Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1499

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1930881 - 1930921
JUL-DEC. 1977

1930880 (con.) states copyriqht not clained in any material secured from official U.S. Govt. sources. 6 on additions £> revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Conpany 6 Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany ; 19Dec77; 1930880.

1930881. Cumulative supplement to volume 1«  Modern constitutional lav. Cumulative supplement to volume 2, Hodecn cons- titutional law. By Chester J. Intieau. 2 V. Appl. states copyriqht not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. O on additions G revisions; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 16Dec77: A930881.

1930882. Itpais molecular formula listing, F1, F2. F3. Ed. 13. aicrofiim in 3 cartridges. O Eastman Kodak Company; 22NOV77; 1930882.

1930883. Itpais chemical number listing. El, E2, E3. Ed. 13. Microfilm in 3 cartridges. Eastman Kodak Company; 10ec77: 1930883.

1930884. The House of Landsdoun. By Caroline Parr. IBS p. Ippl. au: Horwitz Publications, employer for hire. Horvitz Publications, a division of Horwitz Group Books, Pty. Ltd.; 1Nov77; 1930884.

1930885. Prom The Blob to Star Bars: the science fiction movie quiz book, 1001 trivia teasers for sci-fi fans. By Bart Andrews, with Howard Davenport. 151 p. O on text; Bart Indrews; 1Nov77: 1930885.

A930886. Orban legacy: the story of lmerica*s cities. By Diana Klebanow, Franklin L. Jonas £ Ira a. Leonard. I421 p. O on new text material, compilation, editing 6 compilation of photos. & statistics; Diana Klebanow, Franklin L. Jonas 6 Ira M. Leonard; 15Nov77; 1930886.

1930887. Cougar on Y. Kit. (BIO designs in needlepoint, ki^ no. 110) Appl. au: Lorraine g. Kiester. O Bocky Mountain Needle Irt; 91uq77; 1930887.

A930888. Sentence sense. No. 19, grades 1-6. 11 cards & 5 p. O H. J. Associates; 23NOV77; 1930888.

A930889. Bords in a series. No. 28, grades 1-6. 11 cards £ sheets (3 p.) M. J. issociates; 23Nov77; 1930889.

A930890. Homonym match-ups. No. 15. 22 cards t sheets (2 p.) C M. J. Associates; 23NOV77: A930890.

1930891. Bhyme time. No. 29, grades 1-6. 16 cards & sheets (2 p.) O a. J. Associates: 23NOV77; A930891.

A930892. Clue endings. No. 18. grades 7-9. 16 cards G sheets (3 p.) H. J. Associates; 23Nov77; 1930892.

1930893. Clue endings. No. 17, grades 1-6. 16 cards £ sheets (3 p.) O M. J. Associates: 23NOV77: A930893.

1930891. Inagrams. No. 16. 11 cards & sheets (3

1930895. 1 Proposal for analysis of freight energy conservation options; technical proposal, lug. 9, 1977. 151 p. O Irthur Young and Company; 9Auq77; 1930895.

1930896. 1 proposal to assess the feasibility of conducting controlled experiments for several DDL regulatory programs; technical proposal, lug. 19, 1977. 1 v. Irthur Young and Company; 19Aug77: 1930896.

1930897. BLIS/COBOL version 1.7. 320 p. BCE, Inc.; 81uq75: 1930897.

1930898. The Effect of affect: over 100 classroom activities to develop better relation- ships, self-esteem and decision making. By Inthony J. Cedoline. 61 p. Icademic Therapy Publications, Inc.; 1Sep77; A930898.

1930899. Compucards; teacher's manual to accompany card set. By Paul LoConte. 11 p. Icademic Therapy Publications, Inc.; 1Sep77; 1930899.

1930900. Readability rater for estimating readability of printed materials. By Hard Cramer £ Boqer Trent. Folder. Icademic Therapy Publications, Inc.; lSep77; 1930900.

