Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1468

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JUL-DEC. 1977

49296111. Intell checker peq football: rules. 8 p. Appl. au: Edward V- Horazt* Jr. Prev. req. S380289. NM: additions E revisions. e Edward V. Moran, Jr.; 22Dec77; 4929614.

4929615. The collectors guide to monster maqazines. By Bobert V. Hichelucci, with an introd. by Forrest J. 4ckerDan. 123 p. NM: compilation of maqazine covers for reference. 6 Bob Hichelucci fi Dick Zdinak; 21Dec77; 4929615.

S929616. The 4ssociation of Junior leagues. Inc., adult training text: Volunteer career development, a process of self-management; trainiuq manual. Desiqned by 41ene B. Boris. 1 V. Q The 4ssociation of Junior Leaques, Inc. 6 41ene H. Moris; 27Dec77; 4929616.

4929617. Elvis welcomes you to his uorld. Kit. 4ppl. au: Lisa Duff £ Tama Duff. O Lisa Duff £ lama Duff; 2Wct77; 4929617.

4929618. Summary of financial condition for the Council of Independent Kentucky Colleqes and Oniversities. prepared by Hilliam John ainter 6 John Hinter Associates. 145 p. © Council of Independent Kentucky Colleqes and Universities 6 John Hinter Associates: 5Dec77; A929618.

4929619. Peanuts of Americ Sichard Hyland. © 22Dec77; A929619. L. 6 p. Appl. iichard Hyland;

4929620. Hercules chemicals for mininq. 28 p. Appl. au: J. P. HcNally. 6 Hercules, Inc.; 9Dec77; A929620.

4929621. Bite of reception of baptized Christians into full communion with the Catholic Church. 2nd ed. 11 p. @ International Committee on English in the Liturqy, Inc. ; 25Nov7lt; A929621.

4929622. Customer Contact; text outline. 253 p. NH: editorial revision. 6 Deltak, Inc.; 16Har74: 4929622.

4929823. Customer Contact; tutorial guide. 103 p. NM: editorial revision. Deltak, Inc.: 2ajan7it (in notice: 1972, 1973); 4929623.

4929624. The Only boundary. By Lewis E. Babbidge. 1 p. @ Lewis E. Babbidqe; 3Dec77; 4929624.

A929625. Modern (lontessori what to-how to kit. Author: Pegqy Peterson. Appl. au; Expanding Development, Inc. Q Expanding Development, Inc. ; 24Jun77 (in notice; 1976); 4929625.

4929626. Divorce Hithout A Lawyer do-it-yourself divorce kit. Hultiple volumes in envelopes. Appl. au: Norman Bobbins, e Self-Help, Inc.: 10ct77; 4929626.

A929627. Production control techniques. By Robert L. VanDeHark. 2nd revision. 335 p. Portion 1st pub. in Production control techniques. 9 VanDeHark, Inc.; 15Nov77; A929627.

A929628. Ethics and the theology of liberation. By Enrique D. Dussel, translated by Bernard F. dcBilllams. 177 p. Originally pub. as Teoiogia de la liberacion y etica, Caminos de liberacion latinoamericana 2. NH: translation & editorial revisions. a Orbis Books; 19Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4929628.

A929629. Automating zero base budgeting. By Henry J. Genthner & Joseph L. Hebert, Jr. 262 p. Petrocelli Books, Inc.; 22Dec77; A929629.

4929630. Helping cancer patients — effectively. 187 p. NH: compilation, abridgment, editorial revision, additional text 6 pictorial matter. © Intermed Commu- nications, Inc.; 100ct77; A929630.

4929631. Our golden heritage: the Duane and Addie Noble Hamblin family. By Lois Hamblin Golding & Delma Golding Johnson. 451 p. © Delma Golding Johnson; 9Jul77; 4929631.

A929632. United Stationers Supply Company 1978 dealer net pricer. Editor; Howard Holf. Sheets (783 p.) © Howard Holf; 9Sep77; A929632.

4929633. The Only one. 473 p. Appl. au: Bernard Siller. © Bernard Miller; 23Nov77; A929633.

A929634. Oil industry profits. By Shyam Sunder, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 74 p. 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 210ct77; A929634.

4929635. 0SH4 safety regulations: report of the Presidential Task Force. Edited by Paul w. Hac4voy, editor: 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 104 p. (Ford Administration papers on regulatory reform) © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 184pr77; 4929635.

4929636. The Future of the social security system. By John Charles Daly, moderator, James B. Cardwell, Barber B. Conable, 41 Oilman £ u. 411en Rallis, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 43 p. A Bound Table held on Oct. 27, 1977. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 20Dec77; 4929636.

4929637. The Saccharin ban: risks versus benefits. By John Charles Daly, moderator, Sherwin Gardner, James G. Martin, Frank J. Rauscher £ Sidney Nolfe, editor: 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 42 p. 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 13Jun77: 4929637.

4929638. The Future of the United Nations. By John Charles Daly, moderator, J. Hilliam Fulbright, Leonard Garment, Larry P. McDonald £ Joseph J- Sisco, editor: 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 48 p. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 31Jan77; 4929638.

4929639. Does the government profit from inflation? By John Charles Daly, moderator, Sidney Davidson, Hilliam Fellner, Joseph A. Pechman £ Herbert Stein, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 42 p. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 15Jul77; A929639.

4929640. The Medical malpractice dilemma. By John Charles Daly, moderator, Otis R. Bowen, Richard Markus, Jeffrey O'Connell £ Hilliam B. Schwartz, editor; 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 46 p. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 18Feb77; A929640.

4929641. Competition in the airlines: what is the public interest? By John Charles Daly, moderator, Albert V. Casey, Edwin I. colodny, Edward H. Kennedy, Lamar Muse £ John Robson, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 43 p. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 1Sep77; 4929641.

4929642. Professors, politicians and public policy. By John Charles Daly, moderator, Robert H. Bork, S. I. Bayakawa, Irving Kristol £ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, editor: 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 38 p. © 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: 210ct77; A929642.

A929643. U.S. energy policy: which direction? By John Charles Daly, moderator, Melvin B. Laird, Edward J. Mitchell, John F. O'Leary G Morris K. odall, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 45 p. 6 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 31Aug77; 4929643.

4929644. The U.S. Navy; what is its future? By John Charles Daly, moderator, Charles E. Bennett, Patrick J. Leahy, John Moore E John Harner, editor: 4iaerican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 38 p. © 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 27Dec77; 4929644.

A929645. U.S. farm policy: what direction? By John Charles Daly, moderator, Thomas S. Foley, Paul Findley, Clayton K. Yeutter £ John 4. Schnittker, editor; American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 40 p. © 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch; 294pr77; A929645.

4929646. Pro sports: should government intervene? By John Charles Daly, moderator. Jack Kemp, Lee MacPhail, Ed Garvey fi Eoger Noll, editor: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 42 p. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research: 29Apr77; 4929646.

4929647. Prospects for peace in the Middle East. By Joseph J. sisco, moderator, George Ball, J. Hilliam Fulbright, Rita Hauser £ Jacob Kopel Javits, editor: 4merican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 42 p. © American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; 20Dec77; 4929647.

A929648. Begulation of political campaigns — how successful? By Lawrence Edmund Spivak, moderator, John Bayard Anderson, Eugene McCarthy, Fred Hertheimer £ Balph K. Hinter, Jr., editor: American Enterprise

Institute for Public Policy Besearch. 60


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