. 9 1 p. Martin Nelissen; 13Dec77; A929217.

A929218. Oh, uaitress — I love you. By Joe Shaffer. 120 p. e Joe Shaffer: 16Dec77; A929218.

A929219. Research to answer what blacks ouqht to have. By ffarren H. Banner. 126 p. e Barren M. Banner; 8Dec77; A929219.

A929220. Poems to a vaqrant moon. By Evelyn M. Bryant. 60 p. Evelyn M. Bryant; 7Dec77; 4929220.

A929 221. For the askinq. By Andrew Deatoa. 95 p. e Andrew Deaton; 7Dec77: A929221.

A929222. I walk barefoot. By June De Quervain. 24 p. 6 June De Quervain; 6Dec77: A929222.

A9 29223. Your teeth all of your life: the dental patient's answer book. By John A. Comstock. Ill p. 6 John A. Coastock; 16Dec77; A929223.

A929224. fiockdale, TX, telephone directory, December 1977. C Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 21Dec77: A9i9224.

A929225. Old Saybrook, CT, book of names, 1977-78. e The Southern New England Telephone Company; 8Dec77; 4929225.

A929226. The Sullivan's Ga qa book: a co- bioqraphy. 114 p. Appl. au: Franklin Stemple Sullivan. Q Franklin Steople Sullivan: 16Dec77; A929226.

A929227. Better baseball. 7 p. Appl. au: Bobert M. Herben. BM: revisions 6 additions. Robert H. Herben; 1 7Dec77 ; 4929227.

A929228. Fleaqle, the son of a ruddy duck. By Stan Hardison, introd. by Milton Caniff. 158 p. Appl. states all new except conic strip, Fleagle. Q Stan Hardison: 15NOV77; 4929228.

4929229. Baltimore-Hashington healing resources. Coordinated by 4nne 4damceHitz, Kevin Andreae 6 Marcia Landau. 109 p. Appl. au; Healing fieso'Tces, Inc. Healing Resources, Inc.; 10Dec77; A929229.

4929230. Vegetable price study. Prepared by Landal Institute. 1 v. Landal Institute; 1Sep77; 4929230.

4929231. The Thomas counting, betting system for beating blackjack for beginners. 7 p. Add. ti: Beating blackjack for beginners, e Eugene Thomas; 8Dec77: 4929231.

A929232. Instructor's guide to: Institutional crisis intervention — 1. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B- Schwartz, John i. Silk e Hatha Surrenda (Donald 4. Liebman) NH: additions & revisions, e Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz. John V. Silk £ Donald A. Liebman; 2Auq76; A929232.

A929233. Juvenile institutional crisis inter- vention. 1 V. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John H. Silk & Hatha Surrenda (Donald 4. Liebman) NMl additions G revisions. 6 Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John V. Silk & Donald 4. Liebman; 12Jul76; 4929233.

A929234. Institutional crisis intervention — 2. 1 V. Appl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John I. Silk e Hatha Surrenda (Donald A. Liebman) NM: additions 6 revisions. @ Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John H. Silk & Donald 4. Liebman; 110ct76; 4929234.

4929235. Institutional crisis intervention. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John U. Silk G Hatha Surrenda (Donald A. Liebman) NM: additions G revisions. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John a. Silk G Donald A. Liebman: 12Jul76; A929235.

4929236. Instructor's guide to: Institutional crisis intervention — 2. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John B. Silk 6 Hatha Surrenda (Donald A. Liebman) NM: additions G revisions. Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John fl. Silk G Donald A. Liebman; 110ct76; A929236.

4929237. Management of mentally ill and suicidal clients. 1 v. (Correctional crisis intervention, pt. 2) 4ppl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Hatha Surrenda (Donald 4. Liebman) G Cynthia B. Schwartz. NM: revision, abridgment G additional text, e Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz e Donald A. Liebman; 3Nov75: A929237.

4929238. Instructor's guide to Correctional crisis intervention, part 2: Management of mentally ill and suicidal clients- 1 v- Appl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Hatha Surrenda (Donald 'A. Liebman) G Cynthia B. Schwartz. Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz G Donald 4. Liebman; 3Nov75; 4929238.

4929239. Instructor's guide to Correctional crisis intervention. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Hatha Surrenda (Donald A. Liebman) G Cynthia B. Schwartz. NM: revisions G additions. Jeffrey A.

A929240. Institutional crisis intervention, 1. 1 V. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John i. Silk G Hatha Surrenda (Donald 4. Liebman) NM: revisions G additiOTi^ f^ JefTi.-sy A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Scbk'ar'1.2, John H. Silk G Donald 4. Liebman; 2Aug76; A929240.

A929241. Management of hostage situations for institutions, 1-4. 1 v. 4ppl. au; Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, Fred L. Arthur G John «. Silk. NM: revisions G additions. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, Fred L. Arthur G John B. Silk; 10May77 (in notice: 1976); A929241.

A929242. Management of hostage situations for institutions, 2. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John B. Silk G Fred L. 4rthur. NM: revisions 6 additions. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, Fred L. Arthur G John 8. Silk; 14pr77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4929242.

4929243. Management of hostage situations for youth institutions. 24 p. Appl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John H. Silk G Fred L. Arthur. NM: revisions G additions. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Cynthia B. Schwartz, John B. Silk G Fred L. Arthur; 2Aug76; A929243.

1929244. Management of hostage situations. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz, John B. Silk G Fred L. Arthur. NM: revisions G additions. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, John B. Silk G Fred L. Arthur; 12Jul76; A929244.

4929245. Management of hostage situations. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, John H. Silk G Fred L. Arthur. NM: revisions G additions. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, John W. Silk G Fred L. Arthur; 21Apr76; 4929245.

4929246. Management of hostage situations for institutions, 2-4. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Jeffrey A. Schwartz G Cynthia B. Schwartz. © Jeffrey 4. Schwartz G Cynthia B. Schwartz; 16Nov77; 4929246.

4929247. Management of hostage situations. 1 v. 4ppl. au; Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, John B. Silk 6 Fred L. Arthur. NM: additions G revisions. © Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, Fred L. 4rthur G John B. Silk; 11Nov76; A929247.

A929248. Hostage negotiation training. 1 v. Appl. au: Jeffrey 4. Schwartz, John U. Silk 6 Fred L. 4rthur. © Jeffrey A. Schwartz, Fred L. Arthur 6 John B. Silk; 14pr76; 4929248.

4929249. Career inventory. Sheets (5 p.) Appl. au: Rhoda Lachar. Bhoda Lachar; 20Dec77; A929249.

A929250. Self-inventory check lists A and B. Sheets. Appl. au: Rhoda Lachar. © Bhoda Lachar; 20Dec77; 4929250-

4929251. The Human technology's Full scope self-inventory, sheets in folder. 4ppl. au: Rhoda Lachar. 6 Bhoda Lachar;

20Dec77; A929251.


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