1930901. A Manual for the training of sequential memory and attention. By Pnina S. Klein £ Allen A. Schwartz. 111 p. C Academic Therapy Publications; 1Sep77; A930901.

1930902. I'm going to visit my daddy! luthor: Deirdre Conway Band, illustrator: Kathleen Puccio Mitchell, designer: Timothy Mitchell. 1 V. Deirdre Conway Band, Kathleen Puccio Mitchell £ Timothy Mitchell; lSep77; 1930902.

1930903. Assessing the learning disabled: selected instruments. By August J. Mauser. 2nd ed. 109 p. O Academic Therapy Publications, Inc.; lSep77; A930903.

A930901. Our educational challenge: specific learning-disabled adolescents; a practical teaching guide. By Frances Borum DeHitt. 110 p. Academic Therapy Publications. Inc.; 1Sep77; A930901.

A930905. fiemediation of reversals. By A. J. Kirshner. 31 p. 6 1. J. Kirshner; lSep77; 1930905.

1930906. "Dignity", employment discrimination on the basis of sex; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by Louise 1. Uheeler. 1 v. Ippi. au: Constitutional Bights Foun- dation. O Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; 1930906.

A930907. "Do you believe?" religious rights in the public schools; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by Morton M. Bosenfeld. 1 v. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foun- dation. Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; A930907.

A930908. "Turnabout", reverse discrimination in university admissions; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by Margaret Morrow. 1 v. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foun- dation. Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; A930908.

A930909. "Play ball", sex discrimination in sports; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by Lionel S. Sobel. 1 v. Appl. aa: Constitutional Bights Foundation. O Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1NOV77: A930909.

A930910. "No vacancies", governmental rest- rictions to slow or prevent population growth; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by Kevin P. Kane £ Boy Shults. 1 v. ippl. au; Constitutional Bights Foundation. Constitutional Bights Foundation; lNov77; 1930910.

1930911. "With interest it comes to", uncon- scionable clauses in sales contracts; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by Simon M. Lome. 1 V. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. O constitutional Bights Foundation; lNov77; A930911.

A930912. "Satisfaction guaranteed", rights of consumer against manufacturer and dealer; a lawyer lesson plan. Prepared by uilliam L. Nelson. 1 V. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. Constitutional Bights Foundation; 1Nov77; A930912.

A930913. Plain old algebra: a dual approach; prelim, ed. By Bonald u. Uolloway £ Victor S. strozak. 722 p. O Bonald B. Holloway 6 Victor Strozak; 220ct77; A930913.

1930914. Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo and the Santa Claus mystery. By Fern G. Brown, illustrated by Jim Franzen. 1 v. O Hanna-Barbera Productions. Inc.; lAug77; A930914.

A930915. The Christmas snowman. By Diane Sherman, illustrated by Sharon Kane. 1 v. Band acNally and Company; 1Aug77; A930915.

A930916. A Thousand candy Santas. By Daphne Doward Hogstrom. illustrated by Marilou Bise. 1 V. Band McNally and Company; lAuq77; A930916.

A930917. Santa's runaway elf. By Jean Lewis, illustrated by Marjorie Cooper. 1 v. NM: new text. Band McNally and Company; lAuq77: A930917.

A930918. Lost treasures of America: searching out hidden riches. By Arnold Madison, illustrated by Dick Bahl. 121 p. Band McNally and Company; 16Sep77; A930918.

A930919. One man's horse. By Marguerite Henry, illustrated by Hesley Dennis. 103 p. NB: introd. £ postlude. O Band McNally and Company; 30ct77; A930919.

A930920. A Time to keep: the Tasha Tudor book of holidays. Britten £ illustrated by Tasha Tudor. 1 v. O Band McNally and Company; 16Sep77; 1930920.

1930921. Gymnastics and you: the whole story of the sport. By Michael Besnick. 96 p.

Na: new text £ compilation of photos.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.